Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1779: Buddhism, Heavenly Buddha, Buddha Land, Buddha in the north

The latest website: Guxing, Chilei Mountains.

Above a mountain peak, golden lights suddenly appeared, and there was a terrifying Buddha-nature in the golden light.

After the appearance of this terrifying Buddha-nature, it frantically moved towards Tianji Lingshan, one of the five Buddhas, and the Pure Land of Victory in the North, where the Bukong Buddha was located, swept away.

Inside a golden palace in the Pure Land of Victory.

Sitting cross-legged like a big Buddha, Tianji Lingshan is not empty Buddha, slowly opening his eyes, golden eyes with a hint of surprise.

"Such a terrifying Buddha-nature, has something been born?"

The north is not empty Buddha, pondering in his mouth. The huge figure instantly turned into the appearance of a middle-aged monk.

when his shape changed.

Three monks in golden cassocks appeared in the hall.

These three are the three major disciples of Bukong Buddha, and the Dharma name is: Fearless, Selfless, Impossible.

"I have seen Master, and there seems to be a ruin in the Chilei Mountains, exuding a terrifying Buddha nature."

The fearless monk headed among them said.

"Could it be that there are some Buddhist dojos in the ancient star, although none of the Buddhist dojos can be ranked in the top ten dojos, but it is not simple, let's go and see!"

Bu Kong Buddha said in a deep voice.

at this time.

The Chilei Mountains also gathered a lot of loose cultivators.

They all looked at the golden light.

"What a powerful Buddha's light, I don't know what ancient star ruins appeared? Do you think that if we get the inheritance inside, will we be able to enter Buddha overnight?"

Some people spoke up.

"This place is close to the Pure Land of Victory Karma, one of the five Buddhas of the Heavenly Vulture Spirit Mountain. You think you can get the inheritance inside. Don't dream. I think the person from the Pure Land of Victory Karma will arrive soon. Maybe it's not empty. The Buddha will also come."

The person beside him said in a deep voice.

Hearing this man's words, the eyes around him flickered.

One of the strong cultivators, with a flash, rushed towards the place shrouded in the Buddha's light.

It seems that the person who wants to take advantage of the victory in the Pure Land has not arrived, so he will enter first and seize the opportunity.


Just as he was close to the place where the Buddha's light was shrouded, the terrifying Buddha's light seemed to be like a tide, rushing towards the Sanctuary powerhouse.

There was a power in the body of the loose cultivator, but his power could not be compared with the terrifying Buddha light at all. He was directly torn apart, and finally his entire body was wrapped by the Buddha light.

After the package, the terrifying Buddha nature rushed into his body. After a while, the person who was a strong cultivator seemed to be purified, and his hands turned into Buddhist symbols.

"He was transformed by this Buddha's light!"

Seeing this phenomenon, many people exclaimed.

Previously, there were some people who wanted to be the same as this loose cultivator, and all those who were ready to strike first stopped their bodies and looked at the front in horror.

"how so?"

When they were horrified, doubts arose in their hearts.

During this period of time, some small ruins also appeared, and many people entered, but they did not encounter such a situation.

Just when everyone was surprised.

A crack appeared in the void, and everyone's eyes moved towards the crack.


As the crack expanded, a strong golden light flew from the crack, and endless mysterious runes quickly escaped.

Although this golden light was strong, it seemed very gentle.

"There are too many people in the Buddha Land of Tianjiuling Mountain!"

Seeing this golden light, the loose cultivators knew that a person from the Buddha Land had appeared.

When they made their voices heard, a resounding Buddha's name resounded through the heavens and the earth:


The surging Buddha power emanated from the golden light to the void, and the endless Buddha's light and shadow appeared from the cracks in the void.

Then four figures appeared in front of everyone.

It was the three disciples that Bukong Buddha sat down with.

At this time, Bukong Buddha's body was huge, and behind his head, a round of bright light of wisdom flashed, emitting immeasurable Buddha's light, echoing the Buddha's light in the Chilei Mountains.

"What a strong Buddha nature, this place is not simple!"

The Bukong Buddha looked at the place shrouded by the Buddha's light.

"Master, let me break the Buddha's light and check the situation inside!"

Among the three disciples, the monk Wu stepped forward.

When he stepped out, a dazzling Buddha seal flashed in the palm of his hand. This Buddha seal formed a Buddha palm. .

boom! The powerful Buddha palm is imprinted in the Buddha light.

The originally surging Buddha light shattered under this palm, revealing a huge palace.

This palace is the Yungu Leifeng that Emperor Tathagata took from Su Hao.

A huge palace appeared in front of everyone, and a golden halo circulated over the palace.

"Or the intact palace, this?"

Seeing this situation, some people looked puzzled.

The palaces that appeared in many ruins were dilapidated, but not in good condition. Now, there is an intact palace here. How can they not be surprised and puzzled.

"Master, this!"

The incapable stared at the Bukong Buddha behind him.

"There is a terrifying Buddha power inside, and there are people in this palace!"

At this time, the Buddha said with a frown.

By practicing Buddhism in the same way, he can know that there are people inside and his aura is still very strong.

"I don't know, that Venerable is practicing here!"

Bukong Buddha stepped forward and said.

When he spoke, there was a hint of vigilance in his eyes.

"Bukong Buddha, come to the Buddhist sect Yungu Leifeng, do not say a word, then take action, this is a provocation to my Buddhist sect!"

At this moment, a loud voice came from the palace.

"Buddha, Yungu Leifeng?!"

When everyone heard this sentence, they were puzzled, but then became shocked.

Buddhism, this name is not simple.

Not everyone can use it.

What's more, in the ancient star field, the Buddhist sect is mainly based on the Buddha Land of Tianjiuling Mountain, but there is never any Buddhist sect.

His eyes could not help but look at the Buddha.

Bukong Buddha is one of the five Buddhas of the Heavenly Vulture Spirit, but he will not let people take the name of Buddhism.

Sure enough, after hearing this, the Buddha of the North is not empty. Although his expression did not change, a cold light flashed in his eyes.

He walked on foot, appeared in front of Yungu Leifeng, and stood in the sky.

Looking down at Yungu Leifeng with a condescending gaze.

"I don't know, who is Your Excellency, who actually pretends to be a disciple of Buddhism here. Today, I am not empty of Buddha, so I will clear the door of Buddhism!" That is when Buddha is not empty.

The palm was raised, and the fearless handprint was condensed in his hand. The monstrous power of the stalwart formed a huge transparent palm towards the cloud and thunder peak below.

Compared with the previous handprints that could not be monks, now Bukong Buddha made his move, which seemed to be even more powerful.

"This is not empty, Buddha is domineering, I wonder if this person who claims to be a Buddhist can stop this blow!"

Some people thought to themselves.

At this moment, in the palace, golden light flickered, and a monk dressed in sackcloth with red beads around his neck appeared from the palace.

Although he was wearing sackcloth, the Buddha light on his body was very pure.

He was holding a golden Buddha plate in his hand, which was the celestial Buddha who came with the Emperor Tathagata.

Looking at the golden handprint shrouded in it, he didn't resist and let the golden handprint fall on him.

But when the fierce handprint fell on the body of the Buddha, it shattered instantly and turned into light spots, all of which were taken into the body by the Buddha.

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