Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1780: 10 forces of Buddhism, the Buddha is not empty

The latest website: I saw the Buddha inhaling all his own handprints into the body

The Bukong Buddha's eyes narrowed, and the originally kind-hearted face became serious.

The person on the opposite side is not simple, he was able to absorb his Buddha energy into his body.

"who are you?"

Bu Kong Buddha looked at the other side and said.

"Heavenly Buddha!"

Heavenly Buddha said.

"Heavenly Buddha, are you from Fudo Pluto City?"

Hearing the name of the Buddha, Bukong Buddha was startled.

Tianji Lingshan has investigated all the characters who have appeared in Fudo Pluto City.

In particular, the masters of Buddhism and Taoism that appeared in Fudo Pluto City, the Heavenly Buddha, and the Emperor Tathagata all know it.

"Fujian Pluto City, this person is the Heavenly Buddha of Fudo Pluto City!"

Hearing Bukong Buddha's words, everyone's eyes were stunned. The number of times that Tianfo Zun appeared was very small, and it was really rare in everyone's impression.

"You brought me here specially. What do you mean by not moving the Pluto City? Are you going to fight my Buddha Land?"

Bukong Buddha looked at the Heavenly Buddha and said coldly.

"I didn't invite you to come. I, the Buddha Sect Yungu Leifeng, was born. I didn't let you come."

The Buddha said softly.

"Buddha, Yungu Leifeng, you don't move Pluto City, it's the power of the devil, how can you look at the Buddha, how can you use the words of the Buddha."

When Bukong Buddha spoke, the whole body began to flicker, and the whole person became solemn.

"Official introduction, this is the immovable Pluto City, one of the three masters of the Buddhist sects of the ten directions."

At this time, the Heavenly Buddha was explaining his identity.

"The forces of the ten directions, the Buddhist sect!"

Hearing the words of the Buddha, the people watching the battle were shocked.

They all know about the forces of the ten directions in Fudo Pluto City, but many times, they see the leaders of the forces of the ten directions, and they don't know the forces they lead.

Now the appearance of this cloud and thunder peak has broken their previous fixed thinking.

It is rumored that this immovable Pluto city has been inherited from the ten major dojo forces in the ancient star field, which may be true.

Perhaps soon, the ten forces that do not move Pluto City will gradually appear.

Hearing the words of the Buddha, some people thought of this in their hearts.

But then there was a flash of light in their eyes.

The Buddha Sect, one of the ten forces in Fudo Pluto City, appeared, and the location also appeared in the Chilei Mountains. It is not necessary to think that it is to deal with the Buddha Land of Tianjiling Mountain.

"I want to see how powerful you are, the three masters of the Buddhist sect?"

That Bukong Buddha sneered, and took a step, and the Buddha's rays of light poured out from his body, forming a rune shrouded in his palm.

Bukong Buddha's figure also grew rapidly, occupying half of the sky.

The power is unparalleled.

Under the background of the Buddha's light, the whole person is like a bright sun.

Without any hesitation, he slapped the Heavenly Buddha with a palm.

This Buddhist sect appeared here, and it was clear that he was going to deal with his pure land of victory. He had to kill this heavenly Buddha first.


when he took the palm.

The Buddha's body is also shrouded in Buddha's light, and the whole person seems to be submerged in the Buddha's light, and countless ancient golden Sanskrit characters appear around him.

These Sanskrit words quickly condensed a huge Buddha palm,

The Buddha's palm is huge, and its golden fingers are like pillars of optimism. With surging power, it bombards the falling palm. boom!

The two palms touched, and the endless Buddha light shrouded both of them.

At this time, the three disciples who followed Bukong Buddha came, looked at each other, and walked towards Yungu Leifeng at the same time.

Palms into fists. Punch out.

They want to smash this cloud and thunder peak.

As long as the palace is smashed, then what face does this Buddhist sect have, and continue to be here.


The void vibrated, and the huge fist energy moved towards Yungu Leifeng.

At this moment, many people looked at Yungu Leifeng, wanting to see if anyone appeared in Yungu Leifeng.

However, in their perception, there is no breath in this cloud and thunder peak.

It's like an empty palace.

But just when their fist strength was about to fall in front of Yungu Leifeng, a golden Buddha plate appeared on Yungu Leifeng, blocking all their fist strength.

The three looked shocked.

But then a look of horror appeared on their faces.

Three figures appeared on the Buddha plate, and these three figures were exactly the shapes of the three of them.


The three people on the Buddha plate were posing as if they had just bombarded Yungu and Leifeng.

Punch out.

Punching out a thunderous force, he rushed to the three who shot.

The three quickly resisted.


The two forces collided, and the three people were shaken and retreated, blood overflowing from the corners of their mouths.

They were stunned by the three figures drawn from the Buddha disc.

"I didn't expect fearless and their attacks to be resisted, and they were also transformed into shapes to fight back against them with their own strength."

"It also wounded them. This Buddha plate can not only accept the attack, but also transform the person who took the shot to counterattack, and its power is stronger than the power they sent before!"

These people were amazed.

Because if it is not stronger by one point, it is impossible to shock the few people who shot.

It is not easy to move the Buddhist sect of Hades City

It's just that there are fewer people.

"Do you think there are still people in this Buddhist sect?"

"Isn't there another Emperor Tathagata? The Emperor Tathagata hasn't appeared yet, and the Emperor Tathagata is one of the five deputy city lords of Fudo Pluto City."

Some people still know about Emperor Tathagata, after all, the other party is one of the five deputy city lords of Fudo Pluto City.

This is fame.

Although very few shots.

But from other circumstances, the strength of the Emperor Tathagata should be to step into the third realm.

Another place.

Su Hao's mansion.

"Lord, Heavenly Buddha has already fought against the Northern Bukong Buddha!"

Black and White said.

"It has already started, that Bukong Buddha should not be the opponent of Tianfo Zun, and it should be won soon!"

Su Hao said.

Although Tianfo Zun did not step into the third realm of robbery like Emperor Tathagata, he has also been promoted to the second realm of robbery during this period of time.

Heavenly Vulture Spirit Mountain's Wuyuan Buddha's strength is also in the second realm of robbery.

Therefore, there should be no problem with Tian Buddha taking the Bukong Buddha of the Buddha of the Five Directions.

"We're still fighting, let's see if we can draw some trump cards from Tianji Lingshan."

Black and white.

"Is that so? Have they found out the news of the Canglan World Lord?"

Since the fusion of the ancient stars, those world masters have appeared, but they have disappeared since then.

It is impossible to disappear for no reason.

What should you be looking for?

Now that the city of Pluto is not moving, it is not a single shot, and we must pay attention to the few people who have disappeared.

"The subordinates are investigating, and the four people have found one of the top ten dojo forces of Gu Xing, Liantian Huifeng Cave, as if they are accepting inheritance!"

Black and White Absolute Accept the inheritance? Then let them come back after accepting the inheritance and find that their forces have all disappeared! "

"Then let Youhabach and Seven Nights Demon Lord speed up their progress and capture these world master forces."

A cold light flashed in Su Hao's eyes.

Just then.

Su Hao received a message from Gu Xi'er that the God of War people from outside the forbidden area appeared in the God of War Palace.

"The people of the God of War outside the forbidden area? I am more interested in meeting this person of the God of War!":

After Su Hao finished speaking, he disappeared into Su Mansion with the figures of Black and White Jue and Blood Devouring Devil Vine.

When they reappeared, they had already arrived at the God of War Palace.

After the fusion, Su Hao practiced the teleportation formation in the God of War Palace, which was convenient for going back and forth.

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