Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1783: 1 knife to kill Bukong Buddha, 6 major deployments of the Emperor Tathagata

The latest website: In the Chilei Mountains.

After Tianfo Zun and Bukong Buddha collided, their bodies flew out.

"After fighting for so long, you haven't sent anyone from Tianji Lingshan, which really disappoints me."

"If that's the case, then I'll send you into the Paradise of Elysium."

At this time, the voice of Tian Buddha also became thicker, shaking the four directions, resounding through the heaven and earth,

"What, Buddha has been fighting for so long this day, and he just wants to attract people from Tianjiling Mountain to come!"

Some of the powerhouse cultivators changed their expressions when they heard the words of the Heavenly Buddha.

On this day, the realm of the Buddha is in the second realm, but the northern Buddha is also in the second realm.

The two are about the same level.

On this day, the Buddha did not put the Bukong Buddha in his eyes at all.

"Crazy, Heavenly Buddha, you are so arrogant!"

Hearing the words of the Buddha, the kindness on the face of the Bukong Buddha disappeared, and his face became full of anger. The whole body was full of Buddha light, and a golden bowl with golden light appeared in his palm.

When the golden bowl appeared, the breath on his body skyrocketed again, and the Buddha light became violent.



The huge golden bowl soared into the air in his hands, like a giant mountain, with a tyrannical and domineering Buddha's intent, and attacked the Heavenly Buddha.

At this moment, Bukong Buddha seemed to be showing his fangs, exuding an extremely powerful attacking aura.

Some loose cultivators suddenly felt a strong crisis, and their figures began to move away.

Heavenly Buddha sensed the change in the other party, and his face did not change in the slightest.

"It seems that someone from your Tianji Lingshan is here, so I will kill you with one knife!" d

While speaking, Tian Buddha Zun's body began to change, turning into a Jie Dao exuding Buddha's light.

The Jie Dao appeared, although it radiated Buddha light, but it was like a fierce sword, destroying everything, leaving no life, and it was not tolerated by heaven and earth.

It's just that the stronger the viciousness of this Jie Dao, the more Buddha's light will flourish.


Jie Dao soared into the air and slashed out.

The endless Buddha's light sword light is filled with fierce aura, overwhelming the sky and covering the earth, with huge formidable power, shaking the world, only to hear a click, the golden bowl that was bombarded in the face, under this blow, instantly shattered and turned into nothingness.

After the golden bowl, Bukong Buddha's complexion changed drastically at this time. He did not expect his golden bowl to be cut off by the opponent.

An indescribable feeling of terror surged in Bukong Buddha's heart.

At this moment, he felt that he was going to be cut off.

when he thinks

A light flashed. Immediately his mind stopped in place.

"I was beheaded."

This is his idea.

Then his body was divided in two, eroded by the knife light, turned into nothingness and dissipated in the void,


A knife.

Seeing this situation, the scattered cultivator's eyes were startled.

In the same realm, Bukong Buddha was beheaded by Heavenly Buddha with one sword.


At this time, the three disciples of Bukong Buddha let out a roar.

They attacked the Heavenly Buddha.

The Buddha's light on the three of them was prosperous, as if they were dying, and they attacked the Buddha at the same time.

Chi Chi Chi!

Before the three of them reached the Buddha's face, their bodies directly split into the Buddha's light and disappeared.

"Heavenly Buddha! You dare to kill the Bukong Buddha in Tianjiling Mountain!"

At this moment, a rumbling sound resounded in the void like thunder,

Then the void split open, and a huge Buddha seal appeared from the void, and the billowing Buddha seal reflected in the void.


Behind this palm, a golden dragon also sprang out from the void, and a huge breath, with a violent dragon might, appeared behind the golden palm, and came towards the Heavenly Buddha.

Between heaven and earth, the sound of rumbling resounded.

"There is someone coming from Tianji Lingshan!"

One person spoke.

Heavenly Buddha's complexion remained unchanged, his palm was raised, his arm turned into a knife, and he slashed out, colliding with the attacking palm and the golden dragon.


Just like the beginning of the universe, between heaven and earth, there was a sudden explosion, a loud noise that shook the earth, the void within a radius of hundreds of miles, all shattered, turned into a golden vacuum area, a strong shock wave, radiated towards the surrounding, the entire red thunder The mountains boiled, and countless mountains began to collapse.

After a long time, the world became quiet.

Two figures appeared in front of Heavenly Buddha.

"Under my Buddha's seat, the colored glass Buddha, the Earth Store Buddha, kill you today!"

The two figures spoke up.

"Liu Li Buddha, Ksitigarbha Buddha, why haven't I heard of these two?"

Hearing Liuli Buddha and the others reporting their own dharma names, some people couldn't help asking the people beside them.

They had never heard of these two.

"This is estimated to be the trump card of Tianji Lingshan!"

some said.

Buddha was able to compete with the characters of the Three Great Dao Palace back then, how could his trump card be weak.

After all, there are only three people in the Three Great Dao Palace.

He is only one.

This world has never had mercy, and some are the strong prey to the weak, so the strength or power of the Buddha is what makes the Three Great Dao Palace jealous.

If they were not afraid, they would have subdued the Buddha long ago, and there would be no need to become Bodhi.

at this time!

Inside the Shrine of War

Su Hao and Gu Xi'er were watching the battle.

Seeing the appearance of the Glazed Glass Buddha and the Earth Store Buddha, Su Hao's eyes narrowed slightly. He thought that the Buddha would send a lantern or other Buddhas from the five directions to come, but he didn't expect it to appear.

"This Heavenly Vulture Mountain has an extraordinary background!"

"Can the Heavenly Buddha be able to handle it?"

Gu Xier asked.

"Can handle it, let alone the Emperor Tathagata over there?"

"However, the details of these two people are unknown, and I don't know how strong they are?"

Su Hao said in a deep voice.

"There are still a few people in the Buddhist sect!" Su Hao thought to himself.

Thinking of this, Su Hao thought that he hasn't signed in today, and wondered if he could sign in something.

Sign in directly.

He wished he could randomly sign in Buddhist things.

[The host signed in today, got 100 check-in points, and randomly rewarded the Buddha's Head Emperor Tathagata's six deployment cards, which have been stored in the inventory, please check the host in time. 】

"Six deployment cards?"

Su Hao didn't expect to sign such a thing.

Immediately find out which six major deployments are.

[The Six Great Arrangements of the Emperor Tathagata: Daru Guangshi, Dharma Master Wheel King, Saint Amitabha, No Confusion, Transcendence of Misunderstandings, Abandoning Deeds of Deeds, Removing Tortures,]

The strength of these people is in the realm of robbery.

It can be said to be more luxurious.

"This time, the number of people in the Buddhist sect has increased!"

A smile appeared on Su Hao's face.

Send all the six deployment cards to the Emperor Tathagata's side.

Inside Cloud Drum Thunder Peak.

The Emperor Tathagata sat cross-legged in the hall.

Buddha does not take action, he does not need to take action for the time being

After receiving Su Hao's deployment card, Di Rulai showed a smile on his face and immediately summoned these six people.

Suddenly, six figures appeared in front of him.

"The six of you go to the Pure Land of Victory Industry and receive the Buddha Land that is not empty!"

Bukong Buddha has been beheaded, so his territory should also be won.


The six figures flashed out of the Cloud Drum Thunder Peak.

At this time, the Heavenly Buddha was confronting the Glazed Glass Buddha and the Earth Store Buddha.

And there are six figures in the cloud and thunder peak, which is very surprising.

"See Uncle Buddha!" ​​After the six people saluted the Heavenly Buddha, they headed straight for the Pure Land of Victory.

"They want it!"

Seeing the figure that left the six paths, some people were puzzled.

"This is to take over the Pure Land of Victory from the Buddha!"

Some people said in horror. "Looking for death, Jizo Demon Dragon Seal!"

The Ksitigarbha Buddha beside the Colored Glass Buddha saw this, his face condensed, and a palm swept towards the six people.

Palm came out, and a huge magic dragon rose into the air.

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