Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1784: Occupy the Pure Land of Victory, the Dojo Snow Ridge Heavenly Grotto

The latest website: "Shenyuan Sword Seal · Forgive the common people!"

At this time, the palm of the Buddha's hand was sealed.

A huge sword print appeared in his hand and swept towards the dragon.

"Have you asked me if you've ever come out."

The Glazed Buddha snorted coldly, patted his palm out, and pressed his huge golden palm to the sword print.

Don't give Heavenly Buddha a chance to rescue those six people.

"Even if I don't take action, do you think you can leave the six major deployments of the Buddha's head?" Lord Buddha snorted coldly.

It didn't even make a move.

"Their strength is also at the first level of the Tribulation Realm. How can they block the demon dragon of the Tibetan Buddha!"

The Liuli Buddha snorted coldly.

But when his voice fell.

The six figures turned into six afterimages and disappeared within the range of the dragon's attack.

"Leave me!"

The Tibetan Buddha had killing intent on his face, his body flashed, and he immediately chased after the six people like lightning.

But this time.

A huge transparent palm with rolling Buddha light appeared in front of Ksitigarbha Buddha.

When this palm came out, the space fluctuated violently. Ksitigarbha Buddha only felt the surrounding void change, and then his eyes were pitch black. ’

When he appeared again, he was already beside the Glass Buddha.


Not only the Ksitigarbha Buddha was shocked, but even the Glass Buddha was the same.

"The existence of the same level as the Buddha!"

The hearts of the two sank immediately, they did not expect that there is still the existence of the first-level Buddha here.


This thought appeared in their hearts, and their bodies turned into an afterimage, escaping into the distance.

Hundreds of miles away in the blink of an eye.

"It's coming, why are you leaving in such a hurry?"

A voice sounded in their ears.

The voice was flat, but it revealed an unquestionable, unacceptable violation.


The voice fell, and the Buddha's light surged in the sky, turning into five huge fingers in the blink of an eye, appearing above the heads of the two of them.

It fell to the top of the two of them.

If this palm fell, the two would not even have a chance to leave.

"Why did this master of the Three Realms of Buddhism make a move?"

They secretly said in their hearts, but at the same time they snorted.

"The Buddha is here!"

A huge figure appeared on each of them.

The two huge figures merged in an instant, forming a huge Buddha figure, which bombarded the falling palm with a palm.


The two forces collided, and the void shook.

The Ksitigarbha Buddha and the Colored Glass Buddha fled in an instant.

They are not the opponents of the shot, and they will die if they stay here.

Now they feel like they're clowns, coming to die.

Knowing that Fudo Pluto is strong, he still came like this.

"You really can't leave if you come!"

Just after they broke through the air, a figure appeared in front of them.

The two of them only looked at the big hand of the sky, and did not think of the previous Heavenly Buddha at all.

Heavenly Buddha shot, his palms slammed out, and before the two returned to their senses, they directly printed their palms on their bodies.

The huge power made the figures of the two men fall towards the ground like meteors.

At this moment.

There is a huge suction force above the cloud drum and thunder peak

The two people who fell were instantly absorbed by Yungu Leifeng's huge Buddha's light suction and disappeared.

"Emperor, we will meet!"

The Buddha figure in the void made such a sound and then dissipated.

"Well, what do you think the two of them will become?"

"I think it will be overthrown."

some said. Gu Rong

"Today, the Pure Land of Victory has become the territory of my Buddhist sect!"

When everyone guessed like this, a loud voice came out from the mouth of the Buddha.

at this time.

The battle was seen in many places.

Especially some secondary forces. Without moving the city of Hades, one of the ten forces, the Buddhist sect, appeared and began to fight against the Heavenly Vulture Mountain.

The invisible empire led by the other Eight Great Demon Lords, Habach, and the Yinyue Dynasty led by the Seven Nights Demon Lord also began to take action.

The entire Ancient Star Region felt like it was about to explode.

Inside the God of War Palace.

Su Hao retracted the projection in front of him.

"The strength of your immovable Pluto City is really too strong. By the way, there should be people from the War God Clan. Do you want to get rid of them together?!"

Gu Xier said.

"Look at the progress of Gu Chensha first!"

Su Hao said.

As he spoke, a jade card flashed in his hand.

"Why did Niu Wuye contact me?"

Su Hao was a little puzzled when he saw that it was the news sent by Niu Wuye.

"His Royal Highness, I don't know why you contacted me?"

Su Hao waved his hand and a figure appeared in front of him.

It is the third highness of the Void God Race, the void night.

"The main reason for contacting City Lord Su Shao this time is to ask City Lord Su Shao to help!"

"In the place controlled by the Void Sacred Mountain, there is a Daqiangong. The Daqiangong undoubtedly has the inheritance of the Blood Demon City. They want the Void Sacred Mountain to surrender."

"Void God Mountain is the power of my Void God Clan. I am the third highness of the Void God Clan, so please City Lord Su Shao to help deal with Daqiangong!"

"As for the corresponding remuneration, I am willing to provide some clues to the Halloween Mountain Dojo."

The void night said.

"I don't need the clues of the Halloween Tianshan Dojo."

Su Hao waved his hands.

He wanted to make Fudo Hades City the inheritor of the All Saints Tianshan Dojo.

If you know some clues from others.

That would reveal something.

Hearing Su Hao's words, Xu Wuye's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he said, "City Master Su Shao is not interested in Wansheng Tianshan, and I don't know if he is interested in Xueling Tiancao Dojo."

"Xueling Tiancao?"

Su Hao's eyes narrowed.

This Void Night actually knew something about the Halloween Mountains and the Xueling Heavenly Grottoes.

"I don't know how much the Third Highness knows about this Snow Ridge Heavenly Grotto. If there are too few clues, I'm not interested."

Su Hao said.

"I only know about a vision. If that vision appears, the mirage in the Snow Mountain Cave will appear."

"I think as long as the mirage scene of Xueling Tian Grottoes appears, relying on the immovable Hades City where City Lord Su Shao is located, we should be able to find Xueling Tian Grottoes."

Void Night said.

"His Royal Highness, there is no sincerity, I think the third highness should be able to come up with something better, or something more valuable!"

Su Hao said in a deep voice.

"I want to contact City Master Su Shao tomorrow morning."

The void night frowned slightly and said.

"I'm waiting for the information from the Third Highness!"

After Su Hao finished speaking, he put away the communication talisman in his hand.

"These three highnesses are not simple. It seems that they need to investigate. I don't know what the situation of Hei Jue's investigation into the secret realm outside the Ten Thousand Saints Tianshan cave is going Su Hao thought to himself.

at this time

in a secret place.

Xu Wuye narrowed his eyes slightly and glanced at him sitting not far away. The ancestor who is sitting cross-legged and practicing.

The brows are clenched, and now the ancestor is at a critical moment and cannot be distracted.

But if the Void Sacred Mountain is not protected, then the enemies of the Void Royal Family will definitely take the opportunity to blame.

After all, the ancestors came with him, and many people knew it.

What's more, he gave up the Void Fruit to befriend Su Hao and became a tongue-in-cheek, which was already detrimental to him.

Thinking of this, Niu Wuye was troubled for a while

Without a powerful trump card, he was always in a passive state when trading with Su Hao.

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