Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1852: Destroy the Kunlun Temple

The latest website: Hear the words of the woman in white.

The woman in green beside her was startled.

She didn't expect the woman in white to have such an idea.

"But what if Niu Wuye told this matter?"

"So what if I say it? It doesn't have any effect on me."

The woman in white said softly.

"But you can't wait for the decision on the side of Wuwuye. You can find a way to enter Gu Xing and see if you can get in touch with the people from Pluto City."

The woman in white then ordered.

"Subordinates know!"

The woman in Tsing Yi bowed and left.

A palace.

A man in a golden robe was sitting on the dragon-shaped seat of the palace.

In front of him was a gloomy old woman.

"Xiwuye was called over by Princess Qinglian just now. As for what they talked about, the old lady didn't find out."

The old woman said.

"What did he look like when he left?"

The man in the seat asked.

"His Royal Highness, what does the Third Highness seem to be thinking about?"

The old woman replied.

"It seems that my third brother is still not reconciled, but he has been disqualified from the ancestral temple and can't turn over. Why do things in vain?"

"Could it be that sister, what do you think?"

The golden-robed man said in a deep voice.

"His Royal Highness, do you think Princess Qinglian has any idea about the emperor's position?"

The old woman opened her mouth.

Hearing this, His Highness's eyes narrowed, and then there was a flash of light in his eyes.

"Pay close attention to the movements of the people around Qinglian, maybe she will become our opponent."

His Highness said in a low voice.

"What is my second brother's situation now? Hu Jianqiu, who was beside him, was beheaded and should return to the imperial city!"

His Highness asked.

"His Royal Highness, the Second Highness is still staying there. It seems that he is planning something? The old woman thinks that he may take the person who killed Hu Jianqiu as the person of Gu Xing?"

The old woman said.

"Send someone to monitor, and if there is any movement, it will be sent back to the imperial city immediately."

His Highness ordered.

If it wasn't for something in the imperial court, he would have gone to that place to take a look.

"My subordinates have already made arrangements, your Highness can rest assured."

The old woman bowed and said.

"Go down!" His Highness waved his hand.

In the hall, restore peace.

There was a sneer at the corner of His Highness's mouth: "It's all futile struggles, and the position of emperor is none other than me."

"I don't know, what are you arguing with me for?"

when he speaks.

A black-robed man appeared behind His Highness. The person wearing a mask appeared suddenly and did not reveal a trace of breath.

If you hadn't seen the person standing here, you wouldn't have felt the person's breath at all.

"How are the preparations over there?"

His Highness asked.

"Some elders who have already controlled the Kunlun Temple can destroy the Kunlun Temple at any time."

The masked man replied.

The voice was cold and ruthless.

"Then start to destroy the Kunlun Temple. You go to the Kunlun Temple in person, use the Soul Reaper to control Jiang Kunlun, and see if you can get some news of the ancient star forces from the Kunlun Temple."

His Highness said.

"Subordinates know."

The figure of the man in black disappeared inside the palace.

Another place.

Su Hao didn't wait for the second prince's revenge.

Inside the inn, Su Hao opened his eyes, walked to the window and looked towards the street outside.

In the past few days, this side city has become more lively than before.

"Lord, only people have been investigating us these few days, but none of them dared to approach." Hei Jue said.

"Have you found out the details of that Goddess Yuehua? What does she want to do here?"

Su Hao asked.

"The subordinate checked it out. The other party came for Fudo Pluto City, and it seemed that he wanted to contact Fudo Pluto City."

Blood-devouring Demon Vine Road.

Now in the underground of the inn, the rattan of the blood-devouring vine has penetrated everywhere.

He eavesdropped on some information from Goddess Yuehua.

Of course, Goddess Riyuehua is also very low-key these days, as if she was deliberately trying to make others forget her.

"Want to contact Fudo Hades City?"

"Do you know what they want to do?"

Su Hao asked.

"They are very cautious, there is no such aspect in their words, and they are very vigilant?"

The blood-devouring vine said.

"Find a way to let Duan Fengchen contact this Goddess Yuehua and see what they plan to do."

Su Hao said.

"Yes, I'll let you know."

The blood-devouring vine disappeared.

"I want to see who you are and what do you want to do?"

Su Hao walked to the window and looked at the courtyard of Goddess Yuehua.

The reason why he didn't leave here is because he wants to see the situation here.

Another place.

In the broken wind and dust courtyard.

Duan Fengchen was sitting in the courtyard, contemplating.

As the head of the Four Heavenly Kings under the Abandoned Heaven Emperor, he was sent to this city, but not just here.

But there are many people monitoring him here.

To do something, he can only wait.

"It's not an option to wait like this. We need to secretly control this city as soon as possible, so that we can find out the situation in this northern region as soon as possible."

Duan Fengchen thought in his heart.

At this moment, a blood-colored light appeared in front of him.

A man in a black robe appeared in front of him.

Feel the breath of the opponent.

Duan Fengchen left and stepped forward and said, "I have seen your lord."

"The Moon Goddess of Kunlun Temple has always wanted to contact you, but she is very vigilant. You can go and see them."

"Also, the Lord doesn't want the Void Protoss site to be so quiet!"

After speaking, the figure of the blood-devouring vine disappeared.

"Perhaps the Moon Goddess of Kunlun Temple is an opportunity!"

A light flashed in Duan Fengchen's eyes.

"Since someone has contacted me, it is time for those who are monitoring me to restrain themselves."

The wind and dust are finished.

The figure disappeared into the courtyard.

Then there were constant screams.

Duan Fengchen's strength has now reached the realm of robbery.

The people monitoring him were just spies with very weak strength. As for the strong ones, he didn't move.

He killed these people, it was just a warning.

when killing.

He split a clone to control a pedestrian on the street.

The pedestrian then headed towards the inn where the Moon Goddess was.

With the breath of curse robbery, there is no way to do things in secret,

Although he himself cannot be there.

But he can control others and go to see Goddess Yuehua.

The Moon Goddess is in the room.

Runes appeared around, covering the room.

In front of her, there was a figure of a woman in white in a mirror, it was Princess Qinglian.

"You want to fight for the position of the Void God Race Emperor."

Goddess Yuehua looked at the woman in white in the mirror and said,

"Yes, I have sent someone into Gu Xing to contact the people in Pluto City."

The woman in white said But in this case, you are in danger of being exposed. You are the only person on our side who can enter the Void Protoss, and you are in danger of being exposed. "

Goddess Yuehua said.

"Exposure, it's not important. What matters is strength. You can't see Hades City. They occupy a place.

"So there are times when we can take a bigger step, which was too conservative in the past."

"And if I become the Emperor of the Void God Race without being exposed, I can get more resources, and in this way, we will develop faster."

"Once I become a Taoist realm, I will invite those hidden ancient star Taoist realm powerhouses outside the Northern Territory to attack and kill the two old guys of the Void Protoss, maybe we can control the Void Protoss."

The woman in white said.

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