Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1853: Kunlun Temple, Jiang Kunlun

Latest website: Goddess Yuehua wants to refute.

But no reason to object was found.

At this time, the jade pendant in her arms emitted a ray of light.

Goddess Yuehua's eyes narrowed,

"What happened?"

The woman in white in the mirror saw Goddess Yuehua's expression and couldn't help but ask.

"A person under control appeared outside and said that he wanted to see me, and he was suspected to be a person from Fudo Pluto City?"

Goddess Yuehua said.

"It seems that Fudo Pluto has found something? You go to see the other party first, and then contact me."

After speaking, the woman in white disappeared into the mirror.

Goddess Yuehua walked out of this room.

Go towards the central hall of the courtyard.

An ordinary man in the hall was standing.

His eyes were empty, and he seemed to be controlled by his mind.

"I don't know what your name is?"

Goddess Yuehua looked at each other and said.

"One of the Four Heavenly Kings of the Demon Kingdom, Duan Fengchen."

The man opened his mouth.

There was a strange light in his eyes.

"I don't know why you got up?" Goddess Yuehua said.

"I'm here mainly to see why Goddess Yuehua wants to see me."

Cut off the dust and open the mouth.

Hearing this, the pupils of the Moon Goddess suddenly shrank.

This time, the person who wanted to contact Duan Fengchen in the dark was very vigilant, and he didn't seem to be in contact with Duan Fengchen.

How did the other party know about this.

"Don't be surprised, I don't move the city of Hades, and I dare to come to the world of extreme heaven. There must be some background."

"You don't have to doubt anything. Since I'm here, I must know something?"

Cut off the dust.

Although you don't know anything, you have to pretend to know something?

Seeing this, Goddess Yuehua narrowed her eyes slightly.

After a moment of thought, he said.

"Please come with me."

She waved.

Duan Fengchen followed her into the previous room.

"These runes are not simple and can isolate a lot of things."

Looking at the surrounding runes, Duan Fengchen said.

"Since you know that we are going to contact you, we should have checked out a lot of information, so I won't say more. I want to cooperate with you without moving Pluto City."

The Moon Goddess said.

"Tell me!"

Cut off the dust and open the mouth.

"I hope you can help my Kunlun Temple to resist the Void Royal Family."

"Our Kunlun Temple has helped people from ancient stars in these years, and we have been seen by the Void Royal Family, and the Void Royal Family is ready to attack my Kunlun Temple."

The Moon Goddess said.

There are many things she can't say.

She also wanted to see how much information the other party had.

Hearing the words of Goddess Yuehua, the person controlled by Duan Fengchen fell silent.

"I will contact Lord Qitiandi about this matter, but what are you willing to offer?"

"No matter who, we will not shoot without pay if we don't move Pluto City."

Cut off the dust and open the mouth.

"I can help you contact the ancient star forces in the Northern Territory!"

"They have lived in the Northern Territory for a long time, and they should be able to help you to get familiar with the situation in the Northern Territory as soon as possible!"

The Moon Goddess said.

"The ancient stars of the Northern Territory, it seems that Goddess Yuehua, you are also a member of the ancient stars, but I am very curious why you don't have the aura of curse and robbery."

Duan Fengchen asked.

"I don't know what you are talking about?"

"Your Excellency already knows my intentions, please reply as soon as possible."

The Moon Goddess said.

Seeing Goddess Yuehua, I didn't say much.

Duan Fengchen didn't ask this question, but said: "Tomorrow, we will not move Pluto City, we will occupy this city and clear the city from internal and external forces."

After speaking, the person in front of the Moon Goddess was swallowed by the devilish energy and turned into nothingness.

There are ancient stars in this northern region, so there is no need to secretly control this city, just occupy it directly.

Looking at the disappearing figure, Yuehua Snake Goddess's eyes narrowed.

This immovable Pluto City will occupy this city.

so arrogant,

Now many forces are heading to the Void Protoss Imperial Court.

Fudo Pluto is occupying this city. Is this to speed up the five-party talks, or to prevent the Void Protoss from holding the five-party talks with peace of mind?

Goddess Yuehua thought in her heart.

at this time.

Kunlun Temple.

A man in battle armor with a spear in his hand was standing in the sky, with more than a hundred robbery experts behind him.

There are three people in the third realm of robbery, and the others are the powerhouses in the first and second realms of robbery.

Looking at the Kunlun Temple in front of him, the leading man ordered: "Fang Wu, Duan Si, Nan Li, each of you three bring thirty people to attack the Kunlun Temple from the other three directions."

"I took the others and killed them from the front."

"Today, the Kunlun Temple will not leave a living person."

The person in the lead waved the crystal clear spear in his hand.

Behind him, the three powerhouses of the three realms of robbery led a group of people to kill them towards the Kunlun Temple.

The speed of the outbreak was extremely fast, and the attacking methods were fierce, and they soon advanced beyond the Kunlun Temple.

boom! boom!

Dozens of people rushed out of the Kunlun Temple to resist.

But there is a lot of difference in strength.

However, some defensive formations temporarily resisted some attacks.

The leading man, seeing this, raised the spear in his hand, and then threw it out.

The spear was like a meteor, hitting the defensive shield, and a crack appeared in the shield.


At this time, inside the Kunlun Temple.

A huge fist rushed out, bombarded the spear, and blocked the spear.

Then a figure appeared above the defensive formation.

The cyan robe the person was wearing looked like a middle-aged model. There was a hint of majesty between his eyebrows, and a huge fluctuation of power was slowly dissipating from his body.

"Jiang Kunlun, today I am honored by His Highness to take your head and destroy your Kunlun Temple."

Seeing this figure appear, the man with the gun raised his palm, and the long spear was caught in his hand, and said coldly.

The sound was crisp, resounding through the sky.

One person perceives the battle here and appears around.

"His Royal Highness attacked the Kunlun Temple, what does His Highness want to do?"

Some people said in a low voice.

"It is rumored that the Kunlun Temple has been colluding with those ancient star forces hidden in the dark. His Highness should want to take the Kunlun Temple to stand up and step on the throne of the Void God Race."

"It seems that this shot is from the four seas. His strength is rumored to be close to the emperor. This Jiang Kunlun is not his opponent."

said the person beside him.

"Take my head, destroy my Kunlun Temple, and wind the world, you think you can do it to me."

"My Kunlun Temple is also a major force in the Void Protoss territory. How can you destroy it if you say it!"

Jiang Kunlun looked at the person in front of him and said coldly.

"Then kill you first!"

The wind was everywhere, red light flickered in his eyes, and a black storm appeared under his feet.

Then he held a long spear and killed Jiang Kunlun.

When approaching Jiang Kunlun, Feng Sihai took the lead, piercing the spear hole in his hand, and attacking Jiang Kunlun like a giant python.

When he started, the other three parties were madly attacking the defensive formation, wanting to split the defensive formation and kill them towards the Kunlun Temple.


Jiang Kunlun's eyes narrowed and he punched out.

The fist slammed together with the long spear that came through the hole.


Between the hard shaking, the space burst open.

A terrifying impact force moved towards the defensive formation.

Under this impact, the defensive formation made a thunderous sound, and then began to shatter.

"The defense formation is broken, and the Kunlun Temple is now in danger, it can't be stopped!"

At this time, the people in the dark place couldn't help but change their expressions when they saw this scene.

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