Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1884: Earth Fire Dragon Clan

"This is the end!"

Beside Su Hao, Princess Qingling's face was full of surprise.

"Are you going to destroy the entire Void Protoss court!"

Su Hao who was beside him said.

"I'm just shocked, I don't know what kind of mentality the eight princes will have when they get such news."

Princess Qingling said so.

"I don't know about that, but how did you become the Void God Race Emperor, do you need my help?"

"My strange coffin door, there are still some people."

Su Hao thought about revealing the identities of the Seventh Pluto and Emperor Wu.

The two of them are absolutely extraordinary in the three realms of robbery, and they should be able to help Princess Qingling to obtain the throne of the Void God Clan.

"Do not move the people of Hades City?"

Hearing that, Princess Qingling said.

"The person from the strange coffin door!"

Su Hao said so.

Hearing Su Hao's emphasis on the strange coffin door, Princess Qingling understood that Su Hao said that there is no curse on the person who came here.

"Then thank you City Lord Su, otherwise, I would still ask for support."

Princess Qingling said.

"However, when the time comes, it's easy to solve it. It's a bit difficult outside the Flame Temple and the ancient Shura Temple. I'm afraid they will intervene."

"However, the killing of Xu Mufeng by His Excellency Donghuang who does not move Pluto City should be able to shock them for a while."

"City Lord Su, your people please come as soon as possible, I need to ask them for help."

Princess Qingling said.

"It's coming tomorrow!"

Su Hao replied.

at this time.

A place outside the Void Protoss Imperial Court.

A dark shadow appeared.

He turned and entered a deserted cave.

A jade pendant seal appeared in his hand, and then the figure of the Shang Emperor appeared in the jade pendant.

"There is a problem with the emperor. Donghuang Taiyi, who does not move the Pluto City, just appeared in the Void God Clan Imperial Court, beheaded Xu Mufeng, and used the Black Water True Dragon Palace Xu Mufeng. He is not an opponent of Donghuang Taiyi."

"The breath that Donghuang Taiyi burst out at that time should be at the peak of Dao Realm."

The man in black reported.

When the Shang Emperor heard the words, his pupils shrank suddenly.

"You are saying that the strength of Donghuang Taiyi is at the peak of the Taoist realm, which means that his strength is stronger than that of the Emperor Abandoning Heaven."

The Shang Emperor asked in a deep voice.

"According to the current situation analysis, the strength of this East Emperor Taiyi is stronger than that of the Emperor Abandoning Heaven, and there is no curse or calamity on this East Emperor Taiyi."

"According to Donghuang Taiyi's own introduction, he integrated the curse into his own way of yin and yang."

said the shadow.

"The curse robbery is just a curse robbery that has some extremely talented Taoist powerhouses. It is normal to have the ability to resolve it."

"The Emperor Abandoned Heaven didn't agree with our plan. Please contact him. Let's see what he thinks about this matter?"

"After all, the strength shown by Dong Huangtai's killing Xu Mufeng, I am afraid that the eight princes will not be able to sleep at night."

The Emperor said coldly.

"Subordinate, go to Abandoned Heaven Emperor's stronghold and find out."

Black Shadow replied.

"Once you understand, lurking in the Northern Territory first, temporarily giving up on the five people from the Shenzong in the Wasteland."

After the Shang Emperor finished speaking, the figure disappeared.

The man in black also disappeared.

at this time,

In a mountain range full of fire attribute energy.

Although it was night, it seemed no different from daytime.

Palaces stand in the mountains.

A group of burly people with flames on their bodies are walking through.

These people are the people of the Earth Fire Dragon Clan.

"Third uncle, when you came back, what happened?"

in the heart of these palaces.

One was wearing a strong suit, with a flame logo printed on his forehead, and a fire dragon totem engraved on his arms and open upper body.

He is Di Luochuan, the current patriarch of the Dihuo Tianlong Clan.

He was following the man who came back from the Wasteland God Chao to the Shang Emperor.

"The possible changes in the Northern Territory, the Earth Fire Dragon Clan needs to leave here."

The man opened his mouth.

"Leaving the Northern Territory, we can collect the ground fire here for three hundred years, and leave now."

For men. Di Luochuan said involuntarily.

They stay here in the Northern Territory, in fact, they are collecting the fire here, and they have no sense of belonging here.

"This is the will of the emperor, and this place must be handed over to Fudo Hades City!"

The man opened his mouth.

"Do not move Pluto City?"

"That Abandoning Heaven Emperor is really powerful, I am afraid that even if I match, I may not be able to win!"

Luo Chuan said in a deep voice.

Just as he speaks.

A figure hurried in from outside.

The figure who came in was a young man. Although he was a young man, his body was more burly than the two people in the hall.

"Ba'er, what happened, you came in such a hurry."

Seeing this, Luo Chuan said involuntarily.

"I have seen my father, I have seen my uncle!"

"Just now there was news from the Void God Clan that Dong Huangtai from Fudo King City came to the Void God Clan in person, beheaded Xu Mufeng of the Void God Clan, and one of the eight princes and kings, the Xingchen Throne, went down to the north."

"According to the strength that Donghuang Taiyi showed at that time, he should be at the peak of the Taoist realm."

said the young man.


Hearing this, both Di Luochuan and the man had shocked expressions on their faces.

The pinnacle of Taoism.

Xu Mufeng died.

Both of these news are incredible.

"Third uncle, you said that you are not moving the city of Hades, are you going to attack the Northern Territory?"

"By the way, even if the East Emperor Taiyi is at the peak of the Dao Realm, but there is a curse robbery, it may not be able to kill Xu Mufeng!"

After doubting, Di Luochuan asked involuntarily.

"According to the news, it seems that there is no curse robbery on the East Emperor Taiyi!"

The youth replied.

"There is no curse robbery, how can there be no curse robbery, isn't Dong Huang Taiyi a member of Gu Xing? Could it be that Gu Xing has cracked the curse robbery!"

"In this The Northern Territory really can't hold it!"

Di Luochuan said in a deep voice.

His eyes couldn't help looking at the man next to him, and he wanted to ask why Donghuang Taiyi didn't curse the robbery.

"Some powerhouses can eliminate their own curse tribulation, and Fudo Pluto City should not have achieved such a point, otherwise, there will be no curse tribulation on the Emperor Abandoned Heaven."

"It seems that the emperor guessed it before, so he gave up the Northern Territory."

The man said in a low voice.

"You guys move out of here as soon as possible. I have already selected the location of the next ground fire for you, in Wanshang Valley in the Western Regions."

"I still have to go to the country of the ghost forest, so I won't stay here."

The man then said.

At this time, the young man who just came in said: "Father, third uncle, I want to go to the Void God Clan Imperial Court."

"Void Protoss Imperial Court, are you going now?"

Di Luochuan asked involuntarily.

"There are now the seven great princes, and the disciples of the Desolate God Sect, and the younger generation of Tianjiao experts in the Desolate God Territory have appeared, I'm going to see it!"

The young man spoke up.

"Third uncle, what do you think?"

Di Luochuan couldn't grasp the current situation on the Void Protoss.

"Go, Wild Shenzong and the seven princes, previously thought of hunting down people who could not move Hades City, this plan must be proposed by Wild Shenzong."

"It's impossible that Donghuangtai will not continue as soon as he appears."

"Abandoning such a plan by the Wild Shenzong will have a great impact on him."

The man said in a low voice.

"Thank you Third Uncle!"

The young man seemed very happy. As the young patriarch of the Earth Fire Dragon Clan, he was not among the arrogance of the Wild God Territory.

This time, he wants to let those geniuses see his strength.

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