Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1885: The purpose of the Aragami

The youth happily exited the hall.

"I guess there should be people in the Imperial Court of the Void Protoss over there. Once a battle breaks out, there may be danger in the hegemony."

Diluochuan Road.

"Young people should always go out and venture. The Earth Fire Heavenly Dragon Clan has been collecting Earth Fire for the emperor, keeping them in the Earth Fire Heavenly Dragon Clan all the time, limiting their development."

"Be aware of the danger outside, and it is normal to compete with your peers."

"As for the immovable Pluto City, you don't have to worry too much. Even that Donghuang Taiyi didn't wipe out the imperial court of the Void God Race, so he would not take action again. For the Taoist powerhouse, they are all small shrimps and will not take action. "

"Okay, I'm going to the country of the ghost forest. You have started to collect earth fire with all your strength. At this time, no one should pay attention to how you collect earth fire."

"After all, you have to move, collect the fire here in a short time, and no one will pay attention to you."

"The appearance of the immovable Hades City gave the emperor a chance."

After the man finished speaking, his figure disappeared in front of Di Luochuan.

"The emperor is about to take action. After so many years of forbearance, the action will inevitably be a thunderstorm. In the next period of time, there will be boundless storms in the Wild God Realm."

Di Luochuan said in a deep voice.

Then he walked out of the palace, and he wanted to collect the fire here at one time and lead the tribe to evacuate the Northern Territory.

the next day.

Su Hao woke up from the bed.

Princess Qingling has arranged for the maid to be outside.

After Su Hao finished washing up, he was led to a place to eat.

Xu Mufeng was killed.

It doesn't seem to have caused much change in the imperial court.

Xu Mufeng is the ancestor and does not manage the affairs of the imperial city.

What's more, the emperor had been killed before, and now their respective palaces manage their own affairs.

When Su Hao walked in.

Princess Qingling waved her hand, and all the people who were waiting beside her evacuated.

Princess Qingling got up and prepared a meal for Su Hao.

"This is the soup I made myself in the morning. Brother Su, try it."

Princess Qingling skillfully served Su Hao a bowl of soup and prepared some food.

Just sat down next to Su Hao.

"The elders of the imperial court sent a notice to inform us that the position of the Void Protoss Monarch will be created tomorrow. It seems that they want to elect a person to stabilize the Void Protoss situation as soon as possible!"

"Of course, the request they made this time is the position of the Void God Race Emperor, and it turned out to be the strength of the powerhouse behind him."

"This is asking us to find foreign aid."

Princess Qingling said.

"That is to say, only those who are strong in the Taoist realm are required."

Su Hao said in a daze.

"I don't know if Su Shaocheng can send a strong Taoist here."

Princess Qingling said.

"I have a strong Taoist, but I will not support you, Princess Qingling, I also want to see your strength."

Su Hao said.

Now, among the three coffins of Chaos and Chaos on Su Hao's side, only the coffin of the ghost king did not appear.

But he can't show up now.

If the other two show up, I am afraid that the breath they will reveal will be noticed by others.

That would be bad.

Of course, the two can also be together, and the breath will change.

In fact, you can also start.

But as Su Hao said, he wanted to see Princess Qingling's strength.

Hearing Su Hao's words, Princess Qingling's expression was slightly stunned.

She thought that Su Hao would send a strong Taoist to her side?

"What is the strength of the robbery powerhouse you said last night?"

Princess Qingling was not entangled in this question, but asked about the strength of the robbery powerhouse.

Dao Realm is just a facade, and it will not be shot.

Tribulation is the foundation, and it will be shot at that time.

"The two are the top experts in the three realms."

Su Hao said confidently.

"Okay, then I'll ask if there is support from Jinghai Lake."

Princess Qingling said.

"What's going on with the eight princes?"

Su Hao then asked.

"There is no news from my side for the time being, but the children of the eight princes have not left the Void God Race. Do you think they are still thinking about hunting plans?"

"On the Void Protoss side, logically speaking, there shouldn't be anything worthy of their stay."

Princess Qingling said in a deep voice.

"The Void God Race, but one of the five major forces in the Northern Territory, controls a lot of territory. Are the eight princes not interested?"

"Once you win the Void God Race, you may be able to win the Northern Territory again."

Su Hao said.

"Now that the Northern Territory is bordered by the Fudo Hades City stronghold, the eight princes and kings will not let their forces be consumed by the Fudo Hades City here."

"Even if the Wild God Sect, they are not sure to take Gu Xing's Fudo Pluto City, unless the people of the Wild God Sect can close the passage of Fufu Pluto City! After closing, Fudo Pluto City will have no backup!"

When Princess Qingling said this, her eyes lit up.

"You said that these geniuses came here just as a pretense, their real purpose is to destroy the passage, and then encircle and suppress the people in Hades City."

Princess Qingling said involuntarily.

Hearing Princess Qingling's words, Su Hao's eyes narrowed.

"What you said might be true!"

Su Hao couldn't help but nod his head.

"But how do they destroy this passage?"

"A strong attack? There is a large formation in that area, and it is not under the control of the curse. They want to destroy it, isn't it big?"

Su Hao said in a deep voice.

Although he said that, he believed Princess Qingling's guess.

Just then.

Xue Ruolan walked in from outside.

"My lord, Die Lanyan came and said to see you!"

Xue Ruolan said.

When she was talking, Die Lanyan's voice had already sounded outside.

"Junior Sister Qingling, you are still in the mood to eat breakfast with your The Void Protoss is almost over, you won't be a princess in a few days!"

After Die Lanyan finished speaking, someone appeared at the door.

Looking at Su Hao and Princess Qingling who were eating.

"Die Lanyan. You shouldn't come to mock me, right?"

"Tell me, why are you here!"

Princess Qingling wiped her mouth and prepared to stand up.

That Die Lanyan found a seat and sat down.

"Of course I'm not mocking you, I'm here to cooperate with you, but I heard that the elders of the Void Protoss court issued a notice to see whoever has the most power behind them will be the new Void Protoss emperor!"

"You want you to promise to be loyal to my mother after you promise to become an emperor, and my mother will send a strong Taoist to help you."

Die Lanyan said the purpose of coming here.

Hearing Die Lanyan's words, Su Hao's heart moved while eating.

From the meaning of Die Lanyan's words, we can further confirm Princess Qingling's speculation.

"Is the robbery powerhouse also coming out?"

Princess Qingling then asked.

"Qingling, I'm all strong in the Dao realm and in the realm of robbery. You need to find it yourself. This Young Master Su, can't you help me, or let Young Master Su do it."

Die Lanyan looked at Su Hao and said.

She wanted to see Su Hao's background in the matter of the competition for the emperor.

"Die Lanyan, you are preparing a white wolf with empty gloves. You just dispatched a Taoist powerhouse, and you want me to surrender to the Void God Race."

Princess Qingling said coldly.

"I'm doing this for your own good. By the way, Jinghai Lake has already promised to cooperate with my mother, so you want to find a master to send out a master of Taoism, and the result is the same."

"Young Master Su, you should persuade Qingling to be loyal. After all, she will become the Emperor of the Void God Race."

Die Lanyan looked at Su Hao and said.

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