Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1974: The source of all evil, the evil lord, the evil monarch gather and form an alliance?


Seeing the **** of death announce her nickname, Meng Qianxue's face showed a strange look.

This title is very special, but I didn't think much about it.

"Your Excellency is really courageous, dare to follow me into the mountains."

Meng Qianxue looked at the **** of death and said.

"You can't bear the consequences of killing me, not to mention that you may not be able to kill me."

"I'm here to trade Jiutian Qingqi with you, not to make enmity."

Death said calmly.

He didn't care at all about the danger Meng Qianxue mentioned.

As the **** of the dead country, death is not at all scary in the eyes of him. He was immortal and immortal in the past years, so how could he be easily beheaded.

Hearing the death god's words, Meng Qianxue's eyes narrowed slightly.

The aura of the **** who came here was very flat, and he could not see a trace of fluctuations.

And vaguely, he felt an oppression.

"Jiutian Qingqi is my treasure. It is not so easy to exchange it. It needs to be exchanged with high-quality immortal essence stone."

That Meng Qianxue looked at the **** of death.

The opponent's strength is not simple. If they don't give Jiutian a clear breath, they may cause conflict.

Then raise the price.

"1,000 high-grade immortal essence stones in exchange for a wisp of Nine Heavens Clear Qi, or 1,000 high-grade immortal essence-level medicinal pills."

Meng Qianxue looked at the **** of death.

"Dream Pavilion Master, sincerity is required in doing business. What you gave to his sect was only half of my price. Are you trying to trick me?"

The **** of death looked at Meng Qianxue and said coldly.

"That's because we have long-term trading power. We know the bottom line, but we don't know anything about you."

Meng Qianxue said.

"A transaction is a transaction. It's not good to inquire about other people's forces."

Death's voice became gloomy.

An invisible aura emanated from Death God and swept towards Meng Qianxue.

Meng Qianxue did not expect that the God of Death would dare to forcibly suppress her here.

A layer of white mask appeared on the body, blocking the breath of death from suppressing.

"God, are you provocative?"

Meng Qianxue's eyes became sharp.

But the **** of death has withdrawn his breath.

"I just want you to clear your head."

Death looked at each other.

Meng Qianxue didn't expect the other party to say this, her eyes turned.

"If you want to deal with us normally, as long as you break through my palace, how about I'll deal fairly with you?"

Meng Qianxue looked at the **** of death, she really wanted to test how strong the other party was.


In the general view of Taishang Jiuqingguan.

Eight figures appeared in the palace and sat down.

In front of them is the situation of Meng Qianxue Palace.

"Senior sister, brothers, this guy is too arrogant, we should suppress him directly."

The chubby old man said earlier.

"This kind of person is not easy, we have to deal with it carefully."

A thin old man beside him said.

"Be careful, people are about to ride on our necks!" said the chunky old man.

He was lost face by the **** of death, and now he wants to get his face back.

"Look at Junior Sister Qianxue, how to deal with it!"

The first was an old man wearing a Taoist robe and white hair and white beard.

"By the way, what's going on in Yingzhou and the Wasteland God Realm?"

"Fujian Pluto City has formed an alliance with Emperor Zhou of Yingzhou. This Fudo Pluto City is really fierce enough to directly destroy the Desolate God Sect."

said the chunky old man.

"It took so many years for Gu Xing to have such a power. If it is not strong, it will not enter the world of the extreme sky."

"But this has nothing to do with us. It is those ancient forces who have to deal with them."

Beside the old man, a man wearing a green robe and carrying a long sword said.

"Second Senior Brother, although we didn't take action against the Gu Xing forces, we had to guard against it. After all, Emperor Zhou was not a stable master."

"The way of the emperor he practiced is very domineering. As long as he expands, his strength can continue to improve."

"Although he hasn't expanded aggressively over the years, he has continued to send people to erode other domains."

"Now that he has the support of Fudo Pluto City, I am afraid that there will be a crisis in the surrounding area."

Another emaciated old man in a worn Taoist robe said.

"Emperor Zhou should have no time to erode. He seems to be targeted by the hunters of inner demons, and he was blocked by the ninth evil lord and the fifth evil lord on the way to the Fudo Hades City to form an alliance."

"Then Emperor Zhou abandoned a Taoist body with seven orifices and beheaded the clone of the Fifth Evil Monarch."

"The people of Fudo Pluto City also captured the Ninth Evil Monarch and took them away."

"They estimate that they need to learn the strength of the inner demon hunters first."

The chubby old man said.

"This abominable demon hunter has appeared again, and he has also attacked Emperor Zhou."

The headed old man frowned.

Zhou Di can be said to be the fastest person to break through the peak of Dao Realm in their area.

Inner demon hunters stare at the god.

"It seems that they have already set their sights on the top-level Taoist peak powerhouse."

"This inner demon hunter is really getting more and more rampant!"

The old man's face became solemn.

"It's not just the demon hunters who appear, but even the source of all evil."

An extremely plump woman said.

She was wearing a long purple dress, which was quite tight because of her plump figure, which perfectly outlined her body line.

"Fifth Junior Sister, you mean the source of all evil, also appeared!"

Everyone looked at him.

"Someone has collected evil thoughts recently, and it is still in the area under my control."

The purple group of women said in a deep voice.

"Collect evil thoughts!"

"Have you found these people?"

asked the old man.

"Elder Brother, I have arranged for someone to investigate and believe they will be found soon."

"But based on my investigation, I guess that the other party may be the source of all evil."

The purple-clothed woman continued.

"After finding it, see if it can stay alive and find some clues."

Said the old man.

"The **** agreed to the proposal of the third senior sister, he wants to break, the third senior sister, the Chiyang three unique formations."

The short fat man leaned on his mouth and said.

Everyone's eyes turned to the projection displayed in front of them.

"You agree, that's great!"

Meng Qianxue's palm formed a seal, and a faint light burst out from her palm print.

As the palm print erupted, three stone pillars radiating bright light fell directly around the God of Death.

After that, the palm print in Meng Qianxue's hand was directly printed on the ground, sending out three rays of light into the stone pillar.

A terrifying murderous intent began to permeate within the stone pillar,

And at the foot of the **** of death, one after another intricate array patterns drilled out directly from the ground, blending into the stone pillar and merging with the energy in Meng Qianxue's palm.

Three radiant suns appeared.

It's just that the sun is as white as snow.


The snow-like sun suddenly fell, with endless cold currents, to freeze the **** of death in this formation.

The name is the exact opposite of the effect.

The God of Death allowed these cold currents to shroud him and never resisted.

The white cold air instantly enveloped his body and turned it into frost.

A smile appeared on Meng Qianxue's face.

This guy is really arrogant, and he can't resist this blow, so just wait and see him make a fool of himself.

But then, her complexion changed, a suction force appeared in the place shrouded in ice, and a palm penetrated the void and appeared in front of her. ???.81??.??m

He grabbed her neck and pulled her into the big formation.


The people watching the battle looked at this situation, and their eyes couldn't help but stop.

This person actually penetrated the great formation arranged by Meng Qianxue, grabbed her by the neck, and pulled her into the great formation.

From this point of view, the opponent is not restricted by the formation at all.

"The third sister's formation is as bad as ever!"

said the chunky old man.

"The other party will not be detrimental to Third Senior Sister!"

Then said again.

"I don't feel murderous, don't worry."

Said the old man.

In the big formation, Meng Qianxue seemed very aggrieved, but when she got close to the other party, she could feel the aura of loneliness and death on the other party.

"You lose, we will trade normally in the later stage."

The **** of death released his palm and looked at the other party.

Meng Qianxue's face turned red.

He waved his hand, and the formation that appeared earlier disappeared.

But at this time.

The palace began to shake.

what! what!

Two miserable voices sounded in the entire Taishang Jiuqing Temple.

Meng Qianxue's eyes narrowed, and her figure rushed out of the hall.

Seeing this, the **** of death also followed out of the palace. From the screams, we can know that the enemy has come to Taishang Jiuqingguan.

At this time, another eight figures rushed out of a palace.

There are nine pavilion masters in Taishang Jiuqing Temple, who manage the Nine Great Ways respectively.

Opposite them, there are three people wrapped in black robes, and one of them is holding a struggling disciple of Taishang Jiuqingguan.

When I saw a few people rushing out, among them, the man in Heipao, a disciple of Taishang Jiuqingguan, pinched directly with the palm of his hand.

The disciple let out a scream and turned into blood.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?"

Seeing this situation, the headed old man showed anger on his face, and a huge force turned into a terrifying storm and swept across the three of them.

When the three saw this, they didn't dare to be careless, and quickly shot, black marks appeared in their hands, forming a screen to resist the front.

"Mu Taiwu, master recovers, let the three of us come to give you some gifts today."

One of them spoke up.

"Master, who are you?"

Hearing the words, the headed old man said coldly.

"Our master is an evil master!"

One person spoke.

"The Lord of the Root of All Evil."

Hearing the words of these three people, the face of the woman in the purple skirt changed.

"It seems that you still remember, our master said, let you hand over the Taishang Jiuqing Temple, and the master will spare you."

One person said arrogantly.


The headed old man stared blankly, raised his hand and pressed it.


The space where the three were located began to collapse and was instantly annihilated.


The three let out shrill screams, and then their bodies were shrouded in the power of space annihilation and disintegrated.

"Your Excellency God, let you see a joke!"

"I won't entertain Your Excellency today, Qianxue, take your Lord God to trade for nine days of fresh air."

"Hopefully there will be opportunities in the future!"

The headed old man faced the **** of death.

"it is good!"

Death said nothing, he nodded.

Then contact Su Hao and ask Su Hao to prepare the first-class immortal essence stone.

Recently, a lot of immortal essence stones have been harvested, and those who have signed in have only collected 300,000 high-quality immortal essence stones.

Therefore, the **** of death replaced 600 strands of nine days of fresh air.

"Are you still very rich, you actually took out so many Immortal Essence Stones to exchange for Jiutian Qingqi."

"Jiutian Qingqi can only wash the body, and it has limited help in cultivation. The Immortal Essence Stone is the foundation of cultivation."

Meng Qianxue looked at the way of death.

"You don't need to know that."

"If these nine days of clear energy are effective, I will come to you again!"

"This is my contact Yupai!"

The **** of death directly gave the opponent a black jade card.

Turn around and leave.

And Su Hao's banquet wasn't over yet.

"I don't know if Zhou and Shang have some understanding of the evil master."

He just learned about the evil master from the **** of death, so he consulted, Emperor Shang and Emperor Zhou.

Hearing Su Hao's words about the evil master, the two men moved slightly.

"The Lord of Evil is the master of the source of all evil in the Nine Heavens Domain. At that time, there were three major forces in the Nine Heavens, Taishang Jiuqingguan, the source of all evil, and the edge of the east."

"The edge of the east and the source of all evil have been fighting. Taishang Jiuqingguan lives in Taiqing Mountain and does not compete for territory."

"After the source of all evil annexed Donglin, Taishang Jiuqingguan suddenly took action, and on the way of the evil master returning to the source of all evil, he set up the Nine Heavens Taiqing Great Formation, and wiped out the evil master."

Zhou Di said.

"By the way, the evil lord of the source of all evil seems to know the fourth evil monarch of the Heart Demon Hunter."

"At that time, it was the fourth evil lord who helped the evil lord to destroy the edge of the east."

Zhou Di then thought of something and said again.

"The Fourth Evil Monarch of the Heart Demon Hunter?"

Su Hao murmured in his mouth.

"I didn't expect that someone was discussing our inner demon hunters."

At this moment, the void changed between them.

Three figures walked out of the void and stood in front of them.

"The Third Evil Lord!"

Looking at the person who appeared, Zhou Di stood up suddenly, his eyes sharp.

"Emperor Zhou didn't expect us to meet so soon! Let me introduce the fifth and second evil monarchs."

The third evil sovereign said.

"Presumably Your Excellency is Su Hao, the lord of Fudo Pluto City!"

"It's a bit rude to come uninvited this time!"

Su Hao's eyes narrowed and he said, "You guys came here to chat with us, right? What do you want to do?"

"City Lord Su, this time we came here to form an alliance with the three."

The third evil sovereign said.

As soon as his words came out, everyone in the hall felt a sense of being in a circle.

Previously, he was beaten to death and lost a clone, but now he said he was going to form an alliance.

It feels incredible.

"Do you think we'll believe it?"

Zhou Di said coldly.

"Zhou Di, you should have guessed my identity!"

When the third evil monarch was talking, he took off the mask on his face.

Seeing the face of the Third Evil Lord, Zhou Di's eyes narrowed, as he had guessed.

"I have been in the heart demon hunters since the Dark Ages, and no one has ever been able to know my identity. Do you think you can?"

"You know that's the flaw I left for you, because it's a step for us to meet today."

The third evil sovereign said.

Hearing this, Zhou Di was startled.

Just then.

The other two also took off their masks.

"The top of the North Sea, Murong Xiangchen, is the place where the sky is buried, where the sky is buried."

Zhou Di said in surprise when he saw the two people's faces.

"I didn't expect Emperor Zhou to actually know us. I'm really lucky!"

"City Lord Su, Emperor Zhou has already pointed out our identities. I wonder if the three of us have the honor to sit down and talk!"

Na Murong Xiangchen said softly.

"Set the table!"

With a wave of Su Hao's hand, three tables and chairs appeared in the hall, with delicious food and wine presented one by one.

"Thank you, City Lord Su."

Murong Xiangchen took off his black robe, revealing a proud figure, and sat down first.

revitalized the atmosphere of the audience.

The third evil lord and the fifth evil lord also sat down one after another.

"I'm a little puzzled about the alliance the three just mentioned, and I really want to hear it!"

Su Hao is the master, of course he is the first to ask.

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"Brother Shen!"


Shen Changqing was walking on the road, and when he met someone he knew, he would say hello or nod to each other.

But no matter who.

Everyone's face has no superfluous expressions, as if they are very indifferent to everything.

to this.

Shen Changqing is used to it.

Because this is the Ministry of Suppression, it is an organization that maintains the stability of Daqin. Its main responsibility is to kill monsters and monsters. Of course, there are also some other side jobs.

It can be said.

In the Demon Suppression Division, everyone had a lot of blood on their hands.

When a person is used to seeing life and death, he will become indifferent to many things.

When he first came to this world, Shen Changqing was a little uncomfortable, but over time he got used to it.

The town magic department is very big.

Those who can stay in the Town Demon Division are all powerful masters, or those who have the potential to become masters.

Shen Changqing belongs to the latter.

Among them, the Demon Suppression Division is divided into two occupations, one is the guardian envoy and the other is the demon slayer.

Anyone who enters the Demon Suppression Division starts from the lowest level of demon slayer.

Then he was promoted step by step, and finally he was expected to become a guardian envoy.

Shen Changqing's predecessor was a trainee slayer in the Demon Suppression Division, and he was also the lowest-ranked slayer.

Has the memory of the predecessor.

He is also very familiar with the environment of the Town Demon Division.

It didn't take too long, Shen Changqing stopped in front of an attic.

Different from other places full of chills in the Demon Suppression Division, the attic here seems to stand out from the crowd, showing a different tranquility in the **** Suppression Demon Division.

At this time, the door to the attic was open, and occasionally people came in and out.

Shen Changqing just hesitated for a moment, then stepped inside.

Entering the attic the environment has changed in vain.

A burst of ink fragrance mixed with the faint smell of blood rushed towards his face, causing his brows to instinctively wrinkle, but then quickly stretched.

There is almost no way to clean the **** smell on everyone in the Zhen Mosi.

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