Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 1975: alliance, negotiation

The third evil lord glanced at Su Hao.

When entering this room, he was observing Su Hao.

Su Hao's strength is the weakest, the lord of Fudo Hades City. With such strength, he doesn't quite believe that he can become the lord of Fudo Hades City.

Dugu defeated the sky and moved the deputy city lord of Hades to show his strength, which shocked him.

How could such a person be willing to be under a person like Su Hao?

But after entering the room, he could sense that the Abandoned Heaven Emperor locked their breath and moved in front of Su Hao.

This is typical protection.

So he couldn't see through Su Hao.

"City Lord Su, this time we came here to cooperate with a few people and destroy the organization of Heart Demon Hunters."

The third evil sovereign said.

Hearing this, Su Hao's eyes narrowed, and they looked at each other.

That Zhou Di opened his mouth and said: "Dark Emperor, I understand what you mean too well. You are from the inner demon hunters, but now you want to destroy the inner demon hunters with us?"

"What are you trying to trap us for?"

On the side Shangdi opened his mouth and said.

"Three, although we are from inner demon hunters, we are not the core characters of inner demon hunters."

"It is the first evil monarch who controls the inner demon hunter."

"To be honest, the number one evil monarch is going to attack the three of us recently, so we plan to strike first and kill him!"

The third evil sovereign said.

"The number of times the first evil monarch appeared was very small, but when he shot and killed it with one move, Dugu Muye, the city lord of the Great Wilderness Heavenly City in the Mobei Region."

"Dugu Muye's strength is not inferior to me at all,"

"Are we going to deal with him?"

Zhou Di said in a deep voice.

"Emperor Zhou, you really can't deal with the first evil monarch, but I believe that the immovable Pluto city can."

"City Lord Gu Chensha, he should be able to fight the first evil monarch."

"As long as the city lord of ancient dust sand blocks the first evil monarch, and when we destroy the first evil monarch Jiuyou Heart Demon Pond, I believe that when we join forces, we will be able to destroy the first evil lord!"

The third evil monarch, the dark emperor, said.

His eyes were looking at Su Hao, wanting to see Su Hao's reaction when it came to Gu Chensha.

Su Hao frowned slightly.

But not much else.

"However, what good will it do for us to destroy the inner demon hunters?"

"It doesn't seem to be at all."

Su Hao said.

It is impossible to work and do things in vain.

From the information given by the third evil monarch, he did not see any benefit.

Hearing Su Hao's words, the fifth evil monarch Murong Xiangchen said, "City Lord Su, there is a kind of inner demon hunter called "Wenshichen Spring. If you drink the water from this spring, you can wash away your curse."

"Of course, this is only one of them. For example, the Moonlight Divine Stone and the Yin-Yang Taishou Stone."

Hearing Murong Xiangchen's words, Su Hao's eyes lit up.

On the other hand, Emperor Shang and Emperor Zhou were shining with divine light in their eyes.

Seems to be concerned about both of these things.

"It seems that you are well prepared and know what we need?"

Emperor Zhou looked at the Third Evil Monarch and others.

"This is the sincerity of cooperation. We are striving to cooperate successfully. Of course, we have to prepare."

The third evil king.

Zhou Di was the character he had reserved earlier.

It's just that the city of Pluto appeared and formed an alliance with Emperor Zhou, which made a lot of things ahead of schedule.

"None of these things are enough."

Su Hao said.

Although Emperor Zhou and Emperor Shang needed something, but a copy of the eternal dust spring could not impress him Su Hao.

Because the eternal dust spring may be limited.

Always run out of time.

Although some ancient star people can appear in the extreme sky world, but he can do it slowly and gradually.

Hearing Su Hao's words, the Second Evil Monarch, who had not spoken for a while, opened his mouth and said, "The Great Dark Buddha Temple, the place of burial, and the top of the North Sea. The three parties can form an alliance with Fufu Pluto City."

"In this case, the prestige of Fudo Pluto City in the northern part of the extreme sky world is absolutely unprecedented."

"At that time, many hidden forces from ancient stars can be gathered."

Hearing the second evil prince's words, Su Hao pondered.

It is exactly as the second evil monarch said.

If this is the case, the momentum of Fudo Hades City is indeed unusual.

His eyes looked towards Emperor Zhou and Emperor Shang, and towards Emperor Shang and Emperor Zhou.

At this time, both of them nodded.

"Okay! This side agrees to cooperate with you."

Su Hao said.

Seeing that Su Hao directly agreed to cooperate, the third evil prince's eyes moved slightly.

He didn't expect that Su Hao would be able to decide directly on such a matter.

You don't need to discuss it with other people at all.

"Now the third evil lord, you can tell us who the first evil lord of the Heart Demon Hunter is!"

Su Hao sat down.

Actually want to shoot at people.

This third evil monarch should know the identity of this person.

"I don't know the specific identity here, but I roughly guess that the other party may be the first emperor of the dark era, the emperor of the era!"

The third evil monarch said in a deep voice.

"Dark Age!"

Su Hao frowned slightly. Su Hao didn't understand the Dark Age era.

It was a very long time in the extreme sky world.

However, it is definitely not easy for the other party to become the first emperor.

At this time, Emperor Zhou and Emperor Shang had solemn expressions on their faces, and they seemed to know the first emperor.

"It is rumored that the first emperor was not swallowed up by the darkness when Jieyuan collapsed? How could he be the first evil monarch!"

Zhou Di opened his mouth and said.

In order to comprehend the meaning of the fist, he has been to many areas where the Dark Era remains.

A lot of information about the Age of Darkness was also detected.

"I'm just guessing, but I believe my guesses. As for how Emperor Ji Yuan survived, I'm also puzzled."

The third evil sovereign said.

"If he is the first emperor of the Dark Era, the Great Emperor of the Era, his means may be extraordinary. I think he may not only control a demon hunter."

Shang Di said.

There are several epochs in the Dark Era now.

After several epochs have planned major events, how could it be possible to control only one force?

Such characters are terrifying and must be handled with care.

Su Hao's side has been listening without making a sound.

The Fifth Evil Lord looked at Su Hao and said, "I wonder what City Lord Su thinks?"

Hear the words of the Fifth Evil Monarch:

Su Hao pondered for a moment and then said, "I care too much about how many forces I control and how many backers I have. I want to know if his specific strength has broken through the Dao and reached a higher level!"

"If he breaks through to a higher level, we don't need to continue talking."

"We do not move Pluto and do not participate."

The meaning of the words is very obvious, Fudo Pluto City can't deal with the masters above the Taoist realm for the time being.

"City Lord Su, rest assured, it is impossible to be at a higher level above the Dao Realm. If it is, he doesn't need to hide in the dark all the time!"

"His strength is to touch a higher level at most, and he will never break through."

The third evil monarch clears the way.


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