Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2163: 3 Xuantian, the Tantric Buddhist Academy, is on purpose

1 lower-rank experience card, Su Hao must keep it for himself.

The other one, the lower-ranked Heavenly Venerate card summons the character promotion card, Su Hao frowned.

He thought about who to promote.

Although the lower Heavenly Venerate is not as good as the previous two, Donghuang and Youhabach, but now in the world of extreme heaven, those Heavenly Venerate powerhouses have not appeared.

The lower Heavenly Venerate is also very powerful.

"After the shepherds are dealt with first, then absolutely give it to someone!"

Su Hao thought to himself.

Then the three of them walked towards the main hall of the God-killing Palace.

at this time

In one place, the blood evil **** of war and the shepherds touched together.

"This Blood Evil War God, that is one of the three deputy masters of the Slaughtering God Palace. You and your group should be the strongest group of people who entered the Slaughtering God Palace. If you walk through my hands, you will be able to go to the Godslaying Palace. !"

"If you can't make it, then you will become the slayer of the Shrine!"

The Bloody God of War looked at a few people.

Previously, he was abused by Gu Chensha, thinking of making a fire.

He is not interested in low strength,

These people are just right.

"I didn't expect that in the Palace of Slaughtering God, there are such existences as your Excellency, then I have to disturb you!"

Seeing this, Shenmu immediately opened his mouth and said.

In his eyes, this **** **** of war is a test. As long as he wins this **** **** of war, then he may be able to get the chance first.

Between the words, Shenmu made the first shot, and attacked the **** God of War.

When his figure rushed out, the figure of the **** **** of war disappeared.


The god, animal husbandry, who shot, let out a sting.

He felt his back go numb, and a bloodstain appeared in the blink of an eye.

Shenmu's face was startled, and he turned his hand and punched in the direction of the stabbing pain.

But it was empty.


Shenmu's face sank, and he didn't even keep up with the speed of the other party.

He is the existence of the peak of the Taoist realm, and he has not been able to perceive the speed of the opponent. This **** **** of war is more terrifying than he imagined.

"This strength is a bit poor! I will be injured in one blow!"

The Bloody God of War looked at Shenmu and shook his head.

"God turn, undefeated Divine Fist!"

Shen Mu's momentum turned, and the previous back injury recovered instantly, and then raised his hand, clenched his palm, and blasted out a fist.

To attack the **** **** of war,

Seeing that the aura on Shenmu's body increased, there was a hint of joy in the eyes of the Bloody God of War.


Also a punch

The two fists collided again.

Afterwards, he started to swipe his fists to work. This time, the Blood Evil God of War did not use his speed, but fought against the shepherd.

"The Lord of the Palace is not an opponent, we will also take action!"

Fairy Luo Yun said.

when he speaks.

The two retreated, and a flame aura appeared on Shenmu's body. This flame aura continued to climb, forming a phantom of nine flame pagodas.

"Fentian Nine Pagodas, shake!"

The palms were sealed, and the nine pagodas moved towards the **** **** of war.

The flames in the pagoda filled the air, shrouding the **** **** of war in a blink of an eye.

And after the pagoda was shrouded, nine huge flame figures appeared, and at the same time they attacked the **** **** of war.

The blood demon war prodigy hole showed excitement.

"Blood, **** sea!"

The blood **** of war also punched out

A **** aura like a river of blood erupted from his fist.


Boom against the nine flame figures.

"Three thousand weak water!"

Fairy Luo Yun shot at this moment, and a dark aura appeared in her hand.

After appearing, the beads were directly sacrificed, turned into a black airflow, and went towards the **** **** of war.

"Let's do it too!"

Daoyou Wuyou said at this time.

The purpose of their coming here is to enter the Slaughtering God Palace. Now there are many people in the Slaughtering God Palace, so they can't waste time here.

Chi Chi!

The Wuyou Taoist's palm was sealed, and a black light flew out from his hand and turned into a long sword. The breath of the long sword circulated, flashing with fierce sword energy.

A sword cut out.

Worry-free Taoist shot.

The three people beside him also shot at the same time, and they all took out flying swords.

The four people from the Tantric Buddhist Academy also shot at the same time.

The Blood Evil God of War did not expect that these people shot together and showed extraordinary power.

Fist is suppressed.

As a result, Shenmu's fist attacked him.

The figure was directly knocked out.

But he quickly stabilized his body and looked at the group.

"Sanxuantian, Tantric Buddhist Academy, I didn't expect you to come here."

Blood Evil God of War said.

He didn't pay attention to the identities of several people before, just wanted to fight.

Now that other people have shot, he also recognized the identities of these people.

"Your Excellency, if you know it's us, then you should be able to let us go to the Shrine Palace!"

The worry-free Taoist said.

"That's not true, you are the Tantric Buddhist Academy and Sanxuantian, I should stop you!"

The Blood Demon God of War said very seriously.

Hearing the words of the Blood Evil God of War, the expressions of the people who took action changed.

"But you can't stop us!"

At this time, Fairy Luo Yun said.

When she spoke, a silver light appeared in her hand.

The silver light merged into the weak water before.

Suddenly, a dense rune appeared in the weak water.

These runes instantly formed a cage, surrounding the Bloody God of War.

"This formation won't hold him for long, we quickly head to the main hall of the God-killing Palace!"

When Fairy Luo Yun was talking, she rushed out first.

When the other people saw this, they didn't say anything, and quickly rushed out,

Inside the main hall of the God-killing Palace.

The two people sitting on the seats saw the picture in front of them.

The woman's face became serious.

"The people from Sanxuantian and Tantric Buddhist Academy came not only for inheritance, but also to bring back what they want from the adults!"

"I'm going to kill them."

Another person spoke up.

"It's not so easy to kill them terror, let them come directly to the main hall, we will meet them first!"

The woman said in a low voice.

When she was talking, she watched the screen of the Tantric Buddhist Academy and others in front of her, and suddenly a dazzling Buddha light was emitted, and then the screen was completely dark.

"Is this not wanting us to monitor? It's really many times!"

The woman looked at this scene and said coldly.

"I'm going to rescue the blood evil from that formation first!"

The man beside him said.

Before he finished speaking, his figure became sullen.

"Both sides have come, but there is only one thing, how do you divide it?"

The woman murmured as she looked at the few people on the screen who came to the Tantric Buddhist Academy.

Suddenly her eyes were fixed in one place.

This place is exactly Su Hao and the others.

Su Hao didn't encounter any rivals to attack them, all their resentful souls were swallowed up by the darkness, and some formations were directly broken by the blood-devouring vines.

Their speed is no worse than that of Shenmu.

"Who is this party?"

There was a hint of curiosity in the beautiful eyes.

inside the palace

Su Hao, who was walking forward, seemed to sense that someone was visiting. He raised his palm and grabbed it.


The screen in front of the woman shattered and disappeared into a cloud of black mist.


A smile appeared on the corner of the woman's mouth.

This time, the people who came to the Shrine of Slaughter are not easy.


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