Starts From Catch Fast

Chapter 2164: Heavenly Snake Princess, everyone's cards

Shepherd and others continued to move forward.

Su Hao's side is not in a hurry

Seeing the countless resentful spirits floating around, Su Hao was extremely surprised.

"It was the God-killing Heavenly Venerate who killed them!"

he thought to himself.

The resentful souls here are not weak, and they must be produced after the death of the strong.

The group moved on.

Without any reservations, he headed towards the center of the Shrine at full speed.

They seem to be familiar with the path of the Shrine.


They came to the center of the Shrine,

See the three people under the throne.

"We meet again, I hope you still have the means to imprison me!"

The blood **** of war looked at the few people who appeared.

"God of War God of Blood, Lonely Cloud Girl, Venerable Black Cloud!"

"Our intentions are, first, to obtain the inheritance of the God-killing Heavenly Venerate, and second, to take away the things borrowed by the God-slaying Heavenly Venerate."

Daoyou Wuyou looked at the three people in front of him and said.

"There are so many of you, to whom does Tianzun pass it on, and to whom does that thing go?"

Gu Yun Nu looked at the people below and said

As she spoke, a sharp light appeared in her eyes, and a dangerous wave emanated from her body.

"Gu Yun Nu, don't you want to give us something?"

The worry-free Taoist said.

"Here, do you think you can come here to get something?"

"If you want something, then ask the person who borrowed it to come in person."

Lonely Cloud Girl said coldly.


Daoist Wuyou did not expect that the other party would say such a thing.

"What nonsense are you talking to them, smash these three remnants, absorb their energy, and deal with that Su Hao outside!"

The shepherd said at this time.

What he wants is the inheritance of Tianzun.

But if he can improve his strength, he also needs it.

The three of them have the breath of Heavenly Venerate.

During his lifetime, he should have been a powerhouse in the Heavenly Venerate Realm.

Absorbing them, his strength will definitely increase, and his strength will be able to suppress Su Hao outside.


When the voice of the shepherd fell.

Then Fairy Luo Yun shot, her aura changed.

Fairy Luo Yun, who was originally somewhat holy, exuded a crimson light from her body, and the light formed the shape of a flower, giving people a very beautiful feeling.

Of course there is an air of danger in beauty,

His hair was black, and there was a hint of charm in his eyes, as if he was not the same person as before.

And behind her appeared a black giant snake with wings.

"Heavenly Snake Princess!"

Seeing this, Gu Yun Nu's expression changed.

"After swallowing the three of you, I think God Slaughter Tianzun will appear!"

There was a cruel smile on Fairy Luo Yun's beautiful face.


when she speaks.

However, he suddenly opened his mouth and bit into the four people in the Tantric Buddhist Academy.

The speed was so fast that the four people on the side didn't react at all, and were wrapped by the giant snake behind Fairy Luo Yun.


The four people in the Tantric Buddhist Academy roared, and the whole body was full of Buddha light, but it was quickly eroded by the black mist that permeated the body of the giant snake.

"Gene Era"

"Heavenly Venerate Secret Law!"

At this moment, the four people in the Tantric Buddhist Academy let out a low voice at the same time.

A breath of Heavenly Venerate erupted from the four of them.

"Boundless, collapse!"


Fairy Luo Yun gave a low drink.

A strange world phantom appeared behind the giant snake.

The moment the phantom of this world appeared, the void collapsed directly.

The four people in the Tantric Buddhist Academy burst out with the breath of Heavenly Venerate, and under this collapse, they were directly cut off.


Then four screams came out of the giant mouth.

Swallowed the first of the four tantric Buddhist temples in one bite.

the other side.

When Shenmu saw this situation, his expression changed, and his eyes were full of vigilance.

For the change of the falling cloud fairy.

He was shocked.

In my heart, I also understood why Fairy Luo Yun's strength has progressed so quickly over the years. It turned out that she was assimilated.

"Tell me the heart of Venerable God Extinguisher, where is it?"

Fairy Luo Yun, or the Snake Eater, looked at the three blood gods of war.

The reason why the fairy of Luoyun came here was to destroy the heart of Venerable God.

"In the Palace of Murdering God, there is no heart of Venerable God Extinguishing." Gu Yunnu said.

"The slayer of the gods was defeated back then, but he used his last strength to suppress the remaining heart of the god-slayer at that time, in this slaughter of the gods."

"You told me that Venerable God Destroyer's heart is not here!"

Fairy Luo Yun's eyes flashed coldly,

"Where is the divine soul of the God-killing Heavenly Venerate?"

"Why doesn't he show up? Can't we force him if he doesn't show up?"

"Worry-free Daoist, now there are three of us left. The Shenmu side wants the Heavenly Venerable inheritance, and your side has to take that thing away, and I want to destroy the heart of the Godly Venerable."

"Killing these three people will allow the God-killing Heavenly Venerate to appear, and each will get what they need at that time."

Fairy Luo Yun looked at Taoist Wuyou, Shenmu and others.

The voice fell, and finally fell on Shenmu.

"I know you have trump cards on you, but if you don't use it now, you may not have a chance to be useful in the future!"

When the shepherd heard the words, his eyes flickered, as if he was weighing this matter.

Of course, he has a certain trump card in being able to stand in the sea of ​​​​anti-gods for so many years.

"I will kill this **** **** of war, you deal with other people!"

After pondering for a while, the shepherd said.

"You are going to kill me!"

Hearing Shenmu's words, the **** God of War turned cold.

If he hadn't been attacked just now, he would have taken Shenmu.

"Don't be careless!"

When Gu Yunnu heard the words, a solemn expression appeared on her face.

Shenmu had previously played against the Blood Evil War God and knew the strength of the Blood Evil War God.

But still so resolutely said, can solve the blood evil God of War.

It can be seen that this shepherd must have such confidence.


When the solitary cloud girl's voice fell.

A bright light radiated from Shenmu.

There are many figures in his body, these figures are like lakes, but they do exist.

"The phantom of Tianzun's consciousness! Melt into the outer body."

Seeing this situation, Gu Yunnu and several people showed surprise on their faces.

Even the eyes of Fairy Luo Yun, who incarnated as the Snake Eater, flashed a hint of surprise.

Many powerhouses in the Anti-God Sea are absorbing the consciousness of Tianzun and integrating into their own consciousness to improve their strength.

Previously, she also thought that the shepherd did the same.

But only today did I know that the shepherd integrated these consciousnesses into his body and increased his strength.


A pagoda appeared among these figures.

"Thousand-layered pagoda!"

Those figures, the pagodas in their hands are shrouded in the **** **** of war at the same time,


Endless power suppressed the **** **** of war, and the **** **** of war suddenly felt that his body was under heavy pressure,

The action was actually's face changed drastically.

At this time, a broken sword appeared in the hands of the shepherd.

Although it was broken, as soon as it appeared, a powerful sword intent enveloped all directions.

Then the broken sword turned into a sword light and went directly towards the Bloody God of War.

"not good!"

"Stop it!"

Gu Yunnu and another person's complexion changed greatly, and they shot at the same time, wanting to help the blood evil **** of war to block the attack of the remnant sword,


But at this time, Wuyouzi and the others immediately stopped Venerable Heiyun, while Gu Yunnu was stopped by Fairy Luoyun.


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