Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1054: Everyone was shocked, the warrior retreated and pursued

"The island owner is so awesome, he can actually get such a thing!"

"Yeah, with this kind of gun, what kind of human sea tactics are there, all of them will suddenly come out!"

"It looks so cool. When this battle is over, I will definitely learn to use this firearm!"

The soldiers of the Yi Ranpin Alliance rushed forward and talked excitedly!

The soldiers of Tianlei Dynasty were shocked.

Rollington, Lan Yong and others who were watching the battle from behind swallowed their saliva.

"There is such a powerful weapon in the Yi Ranpin Alliance!" Lan Yong couldn't help but say.

Rollington regained his composure, looked at Lan Yong and asked in surprise, "Have you never seen this kind of weapon?"

Lan Yong shook his head and replied: "The most advanced weapon I have ever seen is the carbine brought by instructor Jiang earlier."

"How many high-end weapons does the Yi Ranpin Alliance have?" Rollington couldn't help but ask.

"No one knows, probably only Alliance Leader Xiao himself knows!" Lan Yong said with a smile.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian had already found about twenty soldiers, set up all the remaining eighteen machine guns, and started shooting.

With the addition of these light machine guns, coupled with the original carbines, Jiang Yuntian led the team to continuously compress the space of the undead.

On the palace wall, the soldiers of the Zhan Mu family were almost rushing up the wall.

They used special thick shields to climb up. The Guards could only use manpower to push their ladders away. At the same time, they had to guard against bullets fired from below. The city wall was short of manpower and the situation was precarious.

"General, I can't hold it anymore!" A soldier shouted loudly as he pushed back those who climbed onto the city wall again.

Gro has no choice. There are still a steady stream of undead in the palace. No matter who can't hold it, the palace will fall.

At this time, Mu Zhu saw that his team was about to climb the city wall, and said happily: "It seems that we still have a chance to win the palace!"

"Yes, as long as we capture the palace and obtain those high-end weapons, we can control the undead in the palace. In this way, we can still successfully seize the throne!" the counselor on the side said excitedly.

If you can successfully steal the fruit from the Luo family, why should you leave the Tianlei Dynasty and start from scratch?

At this time, in the palace, Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian had used the twenty light machine guns to completely suppress the undead near the teleportation wormhole.

"Soldiers of the Tianlei Dynasty, please return to the city wall immediately and help stop the Zhan Mu family!" Jiang Yuntian said immediately when he saw that the situation was under control.

The guards who were transferred from the city wall immediately responded: "Yes!"

Then they quickly returned to the city wall. With such a group of new troops joining them, the situation on the city wall quickly stabilized.

"What! How could this happen? Did the Luo family simply give up on resisting the undead?" Mu Zhu said with his eyes widened.

The excited expression of the counselor on the side also froze on his face, and he said uncertainly: "Is it because the undead have reached some kind of agreement with the Luo family?"

Hearing this, Mu Zhu's heart tightened slightly, and he frowned and pondered for a moment: "Are the undead so reneging on their promises?"

"The undead themselves are aliens among alien races, and we have to be on guard against them!" the counselor on the side hurriedly advised.

Upon hearing this, and combined with the guards on the city wall who had fully resumed their offensive, Muzhu said in a deep voice: "Withdraw!"

Following Mu Zhu's order, the Zhan Mu family's team immediately withdrew outside the royal city.

The guards on the city wall cheered happily when they saw the Zhan Mu family withdrawing.

Gro immediately ordered: "Pay attention to prevent them from coming back. You two teams follow me!"


Gro led the team to the location of the undead wormhole, hoping to take over from Jiang Yuntian and the others to defend the undead.

But looking at the zombies that kept pouring out of the teleportation wormhole, Gro couldn't help but swallowed. The people he brought were simply not enough.

When he saw the machine gun Jiang Yuntian was using while standing in the car, he fell completely into a daze.

The machine gun never stopped and kept firing, faster than the carbine in his hand!

In fact, Jiang Yuntian has already replaced the barrel once. Continuous shooting for a long time will cause the barrel to heat up and even deform, resulting in a significant decrease in shooting accuracy and even the risk of the barrel exploding.

"What kind of weapon is this and how can it keep shooting?" Gro couldn't help but said.

The soldier on the side replied: "I don't know, it was brought here by that person from behind. Fortunately, we have this kind of firearm, otherwise we really wouldn't be able to push the undead back to this teleportation wormhole!"

Groo nodded with a shocked look on his face.

Soon Jiang Yuntian and the others beat the undead back to the square where the wormhole was!

"General Gro, please have people surround this square immediately, otherwise it will be difficult to defend against undead attacks in the future!" Jiang Yuntian greeted.

"Yes!" Gro said, and then immediately asked the people in charge of engineering in the palace to urgently build the wall.

At this time, Xiao Yi had already given up the machine gun to others. He came to Rollington and introduced himself: "Hello, King Rollington, I am Xiao Yi, leader of the Yi Ranpin Alliance!"

"Hello, Alliance Leader Xiao!" Rollington's posture was very low at this time.

Rollington didn't actually care much about Xiao Yi, an outsider before. He only had one or two high-end weapons at most.

Now it seems that this outsider has more than just one or two high-level weapons!

"What are you going to do with the Zhan Mu family?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

"The Zhanmu family's team is too large. It's impossible to completely capture them!" Rollington did not refuse to discuss it with Xiao Yi because it was an internal matter in their country.

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "How about we make a deal. I will help you take care of the Zhan Mu family, but how about all the cornerstones of the Zhan Mu family belong to me?"

When Xiao Yi proposed this deal, he was very dissatisfied with the Mu family's association with the undead, and wanted to see if he could get some foundation stones to return.

After hearing Xiao Yi's suggestion, Rollington said without any hesitation: "Okay, as long as you can solve the Zhan Mu family, all the cornerstones of their family will be yours!"

"It's a deal!" Xiao Yi responded, "On the other side of the undead wormhole, you guys will arrange your carbines there. Combined with the city wall, you should be able to block it!"

"Okay!" Rollington responded.

"Brother Jiang, come on!" Xiao Yi greeted Jiang Yuntian, and then told him about blocking the Zhan Mu family.

Jiang Yuntian immediately gathered the Yi Ranpin Alliance team and handed over the defense inside and outside the palace to the Guards.

Outside the city wall, the team of the Zhan Mu family has moved away from the palace.

"Chief, since we are ready to withdraw, shouldn't we take something with us?" the counselor suggested from the side.

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