Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1055: Burning, killing, looting, the warrior wants to escape, there is no way

After hearing the counselor's words, Mu Zhu nodded slightly and said, "Let the brothers let go and grab a wave before leaving!"


With the issuance of Mu Zhu's order, the pressure of attacking the palace without success was instantly released on other ordinary people in the royal city!

Bang bang bang!

There was a crisp sound of gunfire outside the city wall, and there was a faint sound of a lady begging for mercy!

Xiao Yi frowned when he heard these voices.

"What's going on? Why are there gunshots outside?" Laurel said in surprise.

"The Zhanmu family made a desperate move and attacked the palace with all their strength, but they couldn't capture it for a long time. The soldiers were very depressed. It must be that the Zhanmu family was preparing to let their soldiers release the pressure!" Xiao Yi replied in a deep voice.

This incident reminded him of the tragic history of the Xia Kingdom in the previous world. Even in this world, he seemed to still be able to hear the 300,000 dead souls crying.

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Rollington's expression changed greatly, and then he begged: "Leader Xiao, please help us get rid of the Zhan Mu family. We must not let them harm the people of our royal city!"

Obviously, Rollington understood the consequences of those soldiers releasing pressure.

"Don't worry, I won't let this kind of predator release its pressure on the common people!" Xiao Yi replied, "Brother Jiang, let's go!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian has already applied for some more cars to be teleported over, and everyone can sit on the cars to chase the enemy.

At the same time, there are a lot of ammunition supplies on the car.

It's not that Jiang Yuntian doesn't want to use the big car, but that the big car can't be teleported through this small teleportation array.

Jiang Yuntian directed everyone to board the car, and then the car immediately started and drove towards the place where the gunshots and calls for help came from.

At this time, soldiers from the Zhan Mu family were burning, killing and looting the homes of those wealthy businessmen!

"Don't take anything that is too big. Just smash it without any effort!"

"Yes, I stole a lot of treasures!"

"Muji, leave quickly, be careful that the palace guards are catching up behind you!"

"Haha, just, even if I give them some courage, he, they, don't dare to come here, don't worry, I, I will, rob, rob, rob you first!"

"You thinker with your lower body, hurry up and give you twenty minutes!"

"No, no need, most, most, three, three minutes at most!"

The rich lady looked at the ferocious stutter in front of her in horror, and then she huddled in the corner!

At this time, she felt nothing but despair!

At this moment, gunfire rang out immediately outside the door, click, click, click!

Muji, who was unbuttoning his belt, tilted his head and fell to the ground. There was a bullet hole in his head, and blood was gurgling out!

The rich lady looked with surprise at the soldiers wearing Yiranpin Alliance uniforms who came in from the outside. The golden dragon on the uniforms was extremely dazzling!

"Report, the rebels in the house have been cleared!"

"Go on, next one!"


The Yi Ranpin Alliance soldiers came and went in a hurry, completely ignoring the ordinary people who were still in a state of panic!

Soon, the team of the Zhan Mu family discovered that someone was really catching up and was hunting down their soldiers.

"Report, an unknown elite team is chasing us!"

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Muzhu, who was about to leave the city, felt his heart tighten: "This team is most likely the team of outsiders. They also have more advanced weapons than us. Let our people withdraw from the royal city. If they If they still dare to catch up, I must let them know that the outcome of the war does not just depend on the superiority of the weapons!"


As Mu Zhu's order was issued, the soldiers who were burning, killing and looting in the royal city immediately retreated outside the royal city.

Xiao Yi and the others were in hot pursuit. As long as they encountered the soldiers of the Zhan Mu family, Xiao Yi had no intention of letting them go. He just wanted to beat them to death!

"Island Master, they are about to withdraw from the royal city, should we continue to catch up?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"Of course, I made an agreement with Rollington. If we pursue the Zhan Mu family, all the foundation stones we get will be ours!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"If we have a cornerstone, we must keep them!" Jiang Yuntian said excitedly.

At this time, Xiao Yi's cell phone rang.

"Report to the island owner, we followed Namu Wuji and found that he went to a hidden port of the Tianlei Dynasty. He seemed to be carrying some supplies into the port. It is initially speculated that the Zhanmu family is preparing to escape from the Tianlei Dynasty!" A call from a spy.

"Got it!" Xiao Yi responded.

Jiang Yuntian asked: "Is there anything unusual?"

"Mu Wuji is transferring the Zhan Mu family's property. It seems we are going to use fighter jets again!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Great, there are machine guns right now. It should be very fun to use machine guns to shoot in the air!" Jiang Yuntian said happily.

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "Let Rollington clear the main road in the royal city for us. I'd better send an island monument here first."

"Okay, are you still chasing me here?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"No more chasing. They definitely don't have much money on them. Let's just attack the port directly!" Xiao Yi replied.


Xiao Yi immediately walked to the palace, and Jiang Yuntian followed closely.

At this time, Rollington had already walked out of the palace. When he saw Xiao Yi, he immediately stepped forward and said, "Leader Xiao, have all the soldiers of the Zhan Mu family been driven out of the royal city?"

"Yeah, but now I got information that Mu Wuji is moving the Zhan Mu family's food market, so I need to send fighter jets here to assist in the battle, so that the Zhan Mu family can stay!" Xiao Yi replied.

Rollington immediately said respectfully: "Whatever Alliance Leader Xiao needs us to do, we will fully cooperate!"

"I just need to use your teleportation array to teleport an item, and then I need you to clear out the main roads in the royal city so that our fighter jets can take off and land!" Xiao Yi put forward his own needs!

"No problem at all!" Rollington responded, and then continued the matter.

Jiang Yuntian had already begun to contact An Ran, asking her to send a small boat with an island monument, and then arranged for soldiers to move the small boat to the main road of the royal city.

The residents in the royal city started talking when they saw this scene.

"These soldiers must be the same soldiers who saved us just now!"

"It must be, I remember the logo on their clothes!"

"Yes, but why did they move a boat and put it on the street?"

"I don't know. Can this boat run on land?"

As everyone discussed, Xiao Yi sat in the cabin and started operating on the island monument.

This time, in order to keep the Zhanmu family, Xiao Yi directly traded two fighter jets!

When the two fighter jets suddenly appeared on the main road of the royal city, everyone watching from a distance fell into a daze!

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