Xiao Yi picked up the carving knife on the stone table and sighed: "This feels so real."

Then he pulled out the teleportation array drawings and began to draw them according to the formation diagram above.

While Xiao Yi continued to practice drawing formation diagrams, Sun Yao had already brought a large amount of supplies through the wormhole and returned to his own galaxy.

Of course, he just walked through the wormhole and stayed where he was.

One is to worry that the pursuers have set up other traps, and the other is to guard this wormhole, otherwise it will be occupied by other survivors or indigenous people, which will cause some trouble.

Sun Yao hates trouble, so just stay at the entrance of the wormhole.

Sun Yao was somewhat proud of returning to his original galaxy this time.

Wealth and honor are not returned, just like walking in brocade at night!

So Sun Yao is back, and he has to publicize it on public channels, otherwise how can he do business.

"Dear survivors, I have some supplies in my hand now. I will hang them on the trading floor later. If necessary, take pictures yourself!" Sun Yao sent such a message in the public channel.

"Medicine seller, you're not going to promote your Liuwei Dihuang Pills again, are you?"

"That's right, I heard you talk about it every day before, but I never saw the real thing."

"As a medicine seller, what supplies can you have? It's just some pills, which may not be useful. Whoever buys the pills will have to finish it."

"That's right, those dark pills, you never know what he put in them."

"Yeah, anyway, I don't believe that the pill will have any effect."

"Medicine seller, what are you planning to sell? Maybe I will be interested."

"These are some technological items that everyone can use. You can choose according to your own needs." Sun Yao was too lazy to argue with them about whether his pills were effective.

Whether Xia Guo's traditional Chinese medicine pills are effective or not cannot be determined by their criticism.

"Technical items? Then I'm going to take a look."

"Yeah, there aren't many technological items that have been developed in our galaxy."

"Woman, medicine seller, where did you get so many high-end items?"

"Yeah, why are they so high-end and there are so many of them?"

"Did you rob a treasure house?"

"I know, he must have gotten it from other galaxies!"

"Other galaxies? Can the Medicine Seller go to other galaxies? This is impossible. Even a micro spaceship cannot travel between galaxies."

"But if there is a wormhole, then he can go to other galaxies."

Seeing this, Sun Yao already knew that the person who said this must be one of the two survivors who had been chasing him before.

Others would not realize so quickly that they had gone to other galaxies through wormholes.

"Wormhole? You mean the medicine seller found a wormhole leading to other galaxies?"

"Yes, it was actually found by the person we went digging for treasure with, but it was occupied by him alone. He wanted to kill everyone else because he had high-end weapons in his hands. The other person and I reacted faster. Escape."

"I'm the other one and can prove it."

"Medicine seller, you are being unkind!"

"Not only that, he also robbed the treasures in the treasure chest."

"Can you bear this?"

"There is nothing I can do if I can't bear it. Who told him to be too strong!"

"Yeah, we tried our best but couldn't defeat him."

"Everyone should unite to boycott him and don't buy his stuff. I will announce the coordinates of that wormhole. I hope that brothers and sisters who are relatively close will work together to take it down. This way, there will be good things from another galaxy. Everyone Divide equally.”

"No, we have to buy his stuff, otherwise we won't be able to catch up with him."

"Yeah, one of the things the medicine seller sells is a small spaceship engine. If we don't have this, we definitely won't be able to catch up with him."

"Now that we've said it, I'll just say it straight away. If anyone wants to come over and attack me, then just come over." Sun Yao snorted coldly and said.

Sun Yao's current spaceship is a large spaceship. No matter how many escape capsules and micro spaceships are used, they will never be able to defeat him.

So Sun Yao’s confidence is overwhelming!

"The medicine seller is so crazy, can you bear it?"

"This is absolutely unbearable. Even if your spaceship is high-end and the weapons are high-end, if there are too many ants to kill the elephant, I don't believe you can handle so many escape capsules and spaceships."

"It would be great if we all coexist peacefully. Fighting and killing are not conducive to our development."

"Yes, what those two people said before may not be true. You don't just believe what they say."

"That is, if you can't grab the treasures in the treasures, they are not yours."

"Of course I have no objection to the normal fight, but the medicine seller is too despicable and shameless to sneak up on us."

"Actually, I don't care about what's going on between them, but if it concerns another galaxy, then I must get involved."

"Yes, a brand new galaxy means huge wealth."

"That's right, I don't want the medicine seller to earn all the resources I have collected so hard."

"Medicine seller, you'd better block these people, otherwise they will attack you with the weapons they bought from you!" someone reminded.

Sun Yao saw that someone was reminding him, so he smiled and replied: "Since I dare to sell these items, can the ones on my spaceship be worse than this?"

Everyone was stunned when they saw Sun Yao's information.

Indeed, compared to the items hanging on the trading floor, what you have in your hands will definitely be more advanced.

I believe that no survivor would sell good things to others while keeping bad things in his own hands.

"Woman, the medicine seller is awesome. The items you displayed are already top-notch items. Do you have anything more advanced than these?"

"Bragging! I don't believe it anyway. The items in your hands should be the same as those hanging on the trading floor, because it is obvious that these items of yours are produced in batches."

"Well, I feel the same way. He must be scaring those survivors who are preparing to go over."

"That's right, this medicine seller is definitely telling an empty story. Don't be frightened."

When Sun Yao saw the discussion, he smiled slightly and did not explain, letting them think whatever they wanted.

"Why do I feel that what the medicine seller said is true? How far are you from that wormhole?"

"I'm very close. If I have a small engine, I'll be there in a day at most."

"It's not close to you. I only need ten hours, but I don't want to go there. Although the new galaxy may have a lot of supplies, I have always believed that risks and rewards are directly proportional. I just want to stay here peacefully. , live till the end of time."

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