Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1783 Anti-Medicine Seller Alliance, Exploration Vanguard

"Yes, our galaxy is still very safe. In this training ground, safety should come first!"

"With your kind of thinking, you will never be able to reach the first group of survivors."

"We have never thought about going to the first group. Isn't there a saying on your home planet that the first bird will be shot?"

"Hmph, just be patient, I have to hurry up and seize the opportunity."

The survivors who were chasing Sun Yao exposed the specific coordinates of the wormhole. For a while, most of the survivors who were close to the coordinates rushed over.

Wealth and silk moved people's hearts. Sun Yao had already harvested so many high-end items in such a short time since he arrived in another galaxy. There must be resources everywhere on the opposite side.

The two survivors who were chasing Sun Yao even formed an anti-drug seller alliance, and even set up a small group to discuss a plan to deal with Sun Yao.

"As long as we can capture the medicine seller, we can monopolize the communication between the two galaxies!"

"Yes, if we buy and sell the items on both sides, we can make a lot of money."

"When the time comes, let those religious people envy you."

"But this medicine seller is indeed very strong, so everyone must be careful."

"No matter how strong he is, there are already hundreds of us here, and there are even more people joining in from behind. I don't believe that his spaceship can defeat one against a hundred?"

"With one against a hundred, the medicine seller will definitely not be able to do it, but there will definitely be some damage here. When the time comes, everyone must help each other, understand?"

"Of course, only if we work together can we defeat the medicine seller and monopolize this wormhole!"

"I'm almost there, do you want to test the water first?"

"It's better to say goodbye. Let's go there together after we gather."

"Okay, then I can just look at it from a distance."

"Well, pay attention to safety. I just happened to check out the medicine seller's situation."

"Okay, everyone is waiting for my news."

"Wait for me, I'm almost here, go together, there will be someone to take care of you."

"Okay, I'll wait for you at this coordinate!"


Sun Yao's various high-end items hanging on the trading floor were sold quickly. He sighed: "The island owner has the templates for these things. It's so buggy. Who can resist the temptation of these things? No wonder the island owner can get such a good deal." Lots of cornerstones and dark gold.”

"Didi, we found two strange escape capsules approaching us!" The detection satellite terminal nearby suddenly sounded an alarm.

Sun Yao sneered: "I really can't wait!"

He came to the detection satellite terminal and checked the real-time images.

I saw that the speed of the two escape cabins slowly slowed down, and it was obvious that they were also extremely careful.

"Now that you're here, don't leave!" Sun Yao said, then immediately started the spacecraft and rushed forward.

"Tell me, what level can this medicine seller's spaceship reach?"

"Didn't the survivors who fought against the Medicine Seller before say that he was just an escape pod?"

"You can't really believe what they say!"

"Of course I don't believe it. Since the medicine seller has obtained so many high-end items, his spaceship must be more than just an escape capsule."

"Is it too dangerous for us to be so close?"

"No, although the oil seller has harvested a lot of good things, the most survivors now have are small spaceships. I doubt that there are no survivors in our galaxy who have small spaceships. We have all installed small spaceships now." As for the engine, its speed is at most the same as ours, so there’s no need to worry at all.”

After hearing this temporary teammate's "shrewd" analysis, he felt relieved a little.

But when he glanced outside inadvertently, he was immediately stunned.

"Wucao, run away!" He shouted on the island monument, then turned around and ran away.

"Escape?" Another survivor said doubtfully. He looked up and saw a thick laser hitting his escape cabin.

Before his life disappeared, he saw a huge spaceship flying towards them!

The survivor who fled frantically immediately shouted in the small group of the Anti-drug Seller Alliance: "Everyone, retreat quickly..."

Before the message could be sent, he was hit by a laser.

"Just after practicing in the game cabin for a few hours, the accuracy is so high. This game cabin is also a big killer!" Sun Yao muttered.

After capturing the two escape pods, Sun Yao secretly said: "I hope they can spread the news, otherwise it will be quite annoying if people keep coming to harass them."

But unfortunately, these two people had no chance to spread the news and were solved by Sun Yao.

In the anti-drug seller alliance group, everyone was stunned for a moment when they saw the man's half-sent message.

"What does this mean? Have they already encountered the medicine seller?"

"They're finished! Just now I @the two of them were unable to @anymore. They were probably killed by the medicine seller!"

"Is it so fast? At most, they just arrived, and they were solved as soon as they arrived?"

"Is the medicine seller so strong?"

"He asked us to retreat quickly. Is it because the medicine seller is so strong that we can't defeat him at all?"

"Definitely not. The two of them must have been careless and got too close, so they were taken care of by the medicine seller."

"That's right. Although we have the advantage in numbers, we must not be careless. A lion will try his best to fight a rabbit. What's more, we are still rabbits."

"Depending on everyone's distance, it will take us three days to gather everyone together. During this time, everyone will be more familiar with the difference brought by the small engine, so as not to be unaccustomed to this power and affect the battle."

"Yes, everyone must become familiar with the power of this small engine as soon as possible."


Sun Yao only brought small batches of goods, so they were sold out quickly.

There are also many survivors in the group asking Sun Yao to hang out more.

" @Medicine Seller, why is there no more? I have prepared the cornerstones and dark gold."

"Yes, why are your hands so fast? I only managed to grab two pieces of glass."

"Drug seller, do you still have this small engine?"

Sun Yao saw so many people looking to buy, so he replied on the public channel: "Don't worry, everyone, these things will be available in the future. Everyone just needs to prepare the cornerstone and secret gold."

"Great, medicine seller, have you got the template?"

"This sentence is nonsense. There must be a template. How could so many be produced without a template?"

“I’m really envious of the big medicine seller for getting so many SSS-level templates!”

Sun Yao smiled slightly and did not answer. In the eyes of everyone, he acquiesced.

Seeing the discussion in the public channel, everyone in the Anti-Drug Seller Alliance became even more excited.

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