Xiao Yi frowned slightly when he saw the arguments among the people in the public channel. Listening to their arguments, it seemed as if no one knew about the teleportation array.

Just when Xiao Yi was about to ask the questions in his heart, a survivor spoke out first.

"Don't you guys know there is such a thing as a teleportation array?"

"Teleportation array? Damn, you have played too many games!"

"Haha, I have seen the teleportation array in the first stage, and I also used it. I stood on it and instantly appeared thousands of miles away."

"Brother, what you are saying is too fantasy!"

"Tch, what's the benefit of lying to you? Besides, do you think the teleportation array is fantasy? What about the wormhole? Isn't it also a passage connecting two spaces? It's just that the name is different!"

"What you said upstairs is correct. I also used the teleportation array in the first stage, and I was very impressed!"

"Wancao, are you sure you didn't join forces to deceive us?"

"Believe it or not! However, the only thing we need to worry about now is that the first stage is on a planet. Although the planet is relatively large, it is still on the planet after all. Now we are in a galaxy. Can the teleportation array be able to teleport so far? It’s hard to say!”

Xiao Yi said at this time: "They are right. What I mean is to use the teleportation array, which is a galaxy-level teleportation array. However, there are no energy stones needed for the teleportation array now. This is why I said the time is not ripe!"

"Look, the boss has taken the initiative to speak out. Do you have any questions?"

"Wucao, isn't it? Has the boss already activated fantasy level survival?"

"It's just a fantasy survival method. It's just a special mode of transportation. There's nothing surprising about it!"

"I think we are really going to get into fantasy survival, because I seem to have touched a higher level in the past two days!"

"What do you mean by what you said upstairs?"

"I can't explain clearly, but I just feel that when I practice our family's breathing method recently, I feel a little different. My physical fitness seems to have begun to improve again!"

"Isn't the SSS level already at the top? How can it be improved?"

"Top level? Who have you heard say that SSS level is top level?"

"Well, the highest level I've seen so far is the SSS level!"

"That can only mean that our horizons have not been opened yet!"

"That brother who feels different, can you share your family's breathing method? I'll pay for it!"

"I'm sorry, but the family's skills are not allowed to be shared with others!"

"Brothers, let's improve together. Don't be so stingy!"

"I'm not sure whether my family's exercises are suitable for you to practice. What do you want to share?"

"I just don't know if it's suitable, so I want to try it. If I knew, I wouldn't say anything!"

"Listening to what you said, I feel like our path to survival is beginning to go astray!"

"It's not biased at all. Technology is still mainstream at present, but they have found a way to continue to improve themselves, that's all!"

"There is a saying on our home planet that the end of science is theology! Is this really true?"

"Hey, this sentence also exists on our home planet!"

"We have them too!"


For a moment, the public channel was flooded with “+1” messages!

Xiao Yi looked at the public channel and muttered: "I don't know if this sentence is the judgment of a person with great wisdom, or if it is just a sentence that serves the divine authority!"

Time passed slowly, and soon it was half past eleven in the evening.

Nowadays, there are very few survivors who choose to recharge and trade. Only a few survivors still buy things online.

Most people had already taken some time off and stood up to stretch.

"If everyone feels tired, we will have a celebration party tomorrow!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"How can you be tired!" Sun Gudao shouted immediately.

"With our physical condition, we took a forty-minute break at noon, how could we be tired!" Feng Menglong replied with a smile.

"Okay, since you're not tired, let's take a rest first. Su Wan, go get ready and we'll have supper!" Xiao Yi turned around and said to Su Wan.

"Okay!" Su Wan replied with a slight smile.

Xiao Yi took a look at today's harvest. In terms of recharge, he received a total of 100 million each in cornerstone and secret gold.

After four times the status bonus, it became 400 million. There are still a lot of resources, so I won’t take a detailed inventory, but there are a lot of them anyway.

The plan to promote the alliance's virtual currency has also been very successful. I believe that the alliance's online mall has now been basically accepted by these survivors.

Soon, Amelia Su came over and said, "The kitchen is ready."

"Did Sun Yao call?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Already called!" Su Wan replied, then pointed to the door and said, "Say Cao Cao and Cao Cao will be here!"

Sun Yao had already walked in from the outside. When he saw Sun Gudao and the others, he felt like a fellow villager was crying when he saw a fellow villager.

When Xiao Yi saw Sun Yao arriving, he immediately said to those who were still on duty: "The current staff on duty will all go to the spacecraft where the Suwan Island Monument is located. That will be your working place from now on!"

"Yes! Lord Island Master!"

The staff on duty are all Chaos Stars. Their physique is not that good, and a wave of people have been replaced.

After they evacuated, the cockpit became empty again, and Xiao Yi greeted: "Everyone, sit down wherever you want, let's chat while we eat!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded and sat down one after another.

The kitchen has already started serving food to the table.

Dongpo meat, lion head, Buddha jumping over the wall...

Looking at those familiar dishes, Sun Gudao and others were a little moved, and even missed life on earth.

"These dishes are dictated by me, an amateur chef, to the professional chefs on Chaos Star, and then they make them!" Su Wan said with a smile, "If the taste is not what everyone imagined, then just make do with it!"

"Sister Wan, you are considerate. I feel like the last time I ate a lion's head was many years ago!" Sun Gudao said excitedly.

"Yes, although we have participated in this trial for more than 170 days, I feel as if more than a hundred years have passed!" Qiu Feng said with emotion.

"Today is a happy day. Don't be so sad. Come on, pour the wine and see if my wine-making skills have improved!" Du Kang joked.

Du Kang took his wine flask and poured a glass of white wine for everyone.

For a moment, the entire cockpit was filled with the aroma of wine.

"This wine is too fragrant!" Bai Qi said in surprise.

"How about it? My wine-making skills have improved again!" Du Kang showed off with a smile.

Sun Yao said angrily: "Don't flatter yourself. Without the boss's super fusion device, are you sure you can make such a good wine?"

"I'm talking about selling fake medicines, don't you know that you don't slap people in the face when you hit them, and you don't expose their shortcomings when you scold them?" Du Kang replied directly.

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