"I know, but I'm happy!" Sun Yao replied with a smile.

Xiao Yi smiled and said: "Okay, this wine is indeed brewed by Du Kang, he is the first to do it!"

"Did you see that the island owner has cleared my name!" Du Kang said proudly.

Xiao Yi shook his head, picked up the wine glass and said: "The fact that everyone can gather here today is a sign of your trust in me. I would like to thank you for your trust. From now on, we will work together to penetrate the second stage! "

"Okay!" Everyone responded in unison.

"In addition, today we successfully promoted the virtual currency of Yiranpin Alliance, which is considered the most important step. Let's raise a toast together to celebrate the successful implementation of the plan!" Xiao Yi continued.

Everyone raised their glasses together and took a sip.

After taking a sip, Xiao Yi said with a smile: "Okay, everyone can do the rest and drink according to their ability!"

"Yes, thank you Island Master!" Everyone responded in unison.

This gathering is all survivors from Earth, or to be precise, all survivors from Xia Kingdom, plus one Jack Coin!

So Ergou and Huyi didn't call over.

Everyone followed Xiao Yi in the first stage and knew his temper. There were no rules at the dinner table, so everyone started chatting quickly.

Jiang Yuntian was still more concerned about the independent planet space, so he asked Jie Bi: "Jie Bi, who did you collect the independent planet space fragments from?"

"It's a survivor I contacted before. He is a survivor from the last class who survived the black hole, or even a survivor from the last class. I originally thought he would have some good things, but he turned out to be very poor." Jiebi was helpless. He replied, "This fragment was traded to me when he asked me for help later!"

"Survivors from the past?" Everyone became curious.

Sun Gudao asked directly: "What is his name?"

Qiu Sheng gave him a helpless look and asked, "Even if you know his name, don't you still know him?"

"You can ask if you don't know him. What if he does?" Sun Gudao spread his hands and replied.

Jie Bi didn't show off, and said directly: "His ID is Six Finger Silk Emperor."

Xiao Yi, who was eating vegetables, frowned when he heard the ID again.

Su Wan noticed Xiao Yi's daze and asked curiously: "Island Master, what's wrong with you?"

Everyone looked at Xiao Yi and became curious when they saw his expression.

"Island Master, you don't know this survivor, do you?"

"How is this possible? The island owner has always been with us. The previous survivors were probably tens of thousands of years ago."

"That's right, Island Master, what's your expression?"

Xiao Yi swallowed the food in his mouth and did not answer everyone's questions. Then he looked at Jie Coin and asked, "Have you ever made a video with this survivor?"

"No, what's the problem?" Jie Bi asked doubtfully.

He doesn't have the skill of telepathy, and the video communication has not been smooth using the island monument, so there is no need at all.

Jie Bi had the same idea as others, thinking that Xiao Yi would not know such an ancient person.

Xiao Yi looked at everyone's confused eyes and said, "Although I don't know him, I might know his old sweetheart!"

Hearing this sentence, everyone's eyes became gossipy!

"Island owner, you know someone's old friend, this is not good!" Sun Gudao said with a lewd look on his face.

"Island Master, it's not good to be a Cao thief!" Qiu Sheng also shouted.

"It turns out the island owner likes this one. Fortunately, I don't have a wife yet!" Du Kang muttered.

Seeing that everyone's comments were gradually getting outrageous, Xiao Yi hurriedly explained: "You guys, you guys, can you be mentally healthier?"

"Hehehe, it's not that we are unhealthy, but what you said, the island owner, is ambiguous!" Du Kang continued.

Xiao Yi glared at him: "You are the only one who talks too much!"

Then he started to explain, and everyone was really stunned. They didn't expect that when Xiao Yi came to the second stage, he actually brought the NPC mission from the first stage.

Although there may be no reward for this task, since Xiao Yi agreed, he must complete it!

"Island owner, you mean that the former Queen of Light Elf entrusted you to help her find her old sweetheart?" Su Wan also didn't know about this.

At that time, Xiao Yi accepted Xisi's commission alone, and no one knew about this mission.

"The former Queen of Light Elf is named Sisi, and her old sweetheart is named Dili, and Dili's biggest feature is his six fingers, which almost completely matches his ID." Su Wan said.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said: "The first time I heard Jiebi mention his ID, I felt it might be the case, but the time the other person mentioned didn't match up. He said he had only been in the second stage for ten years. At that time, I I didn’t think too much about it, but just now Jiebi mentioned this person’s ID again, and I suddenly thought of something, that is, the time in the black hole may be different from the time outside!”

Everyone nodded.

"So it's really possible that this Six-fingered Silk Emperor is the survivor that Sisi asked me to find." Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"Well, let's contact each other now?" Sun Gudao said curiously.

The fire of gossip in everyone's hearts began to burn brightly.

Surviving in space is too boring, so everyone is very excited to have such a mission as a change.

Xiao Yi helplessly looked at everyone's expressions and said: "Okay, Jie Ji, please explain to the people on your ship, let him use the island monument to make a video call with the Six-Finger Silk Emperor, and then connect to my inter-galactic communication Use it!"

"Okay!" Jacki stood up and walked towards the inter-galactic communicator.

Soon, Jie Ji contacted Chang Yi who was on duty on his spaceship.

"Lord Jiebi, do you have any instructions here?" Chang Yi said respectfully.

Jie Bi nodded slightly and said: "The island leader has a video call with the Six-Finger Silk Emperor. You can use the island monument to contact us and use the inter-galaxy communicator to send it over."

"Yes!" Chang Yi responded.

Chang Yi adjusted the camera angle of the inter-galaxy communicator, and then initiated a video call request to the Six-Finger Silk Emperor on the island monument.

The Six-Fingered Silk Emperor, who had already got into his sleeping bag, suddenly heard the notification sound on the island monument requesting a private chat.

There are no other friends on his island monument except Jack Coin, so this private message request is most likely for Jack Coin.

The strength that Jie Ji had shown before had completely conquered the Six-Finger Silk Emperor, and he also wanted to have a good relationship with Jie Ji.

So the Six Finger Silk Emperor immediately climbed out and floated to the island monument.

"Video request?" Six-Finger Silk Emperor was stunned. He had no idea that Jie Ji would actually want to have a video call with him.

Although he was confused, Liuzhi Silk Emperor agreed to the other party's request.

Through the transfer of the inter-galaxy communicator, Xiao Yi and the others finally saw the true appearance of the Six-fingered Silk Emperor.

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