As Sisi, the former Queen of Light Elf, said, Dili's appearance is still very similar to that of people on earth.

Looking at the Six Finger Silk Emperor in the video, Xiao Yi took the initiative and said: "Hello, Six Finger Silk Emperor, I am Yi Ranpin."

The Six-Finger Silk Emperor was a little dazed. Looking at Xiao Yi and the others who were eighty-nine similar to him, he felt like he was meeting a fellow villager.

But upon closer inspection, there are actually some differences.

What stunned the Six-fingered Silk Emperor was not only his appearance, but also the words in Xiao Yi's mouth.

What he said was obviously not his mother tongue, but he could completely understand what he meant. This feeling was so weird.

The Six-Finger Silk Emperor suppressed the shock in his heart, nodded slightly, and said: "Hello, isn't this the island monument of Jiebi?"

Jie Bi explained on the side: "I am Jie Bi, and now I have surrendered to the island owner, who is the one in front of me."

At this time, Xiao Yi was naturally responsible for translating.

After listening to Xiao Yi's translation, the Six-Finger Silk Emperor was even more surprised. Would someone as powerful as Jie Ji take refuge in this survivor named Yi Ranpin?

Maybe this Yi Ranpin is not a survivor, but an indigenous civilization?

Seeing so many people standing beside Xiao Yi, the Six-Finger Silk Emperor became more and more sure of his idea.

Generally speaking, survivors will not have such subordinates. Even if there are designated transfer cards now, there will only be three or four at most.

But at a glance, there were no less than ten people around Xiao Yi. There was no way the survivors could get so many younger brothers.

"Since you have surrendered to him, what is the point of contacting me at this time?" Liuzhi Silk Emperor asked doubtfully.

"Our island owner has something to do with you!" Jie Bi replied.

The Six-Finger Silk Emperor looked at Xiao Yi doubtfully and said, "We don't seem to have anything in common. What do you want from me?"

Xiao Yi looked at him and asked, "Is your real name Dili?"

The Six-Finger Silk Emperor was shocked, looked at Xiao Yi in disbelief, and then replied: "Who are you? Why are you asking for my real name?"

The Six Finger Silk Emperor did not deny it, but looked at Xiao Yi solemnly.

Xiao Yi spread his hands and said: "I received a commission. A friend asked me to try to find a person with six fingers who looks very similar to me. His name is Dili. I saw you I think your ID may be the person I’m looking for, so I’m contacting you at this time.”

Looking at Xiao Yi's sincere eyes, the Six-Finger Silk Emperor narrowed his eyes slightly: "Who is your friend?"

Xiao Yi smiled faintly. He knew that the survivor in front of him named Liuzhi Silk Emperor was Di Li.

"Sisi." These two words came out of Xiao Yi's mouth.

The Six-Finger Silk Emperor was shocked and immediately asked: "What! How do you know the name Sisi? Where is she now?"

"So you are Dili?" Xiao Yi asked without answering.

The Six-Finger Silk Emperor immediately admitted it. He had concealed something before, but when he heard the name Sisi, he completely gave up resistance.

"Yes, I am Di Li. How is Sisi doing now?" Liuzhi Si Di, or Di Li asked anxiously.

Xiao Yi looked at his anxious look and replied, "You left without saying a word. Do you still care about her well-being?"

"I don't want to either, but it's not up to me at all!" Dili said distressedly, "Is she okay now?"

"It's not bad, I'm living my life on my island!" Xiao Yi said, no longer trying to be pretentious, "She asked me to find you, and now that I have found you, she has completed her commission. She asked me to tell you that she I’ve been waiting for you on the island.”

When Di Li heard this, tears fell silently.

"I can't help her, but she is still waiting for me." Dili murmured, "No, I have to go find him. Boss Yi Ranpin, where is your island? I must go Meet her on your island!”

Since the former queen of the elves can be placed on her own island to live her old life, it shows that the person in front of her is absolutely powerful.

In the first stage of Dili, the elves didn't take him seriously at all.

Therefore, Dili speculated that there must be an advanced civilization behind Xiao Yi, and there would be no problem in calling him "big boss".

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly and said: "As a survivor, do you still think you can easily return to the first stage?"

"The first stage? Are you not an indigenous civilization?" Dili looked at Xiao Yi in shock and asked.

"Who told you that our island owner is aboriginal? We are all survivors!" Jie Bi replied angrily.

Xiao Yi smiled helplessly and shook his head, saying: "Like you, I am a survivor, not a native."

Di Li looked at Xiao Yi in shock, not even knowing what to say.

After a long while, Di Li spoke again: "In other words, you and I both completed the first phase of the trial on the same planet?"

"Well, how else would I know Xisi?" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Dili digested the information he just received, and then said: "Thank you for telling me all this!"

"You're welcome, Sisi is our friend. It's just a matter of helping a friend with a message." Xiao Yi waved his hand and said.

"It's just a piece of cake for you, but for me, this news is too important!" Dili said seriously, thinking for a while, he spoke again, "Boss, can I join you?"

Since Sisi said she was waiting for him on Yi Ranpin's island, she was actually hinting that he would join Xiao Yi's camp.

Since it was Sisi's hint, he didn't need to hesitate at all, not to mention the current situation. Only by following Xiao Yi could he possibly return to the planet in the first stage.

Relying on himself alone, Dili has no confidence at all.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled when he heard Di Li's request, but he soon figured it out. It was very obvious in Xisi's words that she wanted him to follow her.

"Since you are Sisi's friend, there is no problem!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "Welcome to join. If you need anything, you can tell the Jiebi account and they will provide you with support."

Dili was slightly startled: "Boss, you said so, aren't you using the Jiebi account? Are they? Are there many people on Jiebi's side?"

"Of course, we are not in the same galaxy as you now, so naturally we will not be exposed to the use of the Island Monument of Jie Coin." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"What? We are no longer in the same galaxy, how can we get in touch?" Dili asked in shock.

"We are using a cross-galaxy communicator, Chang Yi, please zoom out a little further." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Yes, Lord Island Master!" Chang Yi responded, and then zoomed out the lens of the inter-galaxy communicator.

Dili finally saw the entire island monument on the screen.

"So this is it, a cross-galaxy communicator? There is such an advanced item!" Dili exclaimed in shock.

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