Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1975 Communication between the Fire Phoenix and the Aboriginals

"I think this advanced civilization probably didn't block the signal on purpose."

"That should be the case, otherwise, it would be impossible for that brother to have access to the Internet."

“What if the big guy’s network is stronger?”

"Well, no matter how powerful it is, it won't be able to fight against advanced civilizations!"

"That's possible. The boss has always been surprising. It's no surprise if he is surprised again."

"Does this mean that the boss's mobile phone is more powerful and can still be used even if he is imprisoned?"

"It seems to be the case. I even wonder if this is the boss advertising his mobile phone!"

"Your idea is very dangerous. How can it be so exaggerated? If the boss can let those advanced civilizations help advertise, then we will not be in danger!"

Fire Phoenix, who was locked in a glass dome, continued to update his status.

"The enemy has been away for more than half an hour. I don't know if they understand the meaning of the pictures I drew for them."

"Brother, you are really talented, you actually thought of using pictures to communicate."

"This is normal. Images are the oldest way of recording, and this communication barrier is the smallest."

While they were having a heated discussion on the Internet, Huo Huang's post was also forwarded to the public channel on the island monument.

"Wancao, I didn't expect that you could still use your mobile phone after being caught."

"I always feel like this is a soft article. Is it used by the boss for publicity?"

"It doesn't seem to be the case. The arrested person has already revealed his ID. He is the Huohuang who spoke first, and there are also pictures of the scene."

"The on-site pictures may also be fake. He took a few photos in a spaceship at random. Most people probably won't be able to tell whether they are true or false."

"Forget it, if you believe it, continue to watch the follow-up development. If you don't believe it, just watch the excitement. There is nothing to argue about!"

"There is a follow-up! Wait for me to repost it!"

Sitting in the glass cover, Huo Huang found two aliens floating over again, followed by a team transporting a black stone tablet.

Seeing the island monument, Huo Huang immediately became happy. He knew that the other party must have understood the meaning of the picture he drew.

The fire phoenix floated to the edge of the glass cover, pointed at the island monument, and then pointed at himself.

I don’t know if the other party understood it, but they sent the island monument through a buffer room and into the glass cover.

Fire Phoenix immediately floated over and opened the island monument.

To his surprise, the other party hadn't occupied his island monument yet.

"Are you so cautious?" Huo Huang thought in shock, and then opened the use rights of the island monument to these indigenous civilizations.

"Hello, my name is Huo Huang, and I come from a planet called Vrail." Huo Huang's words were immediately converted into the indigenous language through the translation of the island tablet.

The natives were obviously stunned when they saw the words displayed on the island tablet. After a long while, they started to murmur in a low voice.

Fire Phoenix knew that they needed to be given some time to accept the magic of the island monument, so he floated aside and waited.

Soon, they seemed to have finished muttering, and then one of the representatives said, "How did you get here?"

Huohuang replied helplessly: "I don't know, I appeared here all of a sudden. According to our speculation, it is most likely related to this island monument."

Hearing Huo Huang's answer, the natives whispered again.

"What is this island monument?" the native asked again.

Huohuang was stunned for a moment and said to himself: "Don't these natives know the function of the island monument?"

This makes sense, otherwise, this island monument would have been occupied by them long ago!

"Actually, so far, I don't know what this island monument is, but for us survivors, it is very important." Fire Phoenix thought for a while and replied.

"You don't know what this island monument is?" The native looked at Huo Huang in confusion and said.

"That's right, we are just users. No one knows where this island monument came from." Huo Huang continued, "You can ask any other survivor about this."

The native nodded slightly, and then continued to ask: "In addition to being able to translate, does this island tablet have any other functions?"

"Of course!" Huo Huang replied, and then introduced the function of the island monument. He didn't hide anything, because it was meaningless. The native could get all the information by just grabbing a few survivors.

After listening to Huo Huang's story, the natives were stunned. They felt a little incredible.

"Are you sure this stone tablet has such a big effect?" the native confirmed again.

"Well, and if we survivors are combined with the island monument, some supply boxes will be refreshed around us every day, and some resources and even manufacturing diagrams and other items will be released in the supply boxes." Huo Huang continued to explain, He deliberately highlights the role of survivors in the hope of surviving.

Based on these two contacts, the indigenous civilization in front of us should be the kind that can communicate. Therefore, as long as you reflect your own value, you might be able to survive, and even live well.

After all, the level of the indigenous civilization in front of us is definitely not low.

The natives gathered outside the glass cover to read what Huo Huang said, and then left one after another without taking the island monument away. Huo Huang excitedly said in the public channel on the island monument: "I feel like I have a chance to survive!"

"Wucao, isn't this Fire Phoenix? Aren't you locked in a glass dome?"

"Yes, are you using the wrong client? You should use the mobile phone the boss gave you at this time, right? Otherwise, how can it be used for publicity?"

"No one can clear Huo Huang's name now. I'll say this is a propaganda method arranged by the boss."

Huohuang said helplessly: "I don't even bother to pay attention to you conspiracy theory people. I can use the island monument to chat with you just because they sent the island monument inside the glass cover."

"The natives didn't occupy your island monument? They sent the island monument to the place where you were imprisoned? This is too fake!"

"Yeah, even if you lie, you have to be half-truthful. This is really too false!"

"Brothers Fire Phoenix, ignore them. Since they sent the island monument, does it mean that the pictures you sent before are effective?"

"Yes, and I have already used the island monument to communicate with them. At present, I feel that the other party is quite friendly." Huohuang replied, "I would like to advise everyone, if you are really in my situation, don't struggle and follow the other party's instructions. You answer whatever he asks, don't hide anything or deceive, because it's not necessary!"

"That's right! It's not easy for such a powerful indigenous civilization to catch us. If we catch a few more, we can always interrogate the truth. If the other party finds out that you are deceiving, you will probably be dead!"

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