Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1976 Selling detection satellites and proposing to form a group

"Be confident, there is no need to estimate, he is definitely dead!"

"Huo Huang, can you tell me your approximate location? I still hope to avoid those advanced civilizations. This feeling of not being able to control my destiny is so unpleasant."

"Yes, Brother Huohuang, can you reveal your location?"

When Xiao Yi saw this, he directly said in the public channel: "Let me mark it on the map. I combined the feedback from several brothers who encountered the big ship. It seems that it should have invaded from the periphery of our galaxy. "

After speaking, Xiao Yi marked the locations of those large ships and sent the screenshots to the public channel.

"What a great guy, sir. With so many light spots on the map, are there so many spaceships coming?"

"It's now here, and you're still doubting the boss's intelligence?"

"No, I just can't believe that so many advanced civilizations can appear at once."

"Thank you, boss. I suddenly feel that being in a remote location seems to have its benefits. At least now I don't have to worry about those advanced civilizations finding me."

"You're not going further outside than these spaceships, are you?"

"Congratulations, you answered correctly. I am indeed still outside. Judging from the movements marked by the boss, they should not be heading outside."

"Yeah, but aren't the people inside in danger? It feels like they have formed a huge encirclement."

"Yes, this is the information collected by the boss. What if there is something else that the boss has not collected?"

"Then let's boldly draw a circle on the map. All locations on this circle are likely to have large spaceships."

"They are searching for us like this, and we have no chance to escape!"

"Don't be so pessimistic. Even if they surround us like this, we still have a chance to escape. The space of a galaxy is really too big. They definitely don't have that much manpower and material resources to ensure that no one is left behind!"

"That's right, as long as we can find out in advance and escape in advance!"

"It's easy to say, but how do you find out in advance?"

"It all depends on your ability. I've told you how to escape. If you still don't know how to escape, or can't do it, then I have nothing to do."

"Yes, I've fed it to my mouth, I can't chew it back to you!"

Seeing this, Xiao Yi immediately said: "Our alliance's online shopping mall will immediately put the detection satellite on the shelves. If you need it, buy it yourself!"

"Wucao, the boss will always give us surprises! Just now he was saying that he couldn't find the other party in advance, so now he will launch targeted new products."

"I just don't know how the detection satellite launched this time functions."

"Everything the boss brings out is definitely top quality!"

"Exquisite, absolutely excellent, I have seen it and bought it!"

"Post it so everyone can see it!"

"[Optical Detection Satellite] (SSS level)*1."

"As expected, it is SSS-level equipment again, so there is no need to look at its basic attributes. SSS-level detection satellites are definitely enough!"

"It's more than enough, it's simply not great for a bachelor like me! With it, I can finally sleep peacefully!"

"Yes, it can automatically identify abnormal approaches and sound an alarm. This is equivalent to a 24-hour guard!"

"Wucao, it's so good, I must buy one!"

“Already purchased three so I can sleep in!”

"Three is definitely not enough. I have already bought one hundred and eight. I will set up a dragnet around me. Anything that wants to get close to me will be discovered!"

"Brother, if you want to brag, please make a draft. A detection satellite costs 10,000 yuan. If it's more than 100, it's more than 1 million. Do you have that much money?"

"Ahem, brother upstairs, look at his ID. He was the first in the recharge list last time. He also sold a damaged small spaceship to the boss. It is conservatively estimated that his balance is more than 30 million."

"Well, it's me who can't see the truth. You're not bragging. It's me who's making a fool of myself. Just ignore me!"

Purchasing more detection satellites is indeed safer in theory. After all, if one is broken, there will be others that are working normally.

In addition, this time it is to detect advanced civilization, and the other party will definitely destroy the detection satellite after discovering it, so that several more detection satellites may react.

Through the sale of exploration satellites, virtual currency has slowly been accepted by the public.

Many survivors have asked Yiranpin Alliance to open recharge channels.

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and replied: "Our recharge staff are limited, so we can't open recharge all the time every day, but since everyone has this demand, we will open the recharge channel for three hours a day, from 2 to 5 p.m. As long as the time is up, those who have not completed the recharge can freely choose to continue queuing or cancel the recharge!”

"Okay, okay, as long as there is a way to recharge in an emergency, so as not to delay purchasing the high-end equipment launched by the big guys."

"Yeah, it just so happens that I don't have enough money in my balance. If I don't top up, I won't even be able to afford a detection satellite."

"With so many people under the boss, can't you find someone who wants to recharge?"

"With many people, there are many things to do. In such a huge alliance, there are far more things to do than you think."

"Yes, it would be great if you can provide us with a time period every day to recharge. Don't ask too much."

Huo Huang was in the glass cover, watching everyone chatting on the island monument, and shook his head helplessly.

Unfortunately, it was too late for Yi Ranpin to take out the detection satellite. If it had been earlier, he might not have become a prisoner.

Huohuang switched the island monument to the map interface, and found that he was stopping at a position and not moving.

"Everyone, don't be too nervous, we have stopped now!" Huohuang once again sent a message in the public channel.

"Stopped? What do you mean?"

"I don't know about this. Maybe it's for rest. Anyway, we are currently parked." Huohuang explained.

"Stop where you are and wait for us to deliver it to your door?"

"Perhaps, they will surround us, just like raising pigs. When is the New Year, come in and kill one and take it out!"

"Wucao, are you so cruel?"

"What you said is so scary, why don't we sign up for a group tour? With a few of us together, we can also have an extra pair of eyes to observe the surrounding environment."

"It doesn't seem impossible. There are so many advanced civilizations appearing, so we should really unite!"

"Then I'll send you the coordinates. Those who are relatively close to each other should come closer. Let's put aside our differences and speak to the outside world in unison!"

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