"Did Boss Yi Ranpin just give me the coordinates casually, and he didn't intend to help us deal with these bugs?" The light chaser felt a little unsure.

With this thought in mind, the light chaser floated into the escape pod of another survivor.

"Sir, we are almost near that powerful survivor. Do we really want to continue moving forward?" The light chaser confirmed to the Cockroach King again.

"Of course, I said it all, you just need to fight him and then defeat him, leave the rest to us!" the Cockroach King replied affirmatively.

The light chaser frowned and continued: "But we didn't see any detection satellites nearby. I'm worried that there is a scam!"

This sentence was actually meant for another survivor. Sure enough, after hearing this, the other survivor's face changed slightly. He also thought that Boss Yi Ranpin might not want to help them.

"Wouldn't it be better not to have a detection satellite? It's convenient for us to get close to them." The Cockroach King said nonchalantly, "Okay, don't say any more and rush over. My people can't wait any longer."

These big cockroaches need more food and more space to reproduce. Now there are several big cockroaches waiting to give birth on the two escape cabins. Once they give birth, the space of the two escape cabins will not be enough!

"Yes!" The two light chasers had no choice but to respond.

After the Cockroach King communicated with the two, he left here immediately. He wanted to go back to continue eating and create more cockroaches.

The two light chasers continued to communicate using the island monument.

"Isn't Boss Yi Ranpin not in this position?"

"God knows, I hope he is here! With the boss's reputation, he shouldn't have any need to deceive us."

"Also, if you don't want to help us, just refuse at the beginning. There is no need to go to such trouble."

"However, we don't need to be so entangled. We don't seem to have any other choice."

"Yeah, I can only go over and take a look first before talking."

At this time, Xiao Yi had already contacted Jiang Yuntian: "Brother Jiang, are you still testing the particle rifle?"

"The test has been completed, and it is really awesome. Now I have reached the position you sent to the light chaser yesterday." Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

"Well, you must be careful, those big cockroaches are definitely not simple!" Xiao Yi reminded.

"Yes, island owner, please rest assured, we will definitely be able to capture these big cockroaches!" Jiang Yuntian responded in a deep voice.

"Well, I always wore protective jumpsuits in the past!" Xiao Yi continued.


"Keep in touch!"

Under Xiao Yi's instructions, the escape cabin of the two light chasers was very close to Jiang Yuntian's spaceship.

Light Chaser's detection satellite immediately displayed a reminder: "Three spaceships have been spotted ahead, please avoid them!"

After hearing this reminder, the light chaser immediately floated to the detection satellite terminal. When he saw the image fed back from above, he muttered excitedly: "The boss really didn't lie to us!"

After being excited, the light chaser was a little worried: "I wonder if the boss is ready and can he defeat these big bugs?"

Worried, he floated to another escape cabin and explained to the Cockroach King what his detection satellite had detected.

"Have we finally arrived?" The Cockroach King was so excited when he saw the three large spaceships that his tentacles were trembling.

There must be a lot of food on such a big spaceship, and my tribe can finally grow!

"Shall we launch a direct attack?" the light chaser asked respectfully.

"Well, attack directly!" the Cockroach King said excitedly.

The light chaser glanced at the other survivor, and the two nodded slightly. Then they both got into their extravehicular spacesuits and started to activate their own electromagnetic railguns.

On Jiang Yuntian's side, the Light Chasers knew their actions as soon as they activated the electromagnetic railgun.

"Instructor, do we need to perform tactical evasive maneuvers?" a soldier asked.

"No, you can't show too much force, otherwise what if you scare away those big bugs?" Jiang Yuntian immediately replied, "As long as it doesn't hit our vital points, the weapons hand should also be careful not to kill the opponent in one go. .”

"Yes!" everyone responded.

The electromagnetic railguns of the two light chasers had already been fired, but Jiang Yuntian seemed to be a little slow to react and hid in a hurry, but was still hit.

After being hit, Jiang Yuntian and the others immediately began to fight back, firing two shells that accurately hit the escape cabins of the two light chasers.

According to the Cockroach King's request, the two of them immediately pretended to be dead, and the big cockroaches also hid.

Jiang Yuntian immediately ordered: "Grab the two escape cabins and dock them!"


Xiao Yi saw Jiang Yuntian starting to grab the two escape capsules from behind, so he stood up and said, "It's over, arrange a spaceship, I'll go over and take a look!"

"Yes!" Su Wan responded, and then immediately made a call.

Xiao Yi quickly got on a large spaceship and flew towards Jiang Yuntian.

After completing the docking, Jiang Yuntian personally led ten people to put on protective jumpsuits, holding particle assault rifles, and walked to the escape cabin of the Light Chasers.

In Jiang Yuntian's daily training, Xiao Yi specifically requested that they must train to fight without gravity!

Because not all spaceships have gravity, they will definitely encounter those without gravity systems, or even spaceships with different gravity than theirs, which will affect their mission!

Therefore, these special situations must be covered in daily training.

Jiang Yuntian led ten soldiers through the docking channel and arrived at the light chaser's escape cabin.

At this time, many huge cockroaches poured out from other cabins.

There was no need for Jiang Yuntian to issue orders, and all the soldiers immediately began to attack.

A bunch of light bombs flew out, and those big cockroaches seemed to be made of paper, torn to pieces by the light bombs!

There are so many big cockroaches, but none of them can get close to Jiang Yuntian and the others.

The light chasers who were pretending to be dead looked at the weapons in Jiang Yuntian's hands in shock.

"This is not a laser pistol. It fires much faster than a pistol!" The light chaser was stunned. "And what they are wearing is not a space suit?"

Generally speaking, space suits are relatively heavy, but Jiang Yuntian's and others' clothes are very light.

In the shock of the light chasers, Jiang Yuntian and the others completely eliminated all the big cockroaches in the escape cabin.

"Okay, stop pretending. For safety, we need to control you first. Is there no problem?" Jiang Yuntian looked at the light chaser and asked.

Of course, Jiang Yuntian told the light chaser through the island monument.

The light chaser hurriedly replied: "No problem!"

Jiang Yuntian waved his hand, and a soldier floated behind him and tied up the light chaser.

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