Jiang Yuntian took the remaining nine people and rushed to another escape cabin.

The Cockroach King was very confident that his little brother would be able to control the situation, so he lay down on a bulkhead very calmly.

It is waiting for its younger brother to capture the other party.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian floated in with the soldiers, pointed the particle rifle at them, and said: "Don't move, you use the island tablet to translate!"

The Cockroach King was stunned, and it didn't react until the survivor translated Jiang Yuntian's words using the island tablet.

"What's going on? What have you done to my subjects?" the Cockroach King said angrily.

Jiang Yuntian shot one of its legs!


A light bullet flew by, and one of the Cockroach King's legs was broken by Qi Gen!

The Cockroach King immediately screamed: "How could you do this to me!"

"Shut up. If anyone says one more word before I ask a question, I will knock off one of their legs!" Jiang Yuntian continued.

Upon hearing this, the Cockroach King immediately closed his mouth.

It arranged nearly a hundred subordinates on the side of the light chaser, but it was actually defeated by these ten people. The weapons in their hands must be fast-firing and powerful weapons, similar to the laser pistol held by the light chaser. It's definitely different!

The Cockroach King's carapace is very hard. Although the laser pistol can damage it, it will never be able to take off one of its legs so easily.

After thinking about this, the Cockroach King did not dare to act rashly at all.

"Very good!" Jiang Yuntian said with satisfaction after seeing that no one was making noise with the cockroach.

"What's your name?" Jiang Yuntian asked, looking at the survivors wearing spacesuits.

"Sir, my name is Xueer." The survivor replied.

"Well, you are very good, you actually thought of contacting us to solve these bugs!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

When Xue Er heard this, his expression changed slightly.

The Cockroach King looked at him angrily.

Jiang Yuntian said this deliberately to prevent Xue Er from being a mere wallflower.

Although Jiang Yuntian now has an absolute advantage, he must be on guard in case these bugs have other back-ups.

By so clearly driving a wedge between Xue Er and Big Cockroach, they will no longer be able to cooperate. Jiang Yuntian will no longer worry about Xue Er stabbing him in the back!

At this time, a soldier floated to Jiang Yuntian and whispered: "Instructor, the island owner is here, let's take them to our spaceship!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly and said: "Everyone, let's go and sit on our spaceship. I warn you not to play tricks. The guns in our hands can easily go off!"

"Yes!" Xueer and the big cockroaches responded one after another.

When the Cockroach King heard Jiang Yuntian's words, the antennae on his head twitched, and then followed Jiang Yuntian towards Xiao Yi.

After passing through the docking channel, the Cockroach King and the others saw a tragic scene in the Light Chaser's escape cabin. All the cockroaches were riddled with holes.

"How could the weapons in these people's hands be so powerful?" the Cockroach King thought in shock.

Jiang Yuntian naturally brought out the light chasers as well.

When they arrived at Xiao Yi's side, they all felt their feet sink.

"Sure enough, there is gravity!" Light Chaser and Xueer were slightly surprised. After all, they had heard that the boss's spaceship had a gravity system before.

The cockroaches were extremely shocked. They did not expect that this survivor's spaceship would have a gravity system.

Both Light Chaser and Xuel have SSS-level physiques, and they can continue walking after a little adaptation.

As for those big cockroaches, their adaptability was even stronger than the two light chasers. They just lay on the ground for a few seconds and then they could continue walking.

Jiang Yuntian escorted them to a cabin.

Encountering many soldiers from the Chaos Star along the way, the Cockroach King's heart sank. He still wanted to come here and resist, and maybe he could get this spaceship into his own hands.

Having gravity is also good for them to reproduce.

But it really didn't expect that this survivor would have so many subordinates, and their weapons would be so powerful!

Soon they came to a large and empty cabin, where a young man sat at a table.

"Welcome everyone to my spaceship!" Xiao Yi said while looking at everyone with a smile.

Xue Er looked at Xiao Yi sitting there in shock, and the tentacles of those big cockroaches began to tremble rapidly.

Only the light chaser was not surprised, because he had communicated with Xiao Yi via video before and knew that Xiao Yi had a tacit skill.

"Don't be surprised, this is my skill!" Xiao Yi continued, and then he looked at Light Chaser and Xue Er, "This is a good plan of yours, send these big cockroaches to me."

"We have no choice but to save ourselves, and we have to thank the boss for helping us!" the light chaser said hurriedly.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then asked: "Where are you going next?"

"If the boss doesn't mind, I'm willing to offer my escape hatch and serve as a pawn under the boss. I hope the boss can take me in!" The light chaser was very decisive and ready to surrender.

Xiao Yi smiled noncommittally and looked at Xue'er. Xue'er was slightly startled, and then immediately replied: "I also want to be the boss's pawn, please take him in."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and replied: "Okay, you two can stay in our alliance!"

Hearing what Xiao Yi said, Light Chaser and Xueer immediately became excited and said in unison: "Thank you, boss, for taking me in!"

"Brother Jiang, please take them two out first, and we will make detailed arrangements when we get back!" Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian stood up and left the cabin with the two light chasers.

When the Cockroach King saw Jiang Yuntian leaving, his thoughts became alive again.

The only person in this cabin that made his heart palpitate was Jiang Yuntian. After he left, the Cockroach King felt that he had another chance.

It didn't hesitate at all, and immediately shook its tentacles quickly. The younger brothers received the order to attack and immediately pounced on the soldiers closest to it.

There are only eight soldiers here, plus the weak Xiao Yi.

There are nearly a hundred cockroach brothers on the Cockroach King's side. This battle is guaranteed to be won!

The soldiers who stayed here reacted very quickly. When they saw these cockroaches rioting, they immediately stood in front of Xiao Yi!

Those big cockroaches pounced on the soldiers, opened their mouths and bit them, but the next moment, bang! Bang! Bang!

Various crisp cracking sounds were heard, and the teeth of those little cockroaches shattered all over the ground.

These soldiers are all wearing space protective jumpsuits, and it is impossible for cockroaches to break through the defense of the jumpsuits.

The next moment, they ushered in the counterattack of these soldiers!

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