Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1993 Xiao Yi is so strong, he gives in and interrogates

The Chaos Star soldiers wearing protective jumpsuits pulled the trigger on the big cockroach in front of them with disdain.

Because those big cockroaches are crowded together, those assault rifles can kill several cockroaches with one blast.

Seeing that his side was at a disadvantage, the Cockroach King looked at Xiao Yi behind the soldiers and immediately issued an order: "Catch the young man behind!"

It was obvious that this young man had a very noble status, and if they could catch him, they could use it to threaten other soldiers.

Although those Chaos Star soldiers blocked most of the cockroaches, the opponent's number was indeed a bit larger, and there were always one or two fish that slipped through their defenses.

"Island owner, be careful!" a soldier shouted.

"Don't be nervous, they go to the island owner to die!" A veteran replied with a smile.

The soldier who had been shouting was stunned. In his opinion, the island owner Wenwen was weak and it would be difficult for him to deal with these big bugs with hard carapace.

But looking at the indifferent expressions of those veterans, he was a little unsure.

"Does the island owner have someone else to protect him?" the soldier thought.

At this time, the two big cockroaches that broke through the defense line had already arrived in front of Xiao Yi.

"It seems that you don't want to have a good chat anymore, so let's convince you first and then talk!" Xiao Yi still sat calmly at the table.

Two big cockroaches pounced on them, one on the left and one on the right, so fast that the soldiers felt that they could not keep up with the speed of these cockroaches.

But in the next moment, a beam of light appeared from Xiao Yi's hand and passed quickly in front of him, and the two big cockroaches were cut in half.

The cockroach that had split into two parts was still crawling towards Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi waved his hand casually, and the lightsaber in his hand slashed from the cockroach's head. The cockroach's head was cut into two halves, and he died completely.

"Island owner so strong?" The recruit looked at the scene in front of him in shock.

The veteran on the side smiled and said: "We instructors will be crushed by the island owner, what do you think?"

"What? How could the instructor be crushed if he is so strong?" The recruit felt even more incredible.

"This is something the instructor personally admitted. If you don't believe it, you can ask other people. All the soldiers who were in the combat team from the beginning know this!" the veteran replied with a smile, and then fired several shots in front of him. Get rid of the big cockroach.

When the Cockroach King saw Xiao Yi waving his hand to deal with the two cockroaches approaching him, his face was full of disbelief.

"How could he be so powerful!" The Cockroach King was completely stunned.

Xiao Yi's frail appearance actually contains so much energy?

While talking, all the big cockroaches in the cabin were almost killed, leaving only the last few big cockroaches surrounding the Cockroach King.

Seeing the body of his younger brother lying around, the Cockroach King's heart was bleeding.

It took him several days to train so many younger brothers. Unexpectedly, almost all of them died in less than a minute!

"We surrender, don't shoot!" The Cockroach King immediately hissed.

Xiao Yi raised his hand slightly, and the soldiers immediately stopped attacking.

"If we had a good chat at the beginning, we wouldn't have to fight each other." Xiao Yi said, "Look at how dirty this cabin is. We still need to clean it."

The floor was covered with the broken limbs of cockroaches, and yellow liquid was flowing everywhere.

Those who didn’t know thought that someone’s cesspit was leaking!

"Sir, leave the sanitation here to us. We are responsible for cleaning up." The Cockroach King said hurriedly.

Xiao Yi looked at them and said with a smile: "Don't worry, let's first tell you where you came from?"

"Sir, we came from the Insect Planet." The Cockroach King replied respectfully.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then asked: "How did you get here?"

"A random wormhole." The Cockroach King responded.

"Random wormhole?" Xiao Yi looked at the Cockroach King in confusion and asked again, "Is it the kind of wormhole that appears randomly?"

"No, it's a wormhole that can transport us to a random location." The Cockroach King replied.

Hearing this, Xiao Yi became even more confused.

The Cockroach King hurriedly explained, and under its explanation, Xiao Yi finally understood what the mechanism was.

The random wormhole it refers to can transport various teams on the worm star to a certain planet, ruins and other locations in their galaxy, and these locations have a high probability of encountering survivors.

"The rules of the world are really painstaking!" Xiao Yi thought to himself.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian came back again. He smelled a pungent smell as soon as he opened the door. Seeing the situation in the cabin, he immediately understood what was happening here.

"You are so fierce. You dare to resist in front of our island master. You are really tired of life!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

Xiao Yi thought for a while and continued to ask: "Can you survive in vacuum conditions?"

"No, but we can enter a state of suspended animation. With our carapace secreting a protective film, we can stay in the vacuum for a while!" Cockroach King explained.

"So magical?" Xiao Yi said in surprise.

"This is just a means of our life." The Cockroach King replied.

Xiao Yi asked some other information about the insect star. After getting the answer, Xiao Yi stood up and left the smelly cabin.

"Keep an eye on them!" Jiang Yuntian ordered.

"Yes!" The Chaos Star soldiers responded. They all wore jumpsuits that could filter the pungent smell.

After Jiang Yuntian followed Xiao Yi out, he hurriedly asked: "Are all these bugs going to be killed?"

"No, keep them and let Wang Yang and others study it!" Xiao Yi shook his head and replied.

Originally, Xiao Yi planned to kill them all after interrogation, but just now the Cockroach King mentioned their state of suspended animation. Xiao Yi was a little curious and planned to let Wang Yang's researchers study it.

Jiang Yuntian couldn't understand what the Cockroach King said, so he didn't know the specific situation.

"What are you studying?" Jiang Yuntian asked doubtfully.

"Study the reasons why they can survive in the vacuum environment of space." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Jiang Yuntian's eyes widened and he said, "Can they really survive in vacuum conditions?"

"It's not considered survival, but there are indeed ways to survive in vacuum conditions for a period of time." Xiao Yi replied.

"So awesome?" Jiang Yuntian exclaimed. However, considering that they had destroyed the escape cabins of the Light Chasers before, those cockroaches could still move and attack them. It was indeed not easy. Those cockroaches were not wearing spacesuits!

"Let's go back first and let Wang Yang and the others study the corpses of those cockroaches." Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded, then took out his cell phone and conveyed Xiao Yi's order.

"Where are the two survivors?" Xiao Yi asked casually.

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