Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2118 Encountering the longhorned beetle, killing it, the longhorned tomahawk

"One for each person. This requirement is a bit high. With the current insect explosion rate, it is difficult to equip every soldier!" Jiang Yuntian shook his head.

"This is the ultimate goal, work hard slowly!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded in a deep voice.

Everyone in the Yi Ranpin Alliance is focused on the Mantis Knife. As for the aerospace suit, it is originally a product of their alliance. They know the specific parameters better than anyone else, and there is no need for others to test it!

"Okay, I'm going to rest first. You guys should also rest early!" Xiao Yi got up and walked to the bedroom.

Everyone responded.

At this time, in the Domi Hot Galaxy, the three-eyed boy, who had just become familiar with the large spaceship, was ready to take a rest.

With so many younger brothers who don't have to worry about betrayal, the three-eyed boy can finally sleep well.

Although the previous small spacecraft also had gravity, he didn't dare to sleep too much alone.

As soon as he returned to his bedroom, the voice of his men came from the intercom in the spacecraft.

Sanyanzi has also been working hard to learn Xia Mandarin this week, so he can understand it roughly now.

"A beetle was found on a nearby meteorite?" The three-eyed guy immediately returned to the cockpit.

"Sir, do you want to kill him?" a soldier asked.

Sanyanzi frowned and asked, "How did you operate when you were in the Yi Ranpin Alliance?"

"When you encounter a lone insect, execute a remote kill operation. If the number exceeds ten, do not attack for the time being." The soldier replied in a deep voice.

"Then kill him!" the three-eyed boy replied.


Following the three-eyed boy's order, the pilot immediately controlled the spacecraft to fly towards the meteorite where the giant beetle was.

Five soldiers wearing bioaerospace suits are checking the condition of their equipment.

"We have arrived at the scheduled location and can leave the cabin!" the pilot said in a deep voice.

"Get out of the cabin!" the combat team leader immediately ordered.

The five soldiers immediately passed through the buffer room and came outside the cabin, started the propulsion device, and approached the giant beetle.

The giant beetle lying on the meteorite was originally in a dormant state, but when the spacecraft approached, it woke up.

The antennae on his head twitched, and then he turned his head to face the spacecraft.

"Aim at the beetle's head and attack it!" the captain said in a deep voice.

The five soldiers who came out of the cabin immediately pointed the particle assault rifles in their hands at the beetle and started shooting.

That day the cow seemed to be aware of the danger and immediately hid aside.

The physique of these five soldiers is only at the ordinary level, and their reactions will definitely not be able to match that of this giant beetle!

But the fighting habits of the long-horned beetles have been thoroughly studied by the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

It turns out that what came out of the Zerg wormhole on Wang Yang's planet was the beetle!

When the Chaos Star was transferred to the independent planet space, some longhorned beetles were deliberately left behind to test their fighting habits and combat effectiveness!

These soldiers cooperated together in the game cabin, constantly practicing killing beetles and other bugs that had already figured out the parameters, so the cooperation between them was very tacit.

Although the beetle dodged four shots, one shot accurately hit the left side of the beetle's head.

This is not a thermal weapon or a laser pistol before, but a particle assault rifle.

This shot penetrated the left side of the beetle's head, and the beetle stopped moving!

I don’t know if he is dead!

But one characteristic of the Zerg is that even if they die, they will most likely still have the ability to fight back.

Although there is not always a counterattack, there have been times when such situations have occurred.

Therefore, two of these soldiers stepped forward and grabbed the end of the beetle's long tentacles and pulled it into space.

Another soldier took out a sword hilt. After activating it, a lightsaber appeared. He wanted to completely chop off the beetle's head and cut it in half, completely destroying its nervous system, so as to prevent it from dying. The subsequent counterattack.

At this moment, the beetle started to move again, but the two soldiers holding the tentacles started the propellers and flew to both sides, tightening the beetle tightly. It looked like it was being torn apart by two horses. .

However, the propulsion power of the space suit is limited and cannot do this. They are just trying to control this beetle.

The soldier with the lightsaber approached from behind, slashed his sword, cut off the beetle's head, and cut it in half vertically.

The soldiers holding the two tentacles flew back a certain distance before stopping.

At this time, a scroll appeared next to the body of the beetle!

Seeing this scroll, the battle captain immediately ordered: "The long-horned beetle is dead, come back with the body and the scroll."

Since the scrolls have been revealed, it means that Tianniu must be dead!

"Yes!" the five soldiers responded.

Watching them kill an insect easily, the three-eyed boy sighed in his heart: "The island owner's team is really amazing!"

At the same time, he was extremely excited because this bug actually showed up and made pictures!

The five soldiers passed the buffer warehouse and returned to the spacecraft.

"Sir, this is an explosive item!" The captain presented the scroll directly to the three-eyed boy.

The three-eyed boy took it, walked to the island monument, and identified it with the island monument.

"[Beetle Battle Ax Manufacturing Diagram]*1."

"Yes, it turns out to be a weapon manufacturing diagram!" the three-eyed boy said in surprise.

The soldier on the side muttered softly: "Our alliance has particle guns and lightsabers. These are much easier to use than biological weapons. Why are you so happy after receiving a cold weapon manufacturing diagram?"

The three-eyed boy has an SSS-level physique. Although the soldier's voice was small, he heard it clearly.

"It's very simple," Sanyanzi looked at the soldier with a smile and said, "Because whether it is a laser gun, a particle gun, or a lightsaber, it all requires energy. What if the energy is insufficient?"

The soldier was stunned for a moment, then stood at attention and replied: "Thank you for your advice, sir. I am short-sighted!"

If there is no energy, those weapons can only be used as fire sticks. Weapons with only one hilt, such as lightsabers, cannot even be used as fire sticks.

"It's okay, this is what the island owner said. I thought the same thing as you at first!" The three-eyed guy smiled and replied, "Okay, you go and do your work!"

The soldiers left, and Sanyanzi immediately sent a message to Zhu Wu.

"Boss, are you there?" Three-Eyed Boy asked on the island monument.

At this time, Zhu Wu was talking nonsense with Du Kang and the others on the inter-galaxy communicator. Zhao Baishui came over and said, "Sir, the three-eyed boy is looking for you!"

Zhu Wu was slightly startled, then got up and walked to the island monument: "You are looking for me so late, is there anything important?"

Arriving in front of the island monument, Zhu Wu asked directly: "What's wrong?"

"Boss, we just killed a lone beetle, and a manufacturing diagram was revealed!" Three-Eyed Boy simply replied.

"Wucao, you guys are so lucky, send it here for a look!" Zhu Wu immediately replied.

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