Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2119 Dedicated, mechanical structure intelligent analyzer

Sanyanzi immediately sent over the manufacturing drawings obtained by the lever.

"[Beetle Battle Ax Manufacturing Diagram]*1 Transaction None."

Seeing him trading directly, Zhu Wu was not polite and immediately agreed to the deal.

"It still sounds very domineering. I will take this thing back first. After the island owner handles it, I will give you one!" Zhu Wu said with a smile.

"Thank you, boss, but I won't use it for now. Stay in the alliance and give it to wherever you need it!" Three-Eyed Boy said hurriedly, "The combat power on my spaceship is enough now."

"That's fine, let the island owner do the distribution!" Zhu Wu nodded slightly and said, "I will help you ask for credit from the island owner!"

"There's really no need for this. The island owner and you have already given me a fully equipped spaceship and a team. It's already very good. I don't dare to be greedy for credit anymore!" Sanyanzi said hurriedly.

Zhu Wu smiled and replied: "Our island master is the kind of person who must be rewarded for his merits and punished for his mistakes. You can't escape this credit."

The three-eyed boy was stunned for a moment, then shook his head helplessly: "Thank you very much to the island owner and boss!"

"I will probably return to the Chaos Galaxy tomorrow night. At six o'clock tomorrow afternoon, you will send me all the materials harvested through the transaction, and I will take them back!" Zhu Wu continued.

"Yes!" The three-eyed guy responded.

After finishing the chat, Zhu Wu returned to the inter-galactic communicator.

"Lao Zhu, why do people disappear while we are talking?" Du Kang called over there.

"Get out of here, your talent is gone!" Zhu Wu scolded with a smile.

Sun Gudao said in surprise: "Lao Zhu, you have learned Xia Mandarin very well. You actually know what it means to be dead!"

"I don't like hearing what you say. What does it mean to learn well? That means pretty good!" Zhu Wu replied proudly, and then continued, "Guess what I just did?"

"Go to the bathroom and eat?" Du Kang replied immediately.

Zhu Wu was speechless: "Can we not guess these two things together?"

"I can't think of any other questions. Did you have a girlfriend from Chaos Star?" Du Kang spread his hands and said, "But the time just now was really too short. You can't be a three-second man." Bar!"

"Go away, you are the three-second man!" Zhu Wu scolded immediately.

Du Kang said nonchalantly: "You say it or not. If you don't say it, we will all go to rest!"

Zhu Wu replied speechlessly: "Three-eyed boy has found a weapon manufacturing diagram."

"What? Biological weapons manufacturing diagram?" Du Kang immediately became interested.

The insect hunting team of the Yiranpin Alliance has killed many insects, but only one manufacturing diagram has been released, and it is an armor manufacturing diagram.

Now, a weapon manufacturing diagram has been revealed by the three-eyed boy. This must be great luck!

"Of course!" Zhu Wu replied proudly, "How about it, the younger brother I took in is not an easy one!"

"Tch, you didn't do it, why are you so proud?" Du Kang said disdainfully.

"Don't worry about whether I typed it or not. At least I have the manufacturing diagram now!" Zhu Wu replied.

"What weapon?" Du Kang asked curiously.

"I won't tell you!" Zhu Wu pretended to be secretive.

"Don't mention it, let's go to bed!" Du Kang immediately stood up and prepared to leave.

The others also stood up.

"No, I said, I said it's not okay!" Zhu Wu said immediately.

He is a talkative himself. If he has good things, he should share them with good friends. If he doesn't share them, he will feel uncomfortable.

Du Kang naturally knew this problem of his and easily caught Zhu Wu.

Du Kang and others immediately sat down again.

After finally producing a weapon manufacturing diagram, they also wanted to know what it was.

Seeing them sitting down so happily, Zhu Wu knew that they were pretending to leave just now, and he must really want to know what kind of weapon this manufacturing diagram is!

"Forget it, I won't argue with you anymore!" Zhu Wu curled his lips and said, "It's the long-horned battle ax manufacturing diagram!"

"This name sounds very domineering!" Sun Gudao said in surprise.

"Yeah, I just don't know what it's like to make it!" Du Kang nodded slightly, and then asked, "Can I buy this manufacturing diagram from the three-eyed boy?"

"What are you thinking? Sanyanzi is also a person who knows how to repay kindness, okay!" Zhu Wu snorted coldly and said, "He handed in the manufacturing diagram as soon as he got it. He wanted to donate it. Give it to the island owner, and I’m not planning to ask for a reward.”

"Well, it seems that you have good taste, and the young man you picked up is pretty good!" Du Kang nodded slightly and said.

"That is, if my vision was not good, how could I follow the island owner so firmly?" Zhu Wu replied confidently.

"Tch, you are also good at flattery!" Du Kang said with a smile.

"I am speaking from the bottom of my heart, how can I call it flattery?" Zhu Wu asked in return.

"It's already so obvious. Stop pretending. The island owner is not here. When he is here, you can talk more!" Du Kang replied, rolling his eyes.

"Did the island owner go to bed so early?" Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, and then said righteously, "I will say this whether the island owner is here or not."

Du Kang reluctantly changed the subject: "When will you come back? I want to see what this beetle battle ax looks like?"

"No matter when I come back, you have to wait until the island owner is in four times his state to see it!" Zhu Wu replied.

"That seems to be the case. Biological weapons are so difficult to obtain now. You must enjoy four times the state, otherwise it will be a big loss!" Du Kang nodded slightly and said.

"Yes!" Zhu Wu sighed with emotion.

"Since we can't see it now, forget it, it's too late, let's go to bed!" Du Kang stood up again to leave.

"No, I've told you, just chat with me for a while!" Zhu Wu immediately persuaded them to stay.

"No, it's too late. If you're okay, then practice more telekinesis! Don't fall too far behind us!" Du Kang said with a smile, then turned and left!

"Oh, okay! See you tomorrow!" Zhu Wu reluctantly ended the communication and walked to his bedroom!

There was no words all night, and the next day, Xiao Yi woke up and signed in.

"Sign in successfully and receive the reward: Mechanical Structure Intelligent Analyzer (SSS Level)*1."

Xiao Yi was slightly startled. Most of them were templates before, but this time they were given an instrument directly.

He looked at the instrument in the system space that looked like a watch.

"Mechanical structure intelligent analyzer (SSS level): It can scan and analyze the structure of mechanical technology products and generate corresponding templates."

Seeing this explanation, Xiao Yi's eyes lit up.

This thing is so useful. As long as you can harvest an item, you can use this instrument to analyze the structure and generate a template.

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