Sanyanzi slept until now. As soon as he got up, he received a notice from his subordinates: "Sir, Master Zhu is looking for you!"

The three-eyed boy originally wanted to stay in bed for a while, but when he heard the news, he immediately jumped up and replied: "I'll be there soon!"

He didn't even have time to wash up before he rushed to the cockpit.

"Boss, I slept too soundly and overslept!" Three-eyed boy said embarrassedly.

Zhu Wu smiled and replied: "Same, when I had my own team on the first day, I slept until eight or nine in the morning. After all, I was no longer alone, so I could relax a little!"

The three-eyed boy nodded slightly, and then asked: "I wonder what the boss wants from me?"

"Of course it's a good thing!" Zhu Wu replied, "I just contacted the island owner, and the island owner himself offered to give you a chance to practice Daozang!"

Seeing Zhu Wu's reply, Sanyanzi's eyes widened.

He had been thinking about when he would get the opportunity to contact Daozang, but he didn't expect happiness to come so suddenly!

Although Bug Hunting revealed the manufacturing diagram of the Longhorn Tomahawk before, he had never thought of using this thing to claim credit.

From Sanyanzi's point of view, the teams that hunted the bugs were all from the Yi Ranpin Alliance, and it was not his own credit at all.

"How is it? Is it good news?" Zhu Wu continued to ask with a smile, "I said that the island owner is the kind of person who will reward his merits. Now I believe it!"

"But the leak of the weapon manufacturing diagram this time cannot be regarded as my contribution at all!" said the three-eyed guy.

"Why don't you count? If it weren't for you, no matter how many teams we have in the Yiranpin Alliance, they still can't catch up to your position!" Zhu Wu said with a smile, "Okay, don't continue to be humble. The island owner said, This time, because your team has just been formed, I need you to take care of it here. When I come here next time, I will take you back."

Because Daozang is quite special, it is not put on the Internet. If you want to learn, you have to go back to the chaotic galaxy.

"Yes, thank you boss, thank you island owner!" Sanyanzi said excitedly.

"Work hard, and the island owner will definitely not treat you badly!" After Zhu Wu said that, he left the island monument and returned to the inter-system communicator.

Seeing Zhu Wu come back, Du Kang said in surprise: "This three-eyed boy is very hardworking. With a team, how can he get up so early on the first day?"

"You were also awakened by my message!" Zhu Wu replied with a smile.

Du Kang said: "Three-eyed boy has a good temper. If I call you a bloody bitch, how dare you disturb my rest!"

Zhu Wu rolled his eyes and replied: "I don't believe the island owner called you, how dare you do this?"

"Tch, can the island owner be the same as you?" Du Kang replied nonchalantly.

"Okay, you two, stop wrangling and get down to business. Zhu Wu, what's the situation with the civilized forces and Zerg in the Domire Galaxy?" Xiao Yi asked.

Zhu Wu immediately replied: "Yes, but very few. I feel that the difficulty of the test here is not as exaggerated as in the Chaos Galaxy."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Since the test is not difficult, let the three-eyed guy take this opportunity to hunt more Zerg. If you can find those civilizations that are not upgraded, you can also try to attack them!"

"Yes, Island Master!" Zhu Wu responded.

"If you have nothing to do, go practice more and stop talking nonsense here!" Xiao Yi said.


Zhu Wu hung up the communication, then contacted Sanyanzi again and told him Xiao Yi's order.

"Yes, please rest assured, Lord Island Master, I will definitely do what he asks!" The three-eyed boy responded immediately.

"Well, the premise is safety first. This is something the island owner has always emphasized. As long as safety can be guaranteed, there is no problem even if you get nothing." Zhu Wu continued to warn.

"Yes, thank you island owner for your concern!" the three-eyed guy responded.

"Okay, go and do your work!" Zhu Wu took the initiative to end the call, then walked to the futon aside and started practicing.

On the satellite-class spacecraft, Su Wan quickly walked to the cockpit, found Xiao Yi, and said, "Island Master, it takes time to generate this template!"

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then asked: "How long will it take?"

"Scanning can be completed in an instant. The time it takes to generate a template varies, depending on the size and precision of the mechanical product. The larger the volume and precision, the longer it will take." Su Wan replied.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, thought for a moment, and then ordered: "Then template the spaceships with special functions first, and do the rest slowly!"

"Okay!" Su Wan responded, and then left again.

"I thought I could have templates for everything instantly, but it seems I thought too much!" Xiao Yi shook his head and muttered.

Du Kang's desk was near Xiao Yi. Hearing this muttering, he said helplessly: "Island Master, if others hear this, you may be beaten!"

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, then smiled and shook his head.

Most of the other survivors now do not have templates. A few of the island monuments that have templates were obtained in the first stage and are of no use in the second stage.

A very small number of templates were harvested in the second stage, but these templates were all ordinary-level templates, and the better ones were C-level and B-level.

Xiao Yi already has a lot of SSS-level templates, and now he wants to get templates for everything quickly. It’s really a man who is full and doesn’t know how to be hungry!

Xiao Yi looked at the public channel, and everyone was still discussing the power of the alliance's space suit.

"Yesterday I also tried the space suit. I stayed outside for twelve hours and walked around the meteorite belt for a long time."

"Wucao, are you too busy?"

"Nowadays, most of the work does not require us to do it ourselves. It is normal to take a walk."

"Yes, by the way, I can also look for any lone insects. With my laser pistol, I think we can fight!"

"The escape cabin already has a gravity system. Only when you get out can you experience the feeling of weightlessness!"

"Damn, it's been almost two months, you still want to continue to experience it?"

"Even if you want to experience it, you can still be in the escape cabin and just turn off the gravity system!"

"Stop talking, he just wants to take a dip in the cabin. It has nothing to do with whether there is anything in the escape cabin!"

"I have never used an oar to sail a boat in my life, I have relied solely on waves!"

"Brothers, I have a question here, that is, a biological armor manufacturing diagram has been revealed here, and the raw materials have been gathered. Do you think I should wear biological armor, or the boss's aerospace suit?"

"Adults never make a choice. They wear both, the biological armor on the inside and the aerospace suit on the outside. It's a perfect solution!"

"Brother, you haven't seen the picture of my armor. Let's talk about it after reading it!"

With that said, the survivor posted a photo of his armor on the public channel.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the photo of the armor.

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