The photo posted by the survivor was of an upper body armor. If it were just a normal-looking armor, there would be no problem at all wearing it under a space suit.

But there were actually long spikes on the two shoulders of this armor, which were even higher than the wearer's head.

"What kind of shape is this? Two horns? Can you use this thing to hit your opponent during battle?"

"This is a good idea. It can also be regarded as a method of attack. Brother, you made a profit this time. The armor actually has attack power!"

"This armor looks like it might hurt you!"

"Such a weird piece of armor cannot be worn inside, so you don't need to worry about it at all. Just wear the boss's space suit, because you can't leave the cabin even if you wear the armor!"

"That's right, let's wait until we get to those planets suitable for our survival before using this armor!"

"How could he not think of such a simple question? I think he just wants to show off that he has made a piece of biological armor. You are all fooled by such an obvious fishing operation!"

"Hey, you discovered it. Yes, I just want to show off. Do you think my armor is cool?"

"Made, get out of here!"

"To be honest, the biological equipment exploded by these bugs are really unique!"

At this time, Jiang Yuntian was leading his team to search for bugs all over the meteorite belt!

"Weren't there a lot of bugs before? Now they're all gone!" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

"Instructor, we have just come out. The nearby meteorites have been searched for a long time. Where there are talents, there are ghosts!" the soldier on the side said helplessly.

"In that case, fly forward quickly!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Instructor, we are already sailing at full speed."

"Is sailing at full speed so slow?" Jiang Yuntian felt that he was in a hurry.

"Report, we found giant bug moths, five in total. Do you want to kill them?" At this time, the observer on the side said.

"Of course I killed him, come five people out of the cabin with me!" Jiang Yuntian said excitedly.


Jiang Yuntian and his group of six people came out of the cabin, each armed with a high-energy particle sniper rifle.

"According to alliance data, as long as we get within two hundred meters of them, they will wake up! Of course, if they are more than two hundred meters away, once they are attacked, they will all wake up!" A soldier said at the side.

"Well, then don't give them a chance to wake up!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "Aim one at a time and wait for my countdown to shoot together!"

"Yes!" everyone responded.

Everyone raised their sniper rifles. The attack range of this high-energy particle sniper rifle is more than two hundred meters, and its effective attack range is tens of thousands of meters, which is more than five times the range of sniper rifles on Earth!

Now, Jiang Yuntian and the others are only about 400 meters away from those giant moths, so they are very close.

"Three, two, one, shoot!" Jiang Yuntian counted down.

Six people fired at the same time, and six beams of light quickly flew towards the heads of those giant moths.

These five holding moths didn't react at all, and their heads were penetrated by the beam.

Even the meteorites they were lying on were penetrated by sniper rifles.

"This penetrating power is really strong!"

Although this was not the first time for Jiang Yuntian to see the power of this sniper rifle, he was still a little amazed!

After sighing with emotion, Jiang Yuntian immediately said: "Leave the replacement gun to me!"

The other five soldiers looked at each other helplessly, and then responded that they must make the instructor happy today anyway. If he is unhappy, everyone will be unhappy later.

Originally, Jiang Yuntian didn't have to take action in the first round of attacks, but after holding it in for three days, his hands were really itchy.

Now he doesn't let the soldiers do it but goes into battle himself. In the past, Jiang Yuntian never let anyone else intervene!

Jiang Yuntian shot each of the five giant moths in the head, and two of them twitched again when he shot them.

Obviously, if they get close to these two moths easily, they will definitely fight back to death!

After refilling his gun, Jiang Yuntian carefully looked around the moths and found nothing falling. He sighed and said, "Please clean up the battlefield and pay attention to safety!"

Although the gun has been replenished, the sniper rifle in his hand only made a hole. It is not yet known whether it has completely destroyed the moth's nerves, so he still needs to be cautious.

"Yes!" The other five people responded.

Jiang Yuntian turned around and floated into the spacecraft. After the five people brought the giant moth's body back, he continued to order: "Continue to look for bugs."


Just as Jiang Yuntian was constantly looking for bugs, he suddenly received a message.

"According to the feedback from other survivor detection satellites, the fleets of those advanced civilizations suddenly accelerated!"

This was a message from the alliance intelligence department, and Xiao Yi naturally received it.

After Jiang Yuntian saw the news, he could only say helplessly: "Let's return!"

Returning to the cockpit of Xiao Yi's spaceship, he asked: "What's the situation now?"

"The fleets of advanced civilizations that were originally cautious and cautious suddenly accelerated. It's really strange, but I don't know what happened!" Xiao Yi replied, "I have contacted Huo Huang online to see if I can get help from him. Get some news about advanced civilizations!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly.

Fire Phoenix was the survivor who was captured by the fleet of an advanced civilization but was not executed.

Huo Huang is the only one who has penetrated into the advanced civilization, so he is the most likely to find out what happened.

"Is there any response?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, and then replied: "Not so far."

Before she finished speaking, Amelia Su said: "There is a response!"

Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian immediately approached.

"I'm sorry, boss, I've been locked in a closed cabin and have basically no contact with the outside world, so I don't know what's going on!" Huohuang replied, "They should have purchased it two days ago. Apart from this difference in your gravity system, I don’t know anything else.”

"Thank you!" Xiao Yi replied.

Although Huohuang didn't provide any effective information, it was already good to be able to respond to him.

"They actually purchased our gravity system, which shows that they are already familiar with the operation of the island monument, and even have our alliance's online account." Su Wan said in a deep voice, "Will they use their own technology to invade our server? , modify some data, or control those cameras we have connected to the Internet?"

"It's not impossible!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice, "Now we don't even know whether the technology of the first-level civilization can invade our server!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then said: "Let the marketing department pay close attention to whether there are any abnormalities in the server data!"

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