Su Wan responded, and immediately conveyed Xiao Yi's order to Feng Menglong.

After hearing the news, Feng Menglong was stunned for a moment and said: "Those are just first-class civilizations, can they really invade our services?"

"I don't know, but our understanding of this advanced server is extremely limited. We are afraid that others can really invade it and we don't know yet." Su Wan replied in a deep voice.

Feng Menglong nodded slightly.

These high-end items and equipment are obtained directly, rather than slowly manufactured through technological development!

So they only know how to use it, but they don’t know the principle at all!

Even manufacturing relies entirely on the island monument.

No one knows clearly what level of security performance Yiranpin Alliance's servers have achieved.

No one is sure whether it can prevent the invasion of a first-level civilization, so we can only arrange for special people to look at the server data.

If the other party invades, it will definitely be to steal secrets and modify data. As long as they take action, the data on the server will be changed accordingly.

By monitoring server data, you can also know from the side whether the other party has invaded their server.

"Okay, island owner, please rest assured, I will definitely arrange for someone to keep an eye on the server data 24 hours a day!" Feng Menglong responded.

Just when Xiao Yi was in turmoil, Huo Huang was invited out again.

The Munkens, who were not tall in stature, took him to the cockpit of the spacecraft.

At this time, his island monument was placed in the very spacious cockpit.

When they came to the island monument, a Munken star sitting in front of the island monument glanced at Huo Huang and said, "Sit down!"

Through the translation of the island tablet, Huo Huang could clearly understand what he meant.

Huo Huang was not polite and sat directly on a chair nearby.

"I wonder why this gentleman asked me to come here today?" Huohuang asked respectfully.

"Introducing myself, my name is Sun Xun, and I am the captain of this fleet." The Munken star said.

"I've met Mr. Sun!" Huo Huang said.

Sun Xun nodded slightly, and then continued: "I called you here this time mainly because I want to ask you about what happened before."

"What happened before? I made it very clear and I didn't hide anything!" Huo Huang immediately replied.

"Don't be nervous!" Sun Hong grinned and said, "I'm not saying you concealed it, I'm talking about the news we talked about in the public channel before."

After Sun Xun occupied the island monument, the previous chat content would be cleared, so he could not see it at all.

Recently, he paid attention to public channels and found that there was still a lot of useful information.

Huohuang was stunned for a moment, and then said: "A lot of news appears on the public channels every day. I wonder what aspect do you want to know, sir?"

"Of course it's news about us people!" Sun Hong said.

"Actually, we only learned about you through the prompts on the island monument." Huohuang replied.

Sun Xun nodded slightly: "That's just like us, we were all guided here by others."

Huohuang was stunned for a moment: "You were also guided here?"

"Yes, we received a message from an unknown source, asking us to come here to find the treasure." Sun Hong said simply.

Hearing this, Huo Huang's eyes widened. This was the first time he heard such news!

After a while, he shook his head and said: "We are different. You were guided, but we were kidnapped and had no choice."

Sun Xun was startled for a moment, then shook his head slightly: "We can choose, but under the huge temptation, we have no choice."

"That's true." Huohuang said in agreement.

If there is an opportunity now to make the entire planet's technology achieve leapfrog development, no one will refuse such an opportunity.

Even if this opportunity comes with huge risks, no one will back down.

As an exploration team, if the orders from above come down, can they still disobey the orders and not go?

"Although we are being led to compete with you, I think we can coexist peacefully." Sun Hong continued.

Huohuang's eyes lit up, and he nodded hurriedly and said, "That's right, there is no need for us to fight to the death. Instead, cooperation can lead to a win-win situation!"

"It's not cooperation." Sun Hong said with a smile.

Huohuang was stunned for a moment and said hurriedly: "What I mean is that I can become your subordinate. My status as a survivor will definitely help you!"

Sun Xun nodded slightly, very satisfied with Huo Huang's reaction, and then he continued to ask: "Mark the locations of other advanced civilization fleets."

Huohuang was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "I only know where they were before I was captured. They should have moved during this time."

"It's okay, just mark it!" Sun Hong said.

Fire Phoenix nodded, and then marked the locations of the fleets he knew on the map.

This is Xiao Yifa's previous diagram.

Fortunately, his physique has been upgraded to SSS level, otherwise he would not be able to remember it so clearly.

Looking at the location marked by Fire Phoenix, Sun Xun nodded slightly, and after asking someone to record the location, he continued: "You can take the island monument back. I also want to see the supply box refreshed."

If the owner of the island monument is not a survivor, the supply box will not be refreshed.

"Ah?" Huohuang looked at Sun Xun in shock.

"I have conditions here!" Sun Hong continued, "I just let you control the island monument, but you still have to obey our control."

"No problem!" Huo Huang responded immediately.

He never thought that he would be able to possess the island monument again.

"Well, you can occupy it. The island monument will continue to be placed here. We also need to have the right to operate the island monument." Sun Hong pointed at the island monument and said.

"Okay, I will grant control right now!" After Huo Huang occupied his island monument, he immediately opened up control rights to Sun Xun and the others.

Sun Hong nodded and said: "Your current range of activities is limited to your own bedroom and here, and you are not allowed to move anywhere else!"

"Yes!" Huo Huang responded.

"Next, I have a task for you!" Sun Xun said, squinting his eyes.

"Here we come!" Huo Huang secretly thought. He knew that Sun Xun would not return the island monument to him so simply.

"Please give me your instructions!" Huo Huang said respectfully.

"Help me contact some survivors. If they are willing to join me, I can provide them with high-end spaceships." Sun Hong said, "Of course, if you are strong enough, you can also form an alliance with me, and we can join forces to fight other civilizations. You can also share information about treasures.”

Hearing this, Huohuang was stunned for a moment, and then instantly understood what Sun Xun meant.

It seems that Sun Xun is eyeing other civilizations!

That's fine. When the situation becomes chaotic, you will have the opportunity to fish in troubled waters!

Thinking like this, Huohuang responded respectfully: "Yes, sir, please rest assured, I will do my best to do this!"

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