"Well, then I'll leave this to you!" Sun Xun nodded slightly, then waved his hand, and the soldiers on the side immediately came up and installed an instrument on Huo Huang's ankle.

Huohuang looked at the instrument in confusion, and Sun Xun said with a smile: "In order for us to coexist peacefully, this is an electronic tracking device. If you leave the spacecraft without permission, it will activate the self-destruction device. Do you understand? ?”

"I understand, please don't worry, sir, I will never leave!" Huohuang immediately replied, "I was just an escape cabin, but now there is such a big spaceship to sit in, why should I escape!"

"Well, I just like to talk to people who understand!" Sun Hong said with a smile, "I know that you survivors have very high physical fitness. When we tested your blood and some tissue cells before, we have found that your metabolism The capabilities are much higher than ours.”

Huohuang felt a slight shiver in his heart. He had actually been thinking that if he found an opportunity for them to be careless, he could take advantage of his high physical level to rob the spaceship or hold Sun Xun hostage.

"Although our physique is indeed not as good as yours, you have to know that you are not invulnerable. Our laser rifle can easily penetrate your body." Sun Hong continued, "Especially the instrument on your ankle, which is self-destructing. It’s as powerful as a small nuclear bomb!”

Hearing this, Huo Huang couldn't help but tremble. He was carrying a nuclear bomb that could explode at any time. No one would be relaxed!

"Don't worry, this thing is very stable!" Sun Hong seemed to see Huo Huang's worry and comforted him, "Of course, the premise is that you are stable."

"Don't worry, sir, I won't have any other thoughts." Huo Huang said immediately.

"Well, you are a smart man, I believe you know what to do!" Sun Hong stood up and left.

Huohuang calmed down and was ready to start pulling people.

"In this galaxy, the one with the best development is Mr. Yi Ranpin, but I don't know if his strength can meet the cooperation conditions of Munken Star."

Huohuang thought for a moment and immediately decided to ask first!

Thinking of this, Huo Huang immediately contacted Xiao Yi on the island monument.

Although he has been learning Xia Mandarin for a while and has achieved good results, after all, he is not as proficient as his mother tongue. Some words in Xia Mandarin may not be accurate enough. It is more convenient, fast and accurate to communicate with Dao Monument!

"Hello, boss, I am Huo Huang."

Huohuang introduced himself straight to the point.

Xiao Yi, who was discussing the abnormal behavior of advanced civilization with Jiang Yuntian and others, suddenly received this private message and was stunned for a moment.

"Aren't you imprisoned in a closed cabin? Isn't the island monument occupied by an advanced civilization?" Xiao Yi asked directly.

Huo Huang immediately began to explain, explaining everything that had just happened in detail.

After listening to Huo Huang's story, Xiao Yi was stunned, and Jiang Yuntian who gathered behind him was also stunned.

"The captain of the planet Munken actually wants to play like this?" Jiang Yuntian said in surprise.

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment and asked: "In other words, now you are here to help him recruit survivors?"

"You can say that, in my opinion, it is good to join the group. At least you can receive funding from a first-level civilization." Huo Huang replied.

"You don't want to bring me into the group, do you?" Xiao Yi smiled.

"Of course not. I think you should have the ability to cooperate with them, so I came to ask you." Fire Phoenix replied, "There are so many first-level civilizations in our galaxy. We must find an ally to survive in this way. The probability will be much higher!”

Hearing Huo Huang's reply, Xiao Yi smiled slightly and said, "I don't object to alliances with other civilizations, but to show my sincerity, let him tell me why they suddenly accelerated!"

Huohuang was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Okay, I'll ask you here."

Huohuang raised his head and looked at the guard on the side, pointed at the island monument, and said: "I have something to ask the captain, please pass it on."

The guard nodded slightly and arranged for one person to go find Sun Xun.

After a while, Sun Hong came back and asked with a smile: "Are there any survivors seeking refuge now?"

"Sir, it's like this!" Huohuang explained, "You should have seen from the public channels these days that the best-developed company in our galaxy is the Yiranpin Alliance. I contacted this company first. They should We have the strength to join forces with you.”

Sun Xun raised his brows and replied: "The development level of your galaxy's survivors is not high. Only the Yiranpin Alliance is pretty good, but if they want to cooperate with us, they need to show their hard power!"

Sun Xun and the others have purchased things on the Yiranpin Alliance's network, and have also tried to use technological means to invade the Yiranpin Alliance's servers, but they have all failed.

This shows that the technology of the server is higher than that of Munken Star!

But this is only the technological strength on the Internet, and the hard power Sun Xing mentioned of course refers to ships, weapons and equipment.

Hearing Sun Xun's words, Huohuang was stunned for a moment, both wanted the other's sincerity.

He had no choice but to send Xiao Yi another message: "Boss, the captain of the Munken Planet Fleet here also wants you to show off your hard power, do you think?"

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and sent two items directly.

"[Micro Particle Cannon] (SSS Level)*100, [Particle Assault Rifle] (SSS Level)*1000."

Fire Phoenix's eyes widened when he saw these two weapons. He always thought that laser pistols and laser cannons were advanced weapons.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi casually sent more advanced weapons.

The latter quantity shows that the boss has templates for these two weapons!

Huohuang swallowed, and then looked at Sun Xun, who was also shocked and looked at the two weapons with envy.

Because Sun Xun and others have the authority to operate, the words on the island tablet will be translated into Munken Star script, and they can all understand it!

"How come they have particle weapons?" Sun Hong said in shock after he recovered.

Huohuang shook his head and replied: "Boss Yi Ranpin has always had weapons that are beyond the development progress of us survivors, and he has always been far ahead. As for where he got them, no one knows."

Sun Xun nodded slightly, and then asked: "Did he also put forward conditions?"

"Yes, he said to show his sincerity, let us tell him why it suddenly accelerated!" Huohuang replied.

Sun Hong was startled again: "How did he know that we suddenly accelerated? Is there a satellite monitoring us?"

At this time, Huo Huang immediately raised his hand and said, "Maybe it's because I was exposed!"

Sun Hong was stunned for a moment, frowned and asked, "Did you share our position with him?"

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