Huohuang immediately shook his head, but nodded again and said, "I have a mobile phone belonging to the Yiranpin Alliance. They must have tracked my mobile phone!"

Sun Hong was stunned for a moment, then nodded slightly, and then said directly on the island monument: "I received a mysterious message here, asking me to speed up, or else the wormhole we came from would be closed, so we speeded up. "

Seeing the message on the island monument, Xiao Yi frowned slightly, and then said: "Well, I understand, how do you want to cooperate?"

"You believe me now?" Sun Hao asked in surprise.

"Otherwise?" Xiao Yi asked.

Sun Xun narrowed his eyes and replied: "Have you known that we have received mysterious news?"

"Well, I have already received this news from prisoners of other civilizations!" Xiao Yi said vaguely.

To be precise, it was Lingji who got the news from the captives on the Jade Planet.

Sun Xun was slightly shocked. In his opinion, when Xiao Yi said this, he must have defeated a civilized force and successfully captured it. Otherwise, how could he have gotten this news?

Now, he had to re-evaluate Xiao Yi's strength.

Being able to defeat a first-level civilization may be even stronger than one's own.

Although he was shocked and confused, Sun Xun still said: "It's actually very simple. Let's work together to attack the fleets of other civilizations. If we succeed, each of us will get half the loot. How about that?"

"It's not impossible, but I'm far away from you!" Xiao Yi said helplessly.

"Very far? Since you can capture soldiers of the first-level civilization, they should be near our circle." Sun Xun frowned and said, "Why don't you send your coordinates and I can see how far apart we are."

Xiao Yi smiled slightly, and then said: "No need to send it, you always know my coordinates!"

"Huh?" This sentence confused Sun Hong. When did he know the coordinates of Yi Ranpin?

He didn't even speak on a public channel.

"No need to doubt, because I am your target treasure!" Xiao Yi made it clear directly.

"What!" Sun Hong stood up in shock, "You said you are the treasure?"

Huo Huang on the side was equally shocked. He had heard Sun Xun say that he was here to look for treasures, and he thought it was the relics of an advanced civilization or a planet rich in resources.

Unexpectedly, it turned out to be Yi Ranpin!

However, the next moment, Huohuang suddenly realized that Yi Ranpin was so strong and had so many high-level templates, he was not a treasure!

I heard that Boss Yi Ranpin looks very young. Is this the legendary treasure boy?

"What, you don't believe it?" Xiao Yi asked.

"It's not that I don't believe it, it's just too unbelievable. Do you have anything to prove your identity?" Sun Xun asked with a frown. Naturally, he would not believe Xiao Yi's words easily.

"It's very simple. Did the coordinates of your treasure move some time ago?" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "Before it was moved, were the coordinates of the treasure xxx, xxx, xxx?"

Seeing the coordinates Xiao Yi mentioned, Sun Hong immediately waved his hand, and the soldiers on the side immediately brought up their star maps.

Then based on the map on the island monument, after comparison, they found that the coordinates were indeed the coordinates of the treasure they had obtained before.

"It's really him!" Sun Hong said in shock, "No wonder the treasure can move. It turns out that the treasure is a survivor!"

Sun Hong thought for a moment and said, "Since you know that our target is you, why are you still cooperating with us?"

"Because I know we can coexist peacefully, and you can get a lot of good things without attacking me!" Xiao Yi continued, "What's more, you already have an island monument, so you don't need to steal my island monument. Why? Are you going to kill me to death?"

Sun Xun nodded slightly.

"The most important thing is that even if you come to attack me, you may not be able to eat me, and you might even be eaten by me." Xiao Yi said confidently.

"Are you so confident?" Sun Hong asked doubtfully.

"Because I have received a lot of information about you, and you know nothing about me. You don't think that pie will fall from the sky, right?" Xiao Yi asked.

They came to this galaxy to search for treasures after receiving a mysterious message.

Even if the mysterious news is not revealed, all first-level civilization fleets know that there must be many dangers in this industry.

There is no way they can simply take the treasure away.

What's more, there is more than one first-level civilization force, and they will definitely fight in the end to snatch the treasure!

It was precisely because Sun Hong saw this that he chose to call the survivors to be his younger brothers, or to cooperate with the survivors.

Anyway, he has now harvested an island monument, and this harvest is enough.

Now it seems that he has made a sure profit without losing any money. Sun Hong just wants to make more money by doing this.

"Well, you are absolutely right. Since it is inconvenient for us to meet up, how should we cooperate?" Sun Xun replied in a deep voice.

"It's also very simple. I sell you high-end weapons and you help me attack the fleets of other first-level civilizations. You are not required to defeat them, as long as you can delay their attack!" Xiao Yi replied.

Seeing Xiao Yi's news, Sun Hong was stunned for a moment, and then asked doubtfully: "Is it that simple?"

"Of course, but I have other requirements here!" Xiao Yi continued.

"What's the request?" Sun Hong asked in a deep voice.

"My request is very simple, just rent your ship to me for fun!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "It doesn't take long, just ten minutes for each type!"

"That's it?" Sun Hong was stunned for a moment.

"Yes, that's it!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "How about it? Cooperate?"

"Of course we cooperate!" Sun Hong responded immediately, "How much quantity can the two weapons you sent before provide?"

"How much do you need?" Xiao Yi asked.

"At least a thousand particle cannons and at least 10,000 particle assault rifles!" Sun Hong replied.

Xiao Yi looked at the raw materials in stock and said with a smile: "Okay, you can prepare the resources to recharge, and I will let our marketing department contact you!"

Hearing Xiao Yi's decisive agreement, Sun Hong felt a little shuddered: "This Yi Ranpin is indeed not simple!"

"Okay, I'll prepare resources right away!" Sun Hong responded in a deep voice, and then ordered the matter.

"I wish us a happy cooperation!" Xiao Yi continued.

"Don't worry, we will definitely cooperate happily!" Sun Hong replied with a smile.

"However, I have another question here. Is it convenient for me to answer it?" Xiao Yi asked.

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