Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2132 Understanding, cooperation, and wanting to get together

Although it is just an ordinary-level stability system template, it is completely enough for some ships that are not very important to use this stability system!

If you buy from Yiranpin Alliance every time, you will need a lot of resources to exchange for virtual currency.

What's more, the fleet of Planet Munken will not stay in this galaxy forever, they only have one month.

Therefore, this template is particularly expensive.

"Congratulations, Captain, we actually developed a template. The probability of this is one in a million!" Huo Huang could only say with a forced smile.

Sun Xun nodded slightly: "This time you will remember your first merit. If you have any requests, you can mention them!"

Huohuang hurriedly replied: "This is what I should do, I don't dare to ask for it!"

Sun Xun looked at Huo Huang with satisfaction. He appreciated this aspect of Huo Phoenix and knew how to advance and retreat.

"In my place, merit will be rewarded and fault will be punished. I will remember your merit for you. If you think of anything, you can mention it to me." Sun Xun said with a smile.

"Then thank you very much, Captain!" Huo Huang said respectfully.

Sun Hong waved his hand and said, "You have been working for so long, go back and rest!"

"Yes!" Huo Huang responded.

He just wanted to go back and think carefully about what message Jiandie conveyed to him.

Returning to his room, Huohuang lay directly on his bed, constantly replaying the words Jiandie said in the video in his mind.

After a long time, Huo Huang suddenly opened his eyes, his face full of shock.

"So she actually said such a thing. Does she really have a way to solve the electronic tracker?"

After thinking for a while, Huo Huang secretly made up his mind and decided to take a gamble.

But after having these five island monuments, Sun Hong called back all the teams that went out to hunt the survivors.

He knows the vastness of a galaxy better than anyone else, and searching aimlessly like this is tantamount to finding a needle in a haystack.

Five island monuments are enough, so next they have to collect resources with all their strength to purchase high-end weapons from the Yiranpin Alliance.

Xiao Yi's side changes to a ship from the planet Menken every ten minutes.

Sun Hong found that the leased ship had been returned without any damage, and he gradually felt relieved.

It's just a ten-minute lease, no big deal. They can't research anything, and there won't be any damage to their ship.

And he also wants to buy more high-end weapons from the Yi Ranpin Alliance, so he just needs to cooperate.

Su Wan went out to scan a ship every ten minutes. After scanning it again, she sighed: "The first-level civilization is indeed extraordinary. There are so many types of ships!"

"Well, after the template is generated, the ship composition of our alliance will have to be slowly adjusted." Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Now Yiranpin Alliance spacecraft accounts for more than 99%. This composition is too unreasonable.

At this time, Huo Huang, who had rested for an hour, returned to the island monument again. Sun Hong saw him and said with a smile: "Why don't you rest for a while?"

"I have rested and can get back to work at any time." Huohuang replied with a smile, but he did not immediately make a request.

Now Sun Hong must be very wary of himself and the other four survivors. The success rate of requesting a meeting at this time is too low.

They still have a month. After they have a foundation of trust, it will be easier to succeed!

"Okay, you don't need to do anything now. Just stay in front of the island monument and comfort the other survivors who are leaning over." Sun Xun nodded slightly and replied.


Huohuang sat in front of the island monument and directly pulled the four Jiandie people into a small group.

The three people who came from behind immediately started to complain.

"If I had known this was the case, I wouldn't have come here. Jiandie, you've done us a disservice!"

"Yeah, if you're so unfree, you might as well keep your own escape hatch!"

"And Huo Huang, this is completely false advertising!"

Huohuang immediately said: "Don't worry, everyone. Let's put ourselves in the captain's shoes and think about it. If the people who have just come over to us are you, will you believe them unconditionally?"

"of course not!"

"So, don't worry, we have to make the captain believe in us, right? @Jiandie."

When Jian Die saw Huo Huang deliberately @her, she immediately smiled and replied: "That's right, be patient. One day, the captain will see our sincerity!"

When the other three saw the conversation between the two, they all had a faint smile on their faces, but they still complained in the group.

"Alas, there is no other choice now. Let's listen to Huohuang and Jiandie. Work hard first and win the captain's trust!"

"Yeah, that's all. I hope I can have my own battleship as soon as possible."

"Then we have to wait until the year of the monkey! If I had known earlier, I would have stayed with Mr. Yi Ranpin."

When Jiandie heard someone saying that he wanted to stay with the boss Yi Ranpin, his beautiful eyes blinked and he understood immediately, so he said: "It would be great if the five of us can get together sometime. After all, we are under the same person." .”

In the previous video, Jiandie used Xia Guoyu, and Xiao Yi and the others would definitely be able to see the mystery behind it.

The survivor just mentioned that he had been to the Yi Ranpin Alliance, and Jian Die believed that Yi Ranpin would definitely tell them about this.

In other words, Yi Ranpin found three more helpers for her.

Seeing Jiandie saying that they wanted to get together, the other three people responded.

"Yes, we really need to get together. Five of us survivors of different races have actually joined together. How can we not have a drink with such a fate!"

"I just don't know if Captain will allow it or not. Oh, I'm so worried!"

"As long as everyone does what the captain ordered, I believe the captain will let us get together!" Huo Huang said immediately.

"I hope so, but we don't seem to have any missions now?"

"Don't worry, the captain will definitely notify you when there is a mission." Huo Huang comforted.

The chats between these five people were closely monitored, and the staff of the planet Munken were always paying attention to them.

Sun Hong also took a look at their chat and said with a smile: "This Fire Phoenix is ​​really a good executor. It seems that we can arrange more tasks for him in the future."

"Well, according to our observations, Huo Huang is a very pragmatic survivor, which is indeed good!"

"What do you think of the reunion issue they discussed?" Sun Xun nodded slightly and asked.

"I think they must not be allowed to get together. Their physiques are too good. If they get together, there will be too much uncertainty!"

"Yes, I don't agree with them gathering either!"

"I don't think so. As long as we are prepared, they are just in good physical condition, not invulnerable!"

"Yes, I don't think there is any problem if we allow them to gather together within limits and arrange the guard force."

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