Listening to the discussion of the staff, Sun Hong thought for a moment, and then said: "We won't let them meet for the time being, and we will observe it for a while!"

"The captain is wise!" everyone said in unison.

Sun Hong waved his hand, then stood up and left the conference room, heading to his room.

He felt that his mission for this expedition had been completed. As long as he brought these five island monuments back, he would become famous.

He even said that with these five island monuments, there would be no problem in establishing himself as king!

With this in mind, Sun Hong walked into the bedroom, where his second wife was waiting for him.

In order to make Sun Hong feel more at ease, Huohuang and the others ended their chat after chatting for a while.

"If we want to increase the success rate of resisting Sun Xun, the more survivors who come to seek refuge, the better!" Huo Huang thought, and then promoted it more vigorously on public channels.

"Fire Phoenix, you are really trying your best to recruit people for the Munken Star Fleet!"

"I really didn't expect you to kneel down so completely. I didn't think you were so servile before!"

"That's right, there is an old saying in the Xia Kingdom that is very good, it is said that distance can tell a horse's power, and time can tell a person's heart!"

"The other party is aboriginal, we survivors should unite! Fire Phoenix, you can't degenerate like this!"

Seeing that the evaluation of himself in the public channel was one-sided, Huo Huang didn't care at all.

He lives for himself, not for others to see. Let others say whatever they want!

Jiang Yuntian also saw the information in the public channel and said, "This Fire Phoenix must have seen the message sent by Jiandie!"

"Probably, he probably did this because he wanted to attract more survivors, so that their probability of success would be higher!" Xiao Yi analyzed.

"He did this because he didn't believe in Jiandie's strength!" Du Kang said with a smile.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said: "The two of them have never even met, so how can they believe in their strength."

Everyone nodded.

Jiang Yuntian thought for a while and asked: "Island Master, is the gap between me and that Jiandie really big?"

Xiao Yi glanced at him and said with a smile: "What? I hear you are a little unconvinced!"

"Of course I'm not convinced. We know that Daozang is a very powerful practitioner. How could we be so far behind her?" Jiang Yuntian immediately replied.

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "No matter how good Daozang is, he still has to practice hard. Although other people's skills may not be as good as Daozang, it is not impossible for others to practice longer and more seriously, and to surpass us!"

Jiang Yuntian frowned slightly and did not answer.

"What's more, other people's skills may not be worse than Daozang. Don't underestimate any intelligent race!" Xiao Yi continued.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, frowned and said: "Island Master, it's not that I don't want to practice hard, I just feel that it is more difficult for me to enter the state of practice. It took me two hours to practice. Others entered the state in ten minutes, but it took me an hour to enter. You really can’t compare to others!”

Hearing Jiang Yuntian's distress, Xiao Yi smiled bitterly and shook his head. It seems that some people are not born suitable for cultivation.

Du Kang also said: "It seems to be the same for me. It's also slow to get into the state."

Others also started talking.

"I have to look at my own state. Sometimes I'm fast, sometimes I'm slow!"

"Me too, but most of them are slower."

"Then at least you are fast sometimes, I am always slow."

After hearing everyone's discussion, Xiao Yigang was about to speak to comfort everyone when his cell phone suddenly rang.

Xiao Yi immediately answered the phone.

"Island owner, good news, I have gathered enough ingredients for another elixir!" Sun Yao said excitedly.

"What elixir?" Xiao Yi's eyes brightened and he asked hurriedly.

"Concentration Pill." Sun Yao replied.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, then said with a smile: "You are really timely!"

This time it was Sun Yao's turn to be stunned: "What is the timely rain?"

"Just now, when everyone was still discussing cultivation, it was slow to enter the state. You gathered the ingredients for the Concentrating Pill here. Do you think you were able to do it in time?" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Jiang Yuntian and the others also heard Xiao Yi's words and looked towards him.

"So that's it!" Sun Yao suddenly realized and said with a smile, "Let everyone wait, we will make a furnace as soon as possible and let everyone taste it!"

"Do you think it's cooking?" Xiao Yi scolded with a smile.

"In the future, our alliance can treat the Condensing Pill as a vegetable!" Sun Yao laughed and replied.

"Well, then you refine it as soon as possible. After refining, send it over immediately!" Xiao Yi ordered.


After Xiao Yi hung up the phone, Jiang Yuntian immediately asked: "Island Master, is there any good news? I just heard you mention the Concentration Pill?"

"This is indeed good news. You are all lucky people. Today we just mentioned the problem of slow entry into the state, and Sun Yao has obtained all the ingredients for the Condensing Pill!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Those present here are all core members of the Yiranpin Alliance, and they have all memorized Daozang.

Although they have not studied the elixirs in depth, they still know the effects of those elixirs!

Hearing the name Ningshen Dan, everyone's eyes lit up, except of course Dili!

He has not memorized the entire Dao Zang, and has only just begun to practice with Xiao Yi.

"Have we finally gained anything from our station in the Mudisen Galaxy?" Jiang Yuntian said in surprise.

Although the Yiranpin Alliance has already arranged nine stations in the Mutisen galaxy, it has encountered great resistance when it comes to landing on the planet to find herbs.

Naturally, these resistances do not come from the survivors of the Mutisen Galaxy, but from the Zerg.

Most of the planets in the Mutisen Galaxy are planets suitable for human survival, so when the Zerg came to those planets, they quickly adapted without any need for biofilm protection or air sacs in the body.

Here, they can take full advantage of the Zerg.

The Yiranpin Alliance team can only fight guerrillas cautiously against the Zerg!

It seems that the recent guerrilla warfare has been quite effective!

"It should be!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly, "When they come back, we must reward them well!"

Everyone nodded.

"Island Master, when will the Concentration Pill be ready?" Jiang Yuntian asked anxiously.

"We've already gathered the medicinal ingredients, why are you in a hurry?" Xiao Yi glanced at him and replied angrily.

"Of course I'm anxious, Sword Butterfly has surpassed me, I can't sit still!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "I am only allowed to have the island owner in front of me!"

"Brother Jiang, are you exaggerating? I think I woke up before you did!" Du Kang said immediately from the side.

"You awakened before me, but I can control my powers first!" Jiang Yuntian replied.

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and said, "Okay, how old are you, and you still fight for this?"

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