Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2135 The thorn in the discovery of intelligence was exposed

Now there are four people who know the news sent by Jiandie. Together with Jiandie, there are five people in total. If they just rob one ship, it should be enough.

Even if this puppet is a good person, Jiandie should be able to convince him with his ability.

But if Puppet Ci is not a good person and Jiandie and the others' plans are exposed in advance, it will be very troublesome, and they may even fail.

Xiao Yi sent Puppet Thorn over, thought about it and sent a message on the public channel.

"There are some survivors who want to seek refuge on Planet Munken, and I won't stop them, but you have to think clearly that some of the news is not true, and some of the survivors are not trustworthy!"

This sentence seemed to mean that Huo Huang was untrustworthy, but both Huo Huang and Jiandie saw the implication.

The other three survivors, who had also taken refuge on the Munken planet, took a moment to react.

If it was really about Fire Phoenix, then why didn't they say such words when they took refuge on the planet Munken.

And if Huohuang was really untrustworthy, Jiandie and the three of them would have been executed by Sun Hao long ago.

So Fire Phoenix should be trustworthy.

But when Yi Ranpin said this at this time, he must have felt that some people were not trustworthy.

Soon there was a survivor named Puppet Thorn in their small group.

"Hello everyone, I am Pou Ci, and I have also taken refuge on the planet Menken. Please give me your guidance." Pou Ci took the initiative to greet everyone.

Huohuang immediately said in the group: "Let's welcome our new friends together. It's fate that we can meet here!"

"Welcome! Why do you want to come here now?" Jiandie asked with a smile.

Puppet smiled and replied: "Aren't you hesitating? I don't have as much courage as everyone else!"

"Yes, we also hesitated for a long time before choosing to come here!"

"But if you come here, your freedom is too restricted!"

"Oh, to be honest, I feel a little regretful. I originally thought that if I came here, I would get a warship and a spaceship, but I didn't expect that I would come here to be imprisoned!"

Puppy replied in surprise: "Isn't it?"

"The electronic tracker for you should be delivered now!" Huohuang said with a smile.

Sure enough, a team came to Puppet's escape cabin and installed an electronic tracker on his ankle without any explanation.

"What is this for?" Puppy looked at the guards and asked doubtfully.

"When you come to our place, you must abide by our rules!" the guard captain replied coldly.

Puppet thorn narrowed his eyes and said: "I want to see your captain. We need to tell the captain our very important information!"

"Humph, are you able to see the captain if you want?" the guard captain sneered and said.

"Oh? That's okay. Anyway, if you suffer in the future, don't blame me!" Puppet Sword also sneered.

The guard ignored Puppet's unreasonable request and walked away.

It was seen that the guards had no intention of conveying their requests to the higher level.

Pou Ci shook his head and said no more. He was not in a hurry anyway, and no matter what the outcome was, he would still be profitable, no matter how he said it, he would make a profit!

"As expected, I was put on an electronic tracking device." Puppet said helplessly in the group.

"Do you feel a little regretful?" Huo Huang asked.

"There is nothing to regret. Even if I don't join Munken, my survival is not good. Now my freedom is restricted, and my living conditions are definitely better than before!" Puppet Thorn replied.

"You have such a good attitude!" Huo Huang sighed.

"Of course!" Puppet replied with a smile.

Soon it was night, and the team guarding the survivors returned to the main ship.

In order to prevent collusion between guards and survivors, all guard teams rotate every six hours.

At this time, the guards were all eating in the main ship's restaurant, and because Huohuang had developed a template for a stable system.

He was also allowed to eat in the restaurant, and of course the team guarding him followed him closely.

While eating, the discussion at the other table caught Huo Huang's attention.

"I found out why these survivors are so arrogant?"

"Yes, the one who just came today actually said that he wanted to see the captain, and also said that he had important information to tell the captain. It's really ridiculous!"

"That is, what important information can he, a survivor, have? Even if it is important to the survivors, it has something to do with our planet Munken!"

Of course, it was impossible for Huo Huang to fully understand what they were talking about, but he also communicated very frequently with people from Munken Star here, and he already had a certain impression of some words.

Therefore, he could hear keywords such as newcomer, captain, intelligence, etc., and his heart skipped a beat!

He instantly thought that the information sent to him by Jiandie had been deciphered.

Huohuang finished his dinner calmly, returned to the island monument again, and said to the group, "Has everyone finished eating?"

"Eat!" Everyone responded.

"It seems that there is really no hunger in the Munken Star Fleet!" Huohuang said with a smile.

"Yes, that's true. I hope I can eat enough in the future." Puppet Ci replied.

Huohuang continued to ask: "When I was eating today, I heard the guards say, @Puppet Thorn, do you want to find the captain? I didn't understand all the words, I just vaguely heard this. Do you want to be more free? Some? Or are you trying to get better conditions? To be honest, it’s useless, we’ve all done that since we got here.”

Seeing the previous news, Puppet's heart moved slightly, thinking that Huo Huang already knew that he wanted to inform.

But after seeing the back, Puppet Thorn realized that Fire Phoenix didn't understand the language of Munken Planet!

Puppet thorn replied hurriedly: "Yes, we have to try hard. What if we succeed?"

"Brother, you really think too much. If we can fight for it, we won't be restricted from restricted areas."

"That's right, just stay in front of your island monument and wait for orders."

When Jian Die saw this, he immediately understood what Huo Huang wanted to convey.

"It seems we can't wait any longer. If Puppet Ci is allowed to see Sun Xun, their plan may be exposed immediately!" Jiandie thought to himself.

"Yes, I have applied several times, but the guards ignored us at all. Alas, I am almost dying of anxiety!" Jiandie also agreed.

Seeing Jiandie's agreement, Huohuang immediately said: "I'd better apply here, because a template for a stable system has just been developed, and while the captain is happy, let's see if it can succeed!"

"Great, tell the captain, I have very important information that I want to tell him personally." Jian Die said immediately.

"Yes, I have one here too!" Puppet was stunned for a moment and said the same thing.

The other three were stunned for a moment and also said the same thing.

Huo Huang had no choice but to shake his head and said to the guard on the side: "Captain, look, they all have important information to see the captain. Should we summon them all?"

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