Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2136 Reporting in person, you cannot guard against thieves for a thousand days

The guard captain frowned at their chat, pondered for a moment, and then said: "I will report it to the captain. I don't know whether the captain will see you or not."

"Thank you very much, captain!" Huo Huang thanked him through the island monument.

The guard captain arranged for someone to knock on Sun Xun's door.

Sun Hong opened the door with a depressed look and asked angrily: "What's going on?"

"Report to Captain, those survivors said they have important information to report to you, so whether to let them come over is also Huo Huang's request," the guard replied.

"Just let them report through the island monument!" Sun Xun waved his hand and said.

"Go back to Captain, they said they can only report to you in person!"

Sun Hong was stunned for a moment, and then replied depressedly: "Wait a moment, I'll be there right away!"


After the guards left, Sun Hong put on his clothes and walked out.

"Sir, are you leaving now?"

A resentful voice came from behind.

Sun Hong replied helplessly: "Wait until I come back to feed you in the evening!"

After saying that, he walked out, thinking angrily: "If you don't have information that satisfies me, then prepare to face my wrath!"

Soon, Sun Hao came to the cockpit, walked directly to Huo Huang, and said with a gloomy face: "What information cannot be reported on the island monument?"

Huohuang immediately stood up in fear and said, "When I replied to the captain, they all said that they had very important information to report in person, so I disturbed you. Please forgive me."

Sun Xun snorted coldly: "Don't think that I don't know what your plan is, you just want to get together! Okay, I will see what tricks you want to play today. If you don't have information that satisfies me, I will definitely let you You regret lying to me!"

Huohuang immediately knelt down and said, "Captain, please calm down!"

Sun Hao glanced at Huo Huang, and then said to the guard on the side: "Bring the other five over and let the security department arrange the firepower. I'll see what they want to do!"


It seemed that the fire in his body had not been vented on the bed, so Sun Hong made such an irrational decision.

After the order was passed on, many staff members objected.

"Captain, think twice, if these survivors gather together, something will happen!"

"Yes! This is too dangerous, we can't let them get together!"

"Yes, Captain, please think about it!"

But some staff officers agreed with the captain's decision.

"Their bodies are very strong, but they are not invulnerable. As long as the defensive firepower is deployed, there will definitely be no problem!"

"Yes, if you can only commit a thief in a thousand days, then you can prevent a thief in a thousand days, so let's just see what tricks they want to do!"

"If that doesn't work, let the captain ask them for information remotely. This will not only ensure the captain's safety, but also let us see what they want to do!"

After Sun Hong heard their discussion, he said irritably: "No need to discuss any more, just carry out my order!"

"Yes!" Everyone had no choice but to agree, and then began to arrange it.

They found a special cabin in the spacecraft and arranged a hundred elite soldiers with weapons to guard it.

Two hundred soldiers were arranged outside to guard the surroundings!

Arrange a seat in the next cabin and let Sun Hong ask questions from a distance.

After arranging all this, Jiandie and the other five people were brought over blindfolded.

After removing the black cloth covering their eyes, Jiandie and others adjusted to the outside light for a while, and then they realized that they were sitting in a cabin full of soldiers, and the weapons of those soldiers were all pointed at them.

"This battle is so big!" Jian Die said with emotion, using Xia Guoyu.

"If we don't give out valuable information this time, we will probably be shot to death!" Puppet Ci said the same, using Xia Guoyu.

Jiandie raised his eyebrows and said with a smile: "Didn't you expect that your Xia Guoyu is also very good!"

"That's right, the Yi Ranpin Alliance is the most developed alliance in our galaxy, so we must learn from it!" Puppet replied with a smile.

Huohuang said from the side: "Do you really have information to report to Sun Xun?"

"Of course!" Jian Die and Puppy Ci said with unusual certainty.

But the other three were hesitant.

At this time, the screen in front of them lit up, and Sun Xun's figure appeared on the screen.

His face was a little gloomy, and he asked: "What information do you want to report to me? Let's start now!"

Sun Xun said something, and a soldier repeated it again, and the island monument translated it so that Huo Huang and the others could understand it.

Jiandie immediately said: "My information must be reported to the captain face to face!"

Before she finished speaking, the soldier on the side pointed his weapon at her head!

"Hmph, what if I want you to say that?" Sun Hong said with a sneer.

"The information I'm talking about is about the island monument. It's obvious that someone is behind the island monument. If I tell you through the island monument, wouldn't it alarm the people behind the island monument? I don't want to be obliterated by those people! Jiandie shook his head and replied, "If you don't tell me, you'll die anyway. If you tell me, you'll be wiped out. It doesn't matter. Just kill me!"

Jian Die's words made it hard for people to find anything wrong with them.

The origin of this island monument itself is very mysterious, and its function is so powerful. There is even a reminder that there must be someone behind this island monument, and it is also extremely powerful.

Sun Xun frowned.

"Captain, you must not trust her, be careful of fraud!"

"But the island monument is indeed no small matter. We must regard these island monuments as the cornerstone of future development. If there is any problem with the cornerstone, then no matter how good our development is, it will become a castle in the air!"

"It's too dangerous, I still don't recommend going there."

Sun Hong thought for a moment and immediately decided: "I'll go. If something unexpected happens to me, the deputy captain will lead everyone."

"Captain, no!" the staff members hurriedly stopped him.

"I have made up my mind. For the sake of future development, someone must sacrifice. Don't say anything, just execute the order!" Sun Xun shouted in a deep voice.

Seeing Sun Xun's determined look, everyone had no choice but to agree in unison.

Sun Hong strode out and then entered the room where Jiandie and the others were.

"Captain, you are really here!" Huohuang quickly stood up and said respectfully.

His move was to tell everyone that the person coming was the captain. After all, none of the survivors who came to join him had yet to see Sun Xun's face.

Sun Hong waved his hand, then looked at Jiandie and said, "Now that I'm here, you can tell me if you have any information!"

"Captain, let me talk first, I feel mine is more important!" Puppet suddenly stood up and said with a smile.

The faces of Huo Huang and others changed slightly.

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