Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2139 Needing the God-Reviving Pill, Negotiation Successful

The soldiers hesitated for a moment, but followed Sun Xun's order and left the cabin.

Jiandie immediately whispered to Huohuang: "Destroy all the cameras near the island monument!"

"Yes!" Huohuang immediately took the other three people to deal with the cameras.

These five people were vaguely headed by Jiandie.

They all have to hug Jiandie's thigh tightly, otherwise they won't be able to escape by themselves.

After getting rid of the camera, Jiandie arranged Sun Hong behind the island monument, and then whispered: "Huohuang, this is your island monument, hurry up and buy me some recovery pills."

Seeing the message translated by the island monument, Huo Huang's heart moved slightly, and he immediately nodded, and then sent a message to Xiao Yi.

"Boss, please help us. We need some recovery pills!"

Xiao Yi saw the news and without any hesitation, he directly traded the Rejuvenating Pill.

"[Revival Pill]*20 Transaction None."

Huohuang immediately agreed to the deal, took the God-Reviving Pill, and stuffed it into Jiandie's hand.

After Jiandie got the God-Reviving Pill, he continued with a smile: "Give us this spaceship, and we can leave you an island monument, the same island monument that Puppet stabbed."

"Hmph, the island monument itself belongs to me!" Sun Xun replied coldly, "You are giving me something that belongs to me, how dare you!"

Jian Die shook his head slightly and said, "That may not be yours!"

After saying that, she stuffed a revival pill into her mouth. After swallowing it, Jiandie felt that her nearly exhausted mental power was rapidly recovering.

Previously, I used my metal power continuously, which was very expensive!

With the Yiranpin Alliance's Restoring Pill, she will be more confident in the subsequent negotiations and possible battles!

"Let me tell you clearly, it is impossible to give this main ship to you!" Sun Hong stopped arguing with Jiandie and said directly, "I can give you a small warship and let you leave safely! "

Jiandie shook his head and replied: "You have no sincerity at all. It seems that you are forcing me to kill!"

As he spoke, Jiandie stretched out his slender hand, and a three-edged bayonet immediately took shape, and then flew quickly towards Sun Xun.

"don't want!"

Everyone on Munken Star was exclaiming.

The three-edged bayonet stopped one millimeter away from Sun Xun's eyes.

Sun Hong didn't even dare to blink, because if he blinked, his eyelids would be scratched by a sharp three-edged bayonet.

Big beads of sweat instantly appeared on his forehead.

The deputy captain immediately connected to the broadcast in the cabin and said: "Stop, if you kill our captain, we will fight you to death. How about I make the decision and send you a large space battleship. This is our bottom line. If you If you still don’t agree, then let’s start a war!”

A soldier recounted the story, and the island monument showed what the deputy captain said.

"Who are you?" Jiandie raised his head and looked at the broadcast port on the side and asked.

"He is the first mate of our fleet. If Sun Xun is no longer here, he will take over!" Huo Huang immediately introduced in a low voice.

"It turns out he's the first mate. How disrespectful and disrespectful!" Jian Die said with a smile, "Captain, you should also learn more from the first mate. Look at how generous he is. He was directly given a large battleship. How different from you, who is so petty. Only one small spaceship was given."

"Hmph, don't even think about sowing discord, we won't be fooled by you at all!" Sun Xun said with a cold snort.

He has a very good relationship with his first mate, and it can't be ruined by Jian Die's words here.

Jiandie smiled slightly, and then said: "Okay, just a large battleship, but I have other requirements."

"Say it!" the vice-captain asked in a deep voice.

"First, connect all our escape cabins to the large battleship given to us. We cannot understand the contents of our escape cabins."

"no problem!"

"Second, in order to ensure our safety, I need to take your captain with me to visit that large battleship."

"No!" the vice-captain immediately protested.

"Then there's no need to talk!" Jiandie said with a smile, then grabbed the three-edged bayonet and put it on Sun Xun's neck.

This time the three-edged bayonet was stuck to Sun Xun's neck, and a blood line appeared.

The deputy captain immediately shouted: "Stop, we agree to your request, is there anything else?"

"Third, you arrange a team of twenty people to go to our battleship."

"Okay, is there any more?" the vice-captain immediately agreed and continued to ask.

Jiandie smiled and said: "No, if it had been like this, wouldn't everything be simple?"

"Okay, I'll arrange a battleship right here to vacate it for you. Just wait a moment and don't hurt our captain again!" the vice-captain said in a deep voice.

"Okay, as long as you do as I ask, I will definitely not hurt him. After all, we only want money!" Jiandie replied with a smile.

Twenty minutes later, the deputy captain said again: "I'm ready, you can go over!"

Jian Die nodded slightly, and then said: "I hope you know that if you dare to play any tricks, I will cut off Sun Hao's head immediately!"

"Don't worry, we will never play any tricks!" the deputy captain responded immediately.

Jian Die said to Huo Huang on the side: "Take your island monument to block our attacks. Each of us has a shield to guard against the surrounding situation."

"Yes!" Huohuang and others responded, but asked doubtfully, "Where can we find a shield?"

Jiandie smiled slightly and waved his hand, and the surrounding metal immediately fused together and turned into a huge and heavy shield.

Huohuang and others looked at Jiandie with envy. They already knew that Jiandie was the kind of survivor who had awakened his powers.

And the four of them haven't even found a suitable technique for their cultivation!

"Don't be envious. After we go out, we will look for other techniques. I believe we will definitely find something suitable for you!" Jiandie naturally noticed their envy, so he said with a smile, "We can't be careless now. It’s the last step!”

The four fire phoenixes nodded in unison, then picked up the shield, protected Sword Butterfly in the middle, and then moved outside.

Jiandie's condensed shield just now shocked everyone on Munken Star again.

"What kind of method is this? How is it possible to create four shields in an instant?"

"Instead of conjuring four shields, she fused all the metals in our cabin together to form shields!"

"how did you do that?"

"Maybe that's why she can disable our electronic trackers and firearms!"

"In this case, then we can just use non-metallic weapons!"

"To put it simply, where can you find non-metallic weapons now? Even if you find them, can you really be sure that the opponent can only paralyze metal weapons?"

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