Listening to everyone's discussion, the vice-captain said in a deep voice: "In order to ensure the safety of the captain, no one can act rashly."

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison.

Regardless of whether Sword Butterfly could paralyze non-metallic weapons, they couldn't take any chances.

Under the guard of the four fire phoenixes, Jiandie held Sun Xun and walked towards the docking channel, and successfully arrived at the large battleship.

"Huohuang, are you going to confirm whether the control of the spacecraft is open?" Jiandie ordered in a deep voice, "The rest of the people are going to check each cabin to see if they have set up an ambush!"

"Yes!" The four Huohuang people responded in unison.

By now, they have seen the light.

"Don't be careless, be careful!" Jiandie reminded.


Huohuang immediately went to check the control authority of the cockpit, and soon he replied: "It is not open!"

Jiandie sneered, escorted Sun Hong up and said, "As the supreme commander, give me your highest authority!"

Sun Xun hesitated slightly.

"Actually, you have nothing to hesitate!" Jiandie said with a smile, "If you really wanted to sacrifice yourself for the Munken Star Fleet, you could have activated the previous main ship to self-destruct long ago, but you didn't, which means you still want to If you want to survive, then don’t hesitate and open up your permissions.”

Sun Xun sighed slightly, and then followed Jiandie's words and opened the highest authority of this battleship.

After Jiandie obtained the highest authority, he took Sun Hong to his escape cabin and transferred his island monument to this large battleship.

"Boss Jiandie, we have checked everything and found no ambush, but we did not see Fire Phoenix's escape cabin."

Hearing this, Jiandie looked at Sun Xun and asked, "Why is there still an escape hatch missing?"

"Huo Huang's escape cabin has been dismantled a long time ago, otherwise how could his island monument appear in my cockpit?" Sun Hong explained hurriedly.

Jiandie ignored Sun Xun, but directly called a Munken star soldier over and said: "Contact your first mate, I have something to communicate with him!"

"Yes!" the soldier responded.

Twenty of them were thrown directly to these survivors by the first mate, which meant giving up on them.

Now that they have been given up, they can only obey Jiandie and the others' orders honestly.

After the connection was connected, the vice-captain frowned and said, "We have followed your request. When did you release our captain?"

"Well, it's not urgent. I still have a problem here. Fire Phoenix's escape cabin was dismantled by you. Is this correct?" Jiandie asked.

The deputy captain nodded slightly and replied: "That's right!"

"In this case, let's compensate for a large battleship!" Jiandie said lightly.

Hearing Jiandie's words, Huohuang's eyes lit up slightly, and the other three were also a little excited.

Before the deputy captain could speak, Sun Hong decisively refused: "No! If you insist on asking us to add a large battleship, then just kill me!"

The deputy captain also said at this time: "If you continue to push forward, then we can only annihilate you and the large spacecraft here!"

Seeing that Sun Xun and the others were extremely resolute, Jiandie pondered for a moment and replied: "At least it's a small warship. If it doesn't work, let's start a fight! Anyway, it's not a loss if we drag a captain to die together!"

The vice-captain hesitated, but seeing that Sun Hong had no objection, he immediately said: "Okay, it's just a small battleship. You must release our captain immediately!"

"This will definitely not work. We agreed before that I have to ensure my own safety before I can release your captain." Jiandie replied, "Send the small battleship over first!"

"Okay, if our captain loses even one hair, I swear I will hunt you down indefinitely!" the vice-captain said solemnly.

Jiandie shrugged nonchalantly and replied: "Then you may not have a chance. I only want money and not hurt people's lives."

Soon, the vice-captain arranged for a small battleship to be sent over.

"Go check and see if there is any problem!" Jiandie ordered.

"Yes!" The four Huohuang people responded in unison, and then walked out.

About twenty minutes later, the four Huohuang people turned back.

"No problem, even the highest authority has been opened to us, and it has been docked with this large battleship!" Fire Phoenix replied in a deep voice.

Jiandie nodded slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "Fire Phoenix will drive the battleship and leave here immediately!"

"Yes!" Huo Huang responded.

Jiandie turned around and continued to say to the deputy captain: "We will take your captain forward for a while and then put him down. You wait ten minutes after we leave to pick him up. If you If he goes ahead of time, I will immediately activate the tracking bomb and kill him! Do you understand?"

"I object. Doing this will put our captain in danger!" the deputy captain immediately objected.

"The objection is invalid. I will put him down in a very open place." Jiandie replied forcefully, "I will arrange several detection satellites to monitor your movements. You cannot destroy them or shield them. Once the detection satellites are abnormal, , I will also kill your captain immediately."

"Hmph, don't worry. Since we have agreed to your request, we will not go back on it. Our planet, Munken, values ​​morality the most!" the vice-captain replied in a deep voice.

"That's best, we have a happy cooperation!" After Jiandie said that, he ended the call. At the same time, he contacted the marketing department of Yiranpin Alliance on the island monument, purchased five detection satellites, and released them.

"Island owner, Jiandie just purchased five detection satellites from us!" Feng Menglong immediately reported to Xiao Yihui.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then said: "It seems that Jiandie and the others have succeeded!"

Jiang Yuntian sighed with emotion: "Is this Sword Butterfly so strong? It can really escape from the Menken Planet Fleet."

"It is indeed very strong, but they just caught the Munken Star Fleet by surprise. If they know Jiandie's superpower and are prepared, Jiandie will not be easy to succeed!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said.

Jiang Yuntian thought for a while and said: "If Mengken Planet is decisive and survives with a broken arm, maybe Jiandie and the others can be left behind!"

"That's right, but Jiandie and the others probably held a high-ranking official hostage, otherwise, they wouldn't have succeeded so easily." Xiao Yi speculated.

"That's definitely the case. If someone holds our island owner hostage, no matter what the price, we will redeem him!" Du Kang said from the side.

Su Wan glared at him: "If you can't speak, just speak less!"

"That's right, the person who can hold our island owner hostage hasn't been born yet!" Sun Gudao echoed from the side.

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and replied: "Don't talk too much!"

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