Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2157 Leave the work to others and wake up before and after

"Since you said so, don't blame me for bullying you!" Du Kang said while holding back his energy.

"Okay, since you both have no objections, I will be the referee." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

He very much hopes to see his men compete for the top spot.

With games, they will have motivation, and they hope to stimulate Du Kang's potential this time.

Du Kang has always been the most talented person in the Yi Ranpin League.

Even Xiao Yi is not as good as him. In the first stage, Xiao Yi copied Du Kang's S-level absorption talent.

Xiao Yi now has a good talent.

Hearing that Xiao Yi had made the decision, Zhu Wu immediately said: "Island Master, my team is very mature, so I applied to stay here to practice, but it will definitely not affect the business of Comet Merchant."

"You don't need to apply for this. As long as you arrange your work, you can sleep every day!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Thank you, island owner!" Zhu Wu said happily.

Hearing Zhu Wu's application, Du Kang was dumbfounded: "Wocao, Lao Zhu, you are cheating. You practice all day long, but I can only practice after work! This is not fair!"

"Okay, Zhu Wu hasn't even mastered his superpower yet, yet he dares to compete with you. You've already taken advantage of him!" Xiao Yi said with a smile, "Besides, Zhu Wu can be a hands-off shopkeeper, can't you? If it really doesn’t work, it only means there’s something wrong with your team building!”

"Okay, I understand!" Du Kang said through gritted teeth, then turned and left the restaurant.

Zhu Wu also left.

After leaving the restaurant, Zhu Wu immediately called Zhao Baishui.

"Old Zhao, you will take over all affairs of the Comet Merchant in the next week. I will stay with the island owner and practice hard." Zhu Wu said straightforwardly.

Zhao Baishui was startled for a moment, then immediately responded: "Yes!"

When he first came to Zhu Wu, Zhu Wu said that sooner or later the work here would be handed over to him.

Now Zhu Wu has fulfilled his promise.

"If you are unsure about anything, you can contact me in time." Zhu Wu continued.

"Okay!" Zhao Baishui responded.

"You are responsible for preparing the things that need to be prepared for this trip to the Maitou Galaxy." Zhu Wu said, "When you are ready, send me the details."


After explaining all this, Zhu Wu hung up the phone, applied for a high-level concentration pill, and returned to the bedroom to start practicing.

Zhao Baishui breathed a long sigh of relief and then began to prepare. This was the first time he had done this alone.

After Du Kang returned to his office, he also began to assign work. Sun Gudao and Qin Feng naturally knew about his competition with Zhu Wu.

"Don't worry, we'll leave things here to us. If you practice hard, you can't lose to foreigners!" Sun Gudao replied.

"That's right, we must win and crush him!" Qin Feng also said.

Du Kang nodded slightly, and then said in a deep voice: "I will never lose!"

After handing over the work, Du Kang also received a high-level concentration pill and returned to the bedroom to start practicing.

And because the competition between Du Kang and Zhu Wu also inspired other people's enthusiasm for cultivation, everyone worked harder!

This is what Xiao Yi wants to see.

After breakfast, Xiao Yi went straight to the alchemy room and used the material doubling card to create the exact same Shennong alchemy furnace.

"After Sun Yao and the others awaken, if they awaken the fire element, then you can give one of them to them!" Xiao Yi thought to himself, then turned and left the alchemy room.

Back in the cockpit, before Xiao Yi could check the message on the island monument, he received a call from Sun Yao.

After Xiao Yi answered the phone, he smiled and asked, "Are you going to report good news to me?"

"Unfortunately, this is bad news." Sun Yao's somewhat frustrated voice came over the phone, "I must have awakened the wood element!"

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, then comforted him: "It's okay, just let the wood element be the wood element. It's already a good thing to be able to awaken!"

"Oh, this is really worrying!" Sun Yao said helplessly.

"What about Wei Bo? Has he awakened?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

"So far, not yet!" Sun Yao replied.

"Then you should be happy. You awakened earlier than Wei Bo. This shows that your qualifications are good!" Xiao Yi said.

"Now I can only comfort myself like this!" Sun Yao said helplessly.

At this moment, Wei Bo's voice suddenly came out on the other end of the phone: "I'm awake. Judging from the color, it should be the fire element!"

They are just awakening and cannot control their powers, so Wei Bo doesn't dare to guarantee it.

Sun Yao's face suddenly fell.

"You must be sent by God to attack me!" Sun Yao looked at Wei Bo with a look of resentment.

Wei Bo scratched his head and replied with a smile: "You woke up earlier than me."

"Does it count if it's a few minutes earlier?" Sun Yao rolled his eyes and said.

"Of course!" Wei Boy replied righteously.

Sun Yao was completely helpless: "Island Master, you should have heard it already, so I won't convey this good news to you again."

"This is indeed good news. Isn't it the same whether you two have awakened the fire element!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Can these be the same? One can use your alchemy furnace, and the other can only use ordinary methods to refine alchemy." Sun Yao sighed and replied.

"I have prepared the alchemy furnace for you. When you can control the superpower, I can trade it to you." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"It's not prepared for us, it's prepared for Wei Bo. I'm not worthy..." Sun Yao replied, but he suddenly reacted, "Island Master, this Shennong alchemy furnace can be most effective if you place it with you. No need to Let’s trade.”

"It's okay. I just got a material doubling card today. I doubled the alchemy furnace directly, so I can give it to you to use." Xiao Yi explained.

Sun Yao was stunned for a moment, and then became even more sad. From now on, he could only watch Wei Bo use the alchemy furnace. What a cruel thing it was.

Wei Bo on the side was extremely surprised when he heard the news.

Wouldn't he be the only one to use this alchemy furnace from now on?

"Practice hard and try to control your powers as soon as possible." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Yes!" The voices of Sun Yao and Wei Bo came from the other side.

After ending the call, Xiao Yi became thoughtful.

"Sun Yao and Wei Bo actually woke up, front and back. Is there any underlying pattern?"

The biggest difference between Sun Yao and Wei Bo and others is that they are studying medicinal herbs and elixirs.

Memory medicine requires a lot of energy.

And refining elixirs tests one's patience and the meticulousness of observation.

Training your mind in daily work should promote awakening.

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