Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2158 Exercise your brain, challenge the rules, and trade

"So, everyone still needs to use their brains more in the future!" Xiao Yi muttered.

Only by using your brain to remember and think about those delicate things can you truly exercise your mental strength.

This may increase the probability of awakening.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi immediately sent a message in the mobile chat group.

"Wang Yang, here you can find some games to exercise your brain, including but not limited to memory, reasoning, observation, etc."

Everyone was stunned when they saw the news sent by Xiao Yi.

"Island Master, what are you doing? Are you planning to cultivate the most powerful brain?" Sun Gudao asked curiously.

"Yes, we are busy practicing now, how can we have time to play these mental games!" Qin Feng also said in the group.

"The news just came from Sun Yao. The two of them have all awakened. Their daily cultivation time is much shorter than yours. They need to identify herbal medicines, cultivate herbal medicines, refine elixirs, etc. These are all things that need to be occupied. It took a lot of time, but they only woke up after practicing for less than a day. I think there are rules to follow!" Xiao Yi explained.

"Island Master, do you mean that if you can train your brain to be stronger, it will awaken faster?" Sun Gudao asked in surprise.

Xiao Yi replied: "Well, this is just my guess. You all should test it. You should also deliberately practice your memory at work."

"Yes, Island Master!" Zhongre responded one after another.

Xiao Yi explained it so clearly, so naturally they would not continue to hesitate.

Even if you fail, your brain has been exercised, so it’s not a loss anyway.

Xiao Yi put down his mobile phone and looked at the public channel of Dao Bei.

"I have successfully killed a tentacle and harvested a lot of incomplete insect corpses, which can be exchanged for some money!"

"The brother upstairs is so fierce. He actually provoked the tentacles made of insects?"

"I told you yesterday that I would definitely try it once, didn't you see?"

"Well, I was busy working in my field yesterday and didn't pay attention to the message on the island monument."

"Is your escape pod big? You still need a day to do the work in the fields."

"It's just a small spaceship. It's really not big, but it still takes a lot of time to work on."

"Wucao, boss, I'm sorry, I thought you were just an escape capsule, but it turned out to be a small spaceship."

"There are a lot of survivors with small spaceships now, and I'm not even considered a boss!"

"Are all big guys so humble?"

"Have everyone already obtained the spaceship? I'm not the only one left with an escape capsule, right?"

"Don't be so anxious. More than 80% of them are still escape hatches. It's absolutely impossible for them to all be from spaceships."

"Yes, those who dare to show off on public channels must be spaceships. It's just that an escape capsule will basically not speak. This is the survivor bias."

"That's right, let's see if there is any breakthrough from the boss Yi Ranpin. Then buy one from the boss!"

"It's probably difficult. No matter how much you break through, you can't go beyond the rules of this world, right?"

"Yes, the rules of this world have determined that upgrading to a micro-ship requires tens of millions of foundation stones and secret gold. No matter how big a boss makes a breakthrough, the resources required will never be small."

"That's not necessarily true. You see, you can buy a micro-ship for just 8 million from Yiranpin. This shows that the boss must have found a way to reduce the upgrade cost. I don't believe that the boss will do business at a loss."

"That's right, so the boss is really awesome and can actually challenge the rules of the world!"

"During the first stage, didn't the rules of the world provide very difficult challenges for survivors like this? Why do I no longer feel the same when I get here?"

"No more? You are overthinking it. If nothing else, those first-level civilization fleets are all targeting the big guys, not to mention those difficulties that we don't even know about!"

"I wonder if you still remember that Zhu Wu once said in the group that Boss Yi Ranpin cleared the first stage in less than 130 days?"

"Don't everyone think that's a rumor?"

"Now it seems that it is not necessarily certain. Boss Yi Ranpin is too strong. With his development speed, he can really lead other survivors to quickly pass the first stage."

"If that's the case, will we also be led by Boss Yi Ranpin to quickly pass the second stage?"

"This is probably going to be difficult!"

"Why? There aren't many people in our galaxy right now. It should be easier for the big guys."

"It's very simple. We have different lengths of time in the first stage, but we can enter the second stage at the same time. This shows that the time flow rate of each of our races in the first stage is inconsistent, but when we come here, all races are together. , Brother Zhu can also travel between different galaxies, so our time flow rate is the same."

"so what?"

"Survivors in all galaxies must develop to a certain level required by the world's rules before they can enter the next stage. Do you know how many such training grounds we have? No matter how strong the boss is, he is only one person after all, and it is impossible to carry him. So many survivors are moving forward together.”

"There is also the possibility that there is no next phase."

"Who knows, anyway, try to survive as much as possible!"

"We seem to have lost our conversation again. Shouldn't we be talking about the Zerg thing?"

"Yes, yes, that brother just now, did your attack on the tentacle go smoothly?"

"It's going well. First use the escape hatch or weapons on the spacecraft to remotely interrupt the tentacles until they can no longer extend, and then eliminate them piece by piece."

"Sounds good, I'll try it too!"

Many survivors found a small meteorite block with only one tentacle and tested it.

According to the method of the survivor just now, they really succeeded!

"Yes, this method is good. I also harvested a lot of incomplete insect corpses."

"Me too, but the price for Yiranpin Alliance to acquire these insect corpses has become lower."

"This is inevitable. As more and more insects are killed, the price of insect corpses will become lower and lower."

"I suggest you set up your own stall!" Xiao Yi suddenly spoke, "Now everyone has killed more bugs, and some people have revealed equipment manufacturing diagrams. You can put them on the shelves yourself and sell them to those who have obtained the manufacturing diagrams and need these raw materials. Survivors, the price can definitely be higher."

"Boss Yi Ranpin's character is really unparalleled. He actually gave us suggestions on how to get rid of these insect corpses. Thank you so much, boss!"

"Yes, the boss's method is good. It is targeted and can naturally sell for a higher price."

Those survivors who found insect corpses immediately chose to sell them on their own shelves.

However, most survivors still choose to list their items on the trading floor of Island Monument.

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