Sun Hong was stunned when he saw the message from Xiao Yi.

He hurriedly explained: "We are all first-level civilizations, and everyone's speed is about the same."

"I know, as long as you take action and fly directly to the treasure location indicated on your star map, it will be fine." Xiao Yi replied firmly again.

Sun Xun frowned slightly, but he quickly reacted.

"This Yi Ranpin is really difficult to deal with!" Sun Xun muttered in a low voice, and then ended the call with Yi Ranpin. Sun Xun raised his head from the island monument and asked, "Have the arrangements been made for the fleet to return to the home planet?"

"Basically arranged, ready to go at any time!" a staff officer replied.

"Then let them set off and pay attention to safety!" Sun Hong immediately ordered.

"Yes!" The staff officer should have left.

Sun Hong gave the order again: "After the fleet returning to the home planet leaves, we will immediately approach the treasure location."

"Ah? Captain, do we really want to chase other civilized fleets?"

Sun Xun nodded slightly and replied: "We are not chasing, we are just approaching the treasure location, maybe we can meet other civilized fleets!"

"How is this possible? It's definitely not an excuse that we can't catch up. We really can't catch up!"

The staff officers looked at Sun Xun doubtfully.

"What if the treasure will move towards us?" Sun Hong said helplessly.

Hearing this, all the staff members were shocked.

"Captain, do you mean that Yi Ranpin will fly towards us?"

Sun Xun nodded and replied: "Only in this way can we attract the fleets of other civilizations."

"It's impossible for us alone to cope with the fleets of several civilizations!" a staff officer said with a frown.

"Let's sail slowly first, at least to deal with Yi Ranpin." Sun Xun shook his head and said, "Take a video of our progress and show it to him when the time comes. It will be an explanation."

"Yes!" everyone responded.

"But what if we meet Yi Ranpin's fleet first?" A staff officer proposed a situation.

And there is a high probability that this will happen.

The Munken Star Fleet and the Yi Ranpin Alliance Fleet are heading towards each other, and they must meet first before other civilized forces.

"If we meet the Yiranpin Alliance, then just eat them. This is our goal."

"Eat them? Are you sure we can eat them?"

"That's right, if you look at the high-end weapons they provide, we still have a gap."

"I'm still a little worried that this Yiranpin Alliance will eat us."

Sun Hong also frowned. This was indeed a problem.

But there seems to be no particularly good solution at the moment, so Sun Hong said: "Anyway, it will still be some time before we meet. Let's think about it carefully. After we have a clue, we can sit down and discuss it together."

"Yes!" everyone responded.

At this time, the fleet of Planet Munken was divided into two parts, among which a dozen large battleships flew in the direction they came from. These were to return to their home planet.

Most of the remaining ships continued to fly in Xiao Yi's direction.

Now that he has decided to stay in this galaxy, Sun Hong will have time to slowly spend time with Jiandie and the others.

"Hello, fellow survivors, I am Sun Xun, the captain of the Munken Planet Fleet. We kindly want to help everyone develop. Unexpectedly, Jiandie actually teamed up with four other survivors to rob our ship. It's really disturbing. Disappointed, I hereby issue a wanted order in the galaxy. If you can help find Sword Butterfly, we will reward you with a large space battleship. In addition, our Munken star fleet continues to recruit survivor brothers. If you are interested, please chat privately. If you are the one!"

Sun Hong sent out such a message on the public channel, and all the survivors became excited!

"Wucao, this Munken star fleet is really rich. Can you give away a large warship as soon as you say it?"

"Not at all. His wanted order is no different than a bad check."

"Yes, the Chaos Galaxy is so big, how is it possible to find traces of Sword Butterfly? Besides, even if you encounter a large battleship, you can't be sure whether it is Sword Butterfly inside!"

"What's more, we have to help Planet Munken catch the Sword Butterfly. This is even more difficult than climbing to the sky. It's better not to do it!"

"When you said this, I realized that this Munken star is completely addicted to talking."

"However, the survivors have robbed us of this once, and they still want to recruit us as their younger brothers? This is too ambitious!"

"If you seek refuge this time, you will really be surrendering yourself to a trap."

"Yes, if we go this time, Sun Xun will definitely kill the survivors as soon as possible. This is the safest way."

Seeing this, Sun Hong said: "We really want to help everyone develop. As long as you are obedient, we will never hurt you."

"Let me see if there are any innocent survivors who choose to go there?"

"Well, maybe there's always someone who's missing a bone in their head!"

At this time, someone suddenly chatted about Sun Xun privately on his island monument.

"Hello, I am Dainas, the leader of the Daina clan. I came from other galaxies. I have fought with Yi Ranpin several times before. I know some of their situations. I wonder if you need them here!"

Sun Hong's eyes brightened when he saw the news, and then he immediately replied: "How do I know if you are a survivor?"

"Actually, no matter who I am, as long as the information is true, that's enough, isn't it?" Dinas replied.

Sun Xun was startled for a moment, then nodded and said, "That's true. Do you have any requirements here?"

"I don't have any demands here. I just want to cooperate with you and bring down the Yi Ranpin Alliance. That's all. I have fought with him several times before and the hatred has been forged, so let's beat him to death! "Dai Nasi said in a calm tone.

Sun Xun narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said: "How was the situation in your previous battles?"

"The slight disadvantage is mainly due to the fact that they have the island monument!" Dinasi replied with a smile.

"Oh? Does that mean you can't beat the Yi Ranpin Alliance?" Sun Xun raised his eyebrows slightly and said.

"You can say that!" Denasi did not deny it.

Sun Hong thought for a moment and asked, "Why do you think I will cooperate with you?"

"It's very simple. We have the same goal, and you also need to know the approximate strength of the Yiranpin Alliance!" Dinasi said confidently.

Sun Xun nodded slightly, and then asked: "Do you think we can defeat them?"

"It's very possible, because you are a first-level civilization. Although Yiranpin has many high-end items, it lacks the corresponding foundation. It is like a castle in the air. As long as we join forces, we can definitely win the Yiranpin Alliance." Dai Na Si said confidently.

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