It's not that Dynasty is really confident that they can defeat the Yi Ranpin Alliance together, but if they want to convince Sun Xun, they must be confident.

"Then let me tell you the intelligence information on your side first, and then I will decide whether to cooperate with you or not!" Sun Hong said.

Dainas immediately told Sun Hong all the information he knew, with almost no reservations.

"Based on our recent battles, it can be seen that most of the ships of the Yiranpin Alliance are spaceships. The truly offensive ships include four small space battleships and four medium-sized aircraft carriers. The others are equipped with weapons on the spacecraft. , that’s all!” Dinas concluded in the end.

Sun Xun narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you sure these are just the offensive ships? Maybe the Yi Ranpin Alliance has some reservations?"

Denasi smiled slightly and replied: "Although I have lost these few battles, it is definitely not the kind of defeat that was crushed. It was just a slight weakness, so the Yi Ranpin Alliance did not dare to make a big move."

Sun Hong began to think deeply.

Dinasi continued: "But one thing I want to explain is that the Yiranpin Alliance is developing very fast. I can see their strength growing every time they fight. If you want to start a war, then be decisive and not delay. Otherwise, Then be an ally with him, and when he becomes stronger, I hope he will let go of his allies."

"I understand. I need to discuss it here and will reply to you in two hours." Sun Hong ended the chat after saying this.

Sun Hong had already released all the chats he had with Dynasty. When the staff saw this chat, they expressed their opinions one after another.

"I think it is better to maintain a good cooperative relationship with Yiranpin Alliance. It is too risky for us to attack them."

"That's right, if we don't succeed, it will be difficult for us to purchase items from the Yiranpin Alliance in the future!"

"Maybe the Yi Ranpin Alliance has other trump cards, and it may even be the trump card that crushes us. I don't recommend starting a war with the Yi Ranpin Alliance."

"Actually, I'm a little worried about this guy named Dinasi. Is what he said true? What if he is the person Yi Ranpin arranged to come here to test us?"

"So, our first task is to confirm whether what Dynasty said is true, because our subsequent discussions will all be based on this fact."

All the staff members nodded.

Sun Hong was also a little worried. He had no way to confirm whether this information was true!

At this time, Dynasty sent him another private message.

Sun Hong opened his private channel and found several videos.

"Let's all come and take a look!" Sun Hao greeted.

All the staff members were summoned and the video was turned on.

The video was shot from the perspective of a certain battleship, and the opponent's ships can also be clearly seen.

"Is this a battle between the Dai Na clan and the Yi Ranpin Alliance?"

"It should be, the two ship styles are indeed different."

"What are the chances that Sun Xun himself faked a video?"

"It feels unlikely. Even if it is forged, it will require a lot of supplies. If they come from other galaxies, the supplies will definitely not be sufficient. Forging such a video is not worth the gain, because he cannot guarantee that we will definitely cooperate with them. ."

"That's right, so these videos can basically be confirmed to be true. They corroborate what Sun Xun said before. In other words, what Dainas said is basically true."

"The only uncertainty now is whether Dinas is hiding something. If he hides important information that may be decisive for the battle, then we will be in danger when we fight!"

Sun Hong thought for a moment and then said, "If he hides it, what good will it do to him?"

"It's very simple. The snipe and the clam compete with each other and the fisherman gets the advantage!"

"But he doesn't know the true strength of our alliance with Yi Ranpin at all. How does he know that we will both lose?"

"Even if it doesn't hurt both sides, it can definitely consume one party's strength, which is beneficial to him no matter what."

"In this case, can't we just let him take the lead?" a staff officer suggested.

"Good idea. As long as they take the lead, we will cooperate with them. If they refuse, forget it. We won't lose anyway. Just maintain the trading relationship with Yiranpin Alliance."

Sun Xun nodded slightly and said, "Okay, then I'll ask Dainas first."

Back in front of the island monument, Sun Hong sent a private message to Dinas: "Hello, because a lot of information cannot be confirmed to be effective, so if you agree to take the lead in fighting the Yiranpin Alliance, we will agree to cooperate. Otherwise, Forget it.”

Dainas frowned when he saw Sun Xun's message.

The group of elders on the side also saw this information and started discussing.

"This Munken Star is really shameless. We have provided so much information, and now we are saying that our information is not true."

"That's right, I shouldn't have given the information to them if I had known it earlier. I was so kind as to feed the dog!"

"This is within our expectations. If they choose to cooperate with us without any doubt, then we need to be more careful."

"Now is not the time to complain about them, but the time to make a choice." Dinas looked at the elders and said in a deep voice, "What do you think we should choose?"

"If we don't cooperate with them anymore, let us take the lead. If they betray us, we will be attacked from both sides."

"Yes, it's too dangerous for us."

"But if we don't cooperate with them, we may never have a chance to defeat the Yiranpin Alliance."

"Yes, according to the current intelligence information, there are many more advanced equipment in the Yi Ranpin Alliance. If we can capture it, our civilization will definitely reach the first level civilization in one fell swoop, and may even surpass the first level civilization. "

After hearing this, everyone was moved, but some of the more cautious elders still raised objections!

"Although the benefits are great, the risks are even greater. If we don't operate properly, we are in danger of being destroyed. If our fleet is destroyed, no matter how great the benefits are, it will be in vain!"

"Yes, you can't be blinded by interests, you must also have a clear understanding of your own strength."

Dinasi listened to the discussion of the elders, thought for a while, and said: "Cooperation is definitely necessary, but we must also be prepared for the possibility you discussed."

All the elders said in unison: "The patriarch is wise!"

"We can take the lead, but we definitely don't agree to be between the two of them." Dinas said in a deep voice.

All the elders nodded.

Because the clan leader has set the tone and must cooperate, these elders immediately began to discuss cooperation.

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