Zhu Wu, who was eating in the restaurant, felt his heart suddenly sink. He murmured doubtfully: "Is it because I have been practicing too hard recently? My body can't bear it? It seems that we really need to balance work and rest."

After finishing the meal, Zhu Wu felt that he became restless and something was not right!

Zhu Wu immediately found Xiao Yi.

"Island Master, why do I feel a little uneasy after dinner?" Zhu Wu said with a frown.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled and asked with a smile: "Is it because you didn't have a good rest yesterday?"

"I rested very early yesterday and didn't practice all night." Zhu Wu shook his head and replied.

Xiao Yi frowned after hearing Zhu Wu's answer.

After pondering for a while, Xiao Yi asked: "Are you already feeling restless during dinner?"

Zhu Wu was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Yes, just when I was eating dinner, my heart suddenly sank, and then I started to feel restless."

Xiao Yi thought for a while and said: "At that time, Zhao Baishui and the others had just left our galaxy. I was worried that they might be in trouble."

Zhu Wu was stunned again, and then asked: "No, is there really telepathy?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "Not sure. At first we thought there were no powers in this world, but now? So, after awakening, there may really be some telepathy."

"Then who did I sense? Zhao Baishui?" Zhu Wu twitched the corner of his mouth and asked.

He didn't want to be telepathic with a grown man.

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and replied: "Who said there must be telepathy with other creatures? It may also be something very important to you, such as your island monument."

"Island owner, you mean, there is something wrong with my spaceship?" Zhu Wu asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"In this case, why don't we just contact Zhao Baishui directly and ask?" Zhu Wu said and was about to walk to the inter-galaxy communicator.

But after taking two steps, he immediately realized that the inter-galactic communicator on his spaceship had been given to Three-Eyed Boy.

If Zhao Baishui and the others were in the space between the two galaxies, there would be no way for Xiao Yi to contact them.

"Before Zhao Baishui left, I was saying that when they came back, I would definitely give them another inter-galaxy communicator, but it turned out that we urgently need this thing now." Xiao Yi sighed with emotion.

Zhu Wu said in a deep voice: "It's okay. The space between the two galaxies is just over two hours of travel. Let's wait a little longer!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, then walked to the inter-galaxy communicator and asked to connect with the Jie coins in the Maitou galaxy.

Jiebi answered the connection request immediately.

"Island owner, do you have any business contacting me at this time?" Jiebi asked in a deep voice when he saw Xiao Yi's serious face.

Xiao Yi replied: "Please help me pay attention here. Once Zhao Baishui arrives in your galaxy, ask him to contact us immediately."

"Yes!" Jacky responded, then he frowned again and asked, "Is there something wrong with the inter-galactic communicator on their spaceship?"

"No, Zhu Wu left the inter-galactic communicator to the three-eyed guy in the Domi Hot Galaxy. Now they don't have an inter-galactic communicator on their spaceship." Xiao Yi explained.

Jie Bi nodded slightly, and then asked in a low voice: "Did they have any problems?"

"I'm not sure for the moment, but Zhu Wu is uneasy on my side." Xiao Yi replied.

"Zhu Wu can still sense the safety of his own spaceship?" Jie Bi asked, his eyes widening.

"Not sure, we'll find out later. Zhao Baishui has left our galaxy for more than an hour. According to the previous situation, he will be able to reach your galaxy in about an hour. Please pay attention here!" Xiao Yi shook his head and said.

"Yes!" Jie Ji responded, and then passed on the order.

"Island owner, Zhao Baishui and the others are flying with the comet, there should be no problem!" Jie Bi did not hang up the connection, but continued to ask.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly and said: "Anything can happen here, and nothing is absolutely safe."

Jacky nodded in agreement.

Zhu Wu did not go back to practice, but sat in front of the island monument and waited for news about Zhao Baishui.

When I was practicing, I never felt that time passed so slowly.

But this hour now, he felt extremely uncomfortable.

An hour passed, and a connection came from Jiebi: "Island owner, Zhao Baishui and the others haven't arrived yet."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then replied: "Well, wait a moment."

Ten minutes, twenty minutes, half an hour...

As time passed by, Xiao Yi and the others' hearts slowly sank.

"According to the previous situation, they should have arrived!" Zhu Wu said with a frown.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said, "It seems that your induction is correct."

"If you follow the comet, will you encounter other civilized forces?" Zhu Wu felt a little incredible.

"It's possible, but I feel it's more likely to be other crises. This universe itself is very dangerous!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"Then what should we do?" Zhu Wu was a little anxious.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly and said helplessly: "There is nothing we can do now, we can only wait."

With the current ships of the Yiranpin Alliance, it is simply impossible to catch up with the comet. They can only wait for the comet to appear again and hope that some spacecraft will survive, so that they can know what happened.

Zhu Wu sighed helplessly and said, "I should just follow them."

"Even if you follow along, you probably won't be able to avoid this situation. You don't have to blame yourself. Just wait and see!" Xiao Yi comforted.

Zhu Wu nodded. He did not go back to continue practicing. Instead, he sat in front of the inter-galaxy communicator, waiting for news from Jie Coin.

Du Kang also did not go to practice and was waiting in the cockpit.

Another hour passed, and there was still no news about Zhao Baishui from Jiebi.

Xiao Yi exhaled and said, "Sitting like this all the time is not an option. You can go back and rest. If there is any new news, someone will notify you as soon as possible."

Zhu Wu shook his head and said: "Even if I go back, I won't be able to rest well, so I'll just wait here!"

Xiao Yi had no choice but to let him stay here.

"Don't worry, Zhao Baishui and the others will definitely be fine!" Du Kang took a bottle of beer and handed it over.

Zhu Wu took it and put it on the table beside him without drinking it.

"Do you think other civilizations will directly destroy the comet?" Zhu Wu asked.

"Probably not. Who would do such a thankless thing? This comet does not threaten other civilizations." Du Kang shook his head and replied.

"What if they see the fleet following the comet?"

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