Hearing Zhu Wu's words, Du Kang was not sure. After all, some indigenous civilizations came for their survivors.

What's more, this universe also follows the laws of the dark jungle. If it lacks strength, it will be swallowed up by advanced civilization.

Du Kang opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

Just when everyone was about to give up waiting, Jiebi suddenly connected and said: "Island Master, they are here!"

Xiao Yi glanced at the time, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening.

It has taken more than two hours longer than before!

"Transfer Zhao Baishui over immediately." Xiao Yi ordered.

"Zhao Baishui is not here. I have already connected with the second person in charge, Lu Qin. Let him report the specific situation to you!" Jie Bi replied, then used the computer to connect to Lu Qin, and placed the computer across the galaxy. In front of the communicator.

When Lu Qin saw Xiao Yi on the screen, he was so excited that he almost cried.

Who would have thought that the comet merchant, who has always been safe, would encounter another comet?

The two comets also made a close encounter.

"What's the situation of your fleet?" Xiao Yi asked in a deep voice.

Lu Qin immediately told everything about the situation he encountered before.

Xiao Yi and others were completely stunned.

In the vast universe, what are the chances of two comets colliding?

Xiao Yi felt that this probability was infinitely close to zero, but it happened in front of Zhao Baishui and the others.

He would never believe it if there was no mastermind behind the scenes!

"In other words, the debris produced by the collision of two comets hit Zhao Baishui's spacecraft, causing their spacecraft to break away from the gravity of the previous comet and fly away with the other comet?" Xiao Yi concluded.

"Yes!" Lu Qin nodded, and then continued, "At that time, I saw that more than half of Team Zhao's spaceship was smashed flat."

Although Lu Qin didn't say any more, Xiao Yi already understood what he meant.

Zhao Baishui is in danger!

"How are the people on board your five spaceships? Are there any injuries?" Xiao Yi asked.

"Thank you, the island owner, for your concern. No one on our five spaceships was injured, but some were slightly damaged, which does not affect navigation." Lu Qin replied respectfully.

Xiao Yi pondered for a moment, and then ordered: "You have no island monument and no teleportation array here. You need to plan your next life carefully. When you return to the Chaos Galaxy, we need to see where the closest location is to us. , and then we can determine whether the island monument or teleportation array can be sent to you."

Lu Qin nodded and responded: "Okay, I understand, this means that we have to persist for at least three days. If the island monument and teleportation array cannot be delivered, then we may have to survive independently for a long time."

"Yes, but don't worry, I will definitely find a way to send the island monument or teleportation array to you." Xiao Yi comforted.

"Well, we believe you!" Lu Qin said in a deep voice.

"There should be planting cabins on all five of your spaceships, right?" Xiao Yi continued to ask.

"Yes, we have grown foods with short maturation cycles." Lu Qin replied.

"Okay, if you have any problems, you can contact us through Jie Coin. Although we cannot provide supplies, we can provide some feasible solutions." Xiao Yi finally said.

"Well, we got it!"

After contacting Xiao Yi, the personnel on these five spaceships finally found their backbone and no longer panicked.

"Let's stop temporarily and let Wang Yang chat with these people. If there are any relatives and friends in the fleet, you can call them over." Xiao Yi ordered.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded, and then conveyed the order.

The fleet of Yi Ranpin Alliance stopped immediately.

The Munken star fleet, which had been staring at the Yiranpin Alliance, immediately discovered their actions.

"Report, the Yiranpin Alliance has stopped!"

When Sun Xun heard the news, he was slightly startled: "Why did it stop suddenly? Share this news with the Dai Na clan!"


After receiving the news, Dinas immediately stopped the fleet of the Dinas family.

"Then Yi Ranpin won't find us, right?" an elder said with a frown.

"Probably not. We are so far away from them, there is no way they can detect us."

"That's right, there are no detection satellites of the Yiranpin Alliance found around."

Dinas thought for a moment and said, "Maybe they have other things. Don't panic. Even if they are discovered, if he comes, we will temporarily retreat."


After the Yi Ranpin Alliance's fleet stopped, they immediately opened a wormhole to the independent planet space and informed Wang Yang about the situation of the comet caravan.

Wang Yang was also extremely surprised: "They encountered such a small probability event?"

"Yes, you go and comfort them now, let their relatives and friends come over, chat for a while, and relieve their anxiety." Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, island owner, please rest assured, leave it to me!" Wang Yang responded.

After Xiao Yi ended the call, he frowned and thought deeply.

How can we rescue them?

There is no island monument and no teleportation array. Now we can only exchange information.

More importantly, now that the comet has been smashed into a piece, its volume and mass have changed, and its current trajectory will definitely change from before.

"Island owner, now we can only rely on the intelligent space robot to drive the spaceship to meet the comet." Zhu Wu suggested, thinking of his previous operation of replacing the large spacecraft.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said: "The problem now is that we have to find the comet's new trajectory, and we have to wait for it next to that trajectory. Otherwise, it is impossible for our current ships to catch up with the comet. "

"But there is another question. What if we are far away from the comet's trajectory?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown.

"Then we can only mobilize other survivors to help." Xiao Yi replied.

"What if the other survivors are also far away?" Du Kang said.

"Then we will fly there by ourselves. Although it will take a long time, we will get there one day!" Xiao Yi replied firmly.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly and said, "It seems like this is the only thing for now!"

Du Kang suddenly said: "Since we are going to let the spaceship with the island monument go to meet the comet, why not start now?"

Hearing Du Kang's words, Xiao Yi and others looked at Du Kang in confusion.

"Our current idea is to have a spacecraft with an island monument or teleportation array approach the comet and be captured by it. This can also be done in the Maitou galaxy!" Du Kang explained.

Xiao Yi frowned and thought for a moment, then said, "Do you mean to ask other survivors to help us do this?"

"I'm afraid no one will be willing to do this, it's too dangerous!" Zhu Wu said with a frown.

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