After installing the anti-gravity system and stabilization system, Jiebi also specifically explained to Qiyu how to better control these two systems.

"The anti-gravity system is mainly used to resist the gravitational pull generated by the comet. The stabilization system allows you to accelerate unscrupulously and even ignore some collisions!" Jiebi finally said.

Qiyu nodded slightly and responded: "Okay, thank you, boss! I will meet the comet in about half an hour. If I can be successfully captured by the comet, I will tell you the good news in time!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work!" Jiebi replied.

After ending his communication with Qiyu, Jiebi immediately sent a message to Lu Qin, the current person in charge of the Comet Merchant Fleet.

"Attention, in half an hour, there should be an escape capsule rushing towards the comet. Don't attack. If he can be successfully captured by the comet, you will be able to trade supplies with us soon!" Jiebi reminded. .

"There are survivors rushing towards the comet. Isn't this too dangerous?" Lu Qin felt a little incredible.

Jie Bi explained: "The island owner has issued a reward. If they are willing to help us deliver the island monument to the comet, then we will reward them with a large spaceship."

"The island owner is so kind to us!" Lu Qin was very moved.

"Well, if those seven feathers are successfully captured by the comet later, you must also cooperate with each other." Jie Bi warned.

"Yes!" Lu Qin responded.

Following the comet's flight trajectory, Qiyu found the path where the comet was about to fly, and he stopped directly on the edge of the path.

When he saw the comet flying over, he immediately accelerated and retreated at full speed.

With the speed of his escape capsule, Comet would definitely be able to catch up. Qiyu flew like this just to reduce the intensity of the impact.

At this moment, Nanabao saw the spaceship orbiting the comet.

"It's really possible that this is the comet!" Qiyu's eyes lit up.

This means that as long as he can successfully become a satellite of the comet and help contact the Yiranpin Alliance's fleet, he can get a large spaceship from the Yiranpin Alliance.

Thinking of this, Qiyu immediately concentrated on controlling the anti-gravity system.

He could neither fully open the anti-gravity system, so that the comet could not capture him, nor could he not open it at all and be pulled to the surface by the comet. His escape capsule could not withstand such an impact.

The comet was getting closer and closer. Qiyu already felt that his escape capsule was being attracted by the comet, and his speed began to slowly decrease.

But soon the comet passed him by.

Bang, Qiyu heard a loud noise, and his whole body was slapped against the bulkhead.


Qiyu spit out a mouthful of blood, and he immediately turned off the anti-gravity system completely. The entire escape capsule was pulled by the huge gravity again, and the speed increased again.

"Didi, the escape cabin is seriously damaged, please repair it in time!"

The alarm in the cabin blared loudly.

Qiyu endured the severe pain and came to the island monument and chose to repair it immediately.

The damaged position was immediately restored to its original state.

Then he began to adjust his attitude and became a satellite of the comet.

Qiyu took a long breath, and then contacted Jiebi on the island monument.

"Boss, fortunately, I have become a satellite of this comet. I just saw a fleet, but I don't know if it is your alliance's fleet!" Qiyu said.

Jie Bi had already received the news from Lu Qin, so he replied: "Our fleet has also seen you. Now our fleet will arrange a ship to complete the docking with you. When I am here, I will send you the information." After the Island Monument’s spaceship is traded with you, our fleet will take that spaceship away, do you understand?”

"Okay, I understand." Qiyu responded immediately.

"Keep in touch, my spaceship is almost here!" Jiebi said, "When it gets close to you, it will flash its lights according to the pattern of two long, three short, and one pause. If you see a spaceship with flashing lights like this, just choose Let’s connect.”


Qiyu soon saw a large spacecraft slowly approaching him, and the lights on it flashed in the same pattern as Jie Ji said.

Without hesitation, he directly docked his escape capsule.

"Boss, I have completed the docking and can trade!" Qiyu immediately told Jiebi.

Lu Qin also reported the same content.

Jie Bi immediately traded an escape cabin with an island monument.

Qiyu agreed to the deal, and the escape cabin immediately appeared next to Qiyu's escape cabin, and Qiyu grabbed it with a mechanical arm.

But after he caught it, he didn't make any unnecessary moves. Lu Qin immediately arranged for a team of five people to leave the cabin and prepare to log into the escape cabin that Jiebi had just traded for.

There were no accidents this time. The five people successfully boarded the escape cabin and occupied the island monument.

After completing all this, Lu Qin immediately reported to Jiebihui: "Sir Jiebi, we have successfully obtained the escape cabin and can conduct material transactions."

Jie Bi nodded slightly, and then said: "For material transactions, you communicate with Chang Yi first, and I have to fulfill our promise with Qi Yu!"


Jie Bi breathed a long sigh of relief, and then told Xiao Yi the good news on the inter-galaxy communicator.

"Island owner, Lu Qin has already obtained the island monument, so supplies are no longer a problem." Jie Bi said with a smile.

Xiao Yi breathed a sigh of relief and said, "That's good. You can decide what to do with the survivor who helps us. As long as his request does not exceed the value of a large spaceship, you can make your own decision."


Zhu Wu on the side also breathed a sigh of relief, but then frowned again.

There is no problem with these fleets that are still following Comet, but there is no news from Zhao Baishui yet.

Xiao Yi patted him on the shoulder and said, "I believe Zhao Baishui will be able to turn the crisis into good. Let's go and rest first. We can only wait for the news now."

Zhu Wu nodded slightly, then got up and walked to the bedroom.

In the Maitou galaxy, Jiebi is communicating with Qiyu.

"Thank you for helping our Yiranpin Alliance this time. How are you going to choose the reward you promised before?" Jiebi asked.

While Qiyu was thinking, Jiebi said in the public channel: "Hello everyone, someone has helped us solve the fleet's dilemma, so everyone should not continue to take risks. At the same time, the supplies brought by the fleet will be delivered quickly. It will also be sold on the online market!”

"Wucao, who is so fierce and can finish it so quickly?"

"Boss, isn't this just a marketing ploy?"

"It's very possible that the reward for a large spaceship is actually just a gimmick to attract everyone's attention!"

"Probably not?"

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