Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2174 Advertising, I want to join the Yiranpin Alliance

"Maybe, this is also an advertising effect, which makes their Yiranpin Alliance's online market more famous."

"This kind of marketing method is really advanced!"

Jie Bi was too lazy to talk nonsense to them and directly played the video of Qi Yu being captured by the comet.

Naturally, it was the video taken by Lu Qin and others through spy satellites.

Seeing Qiyu's escape capsule hit the side of the comet hard, everyone's heartbeats slowed down by half a beat.

"This is too lifeless!"

"Sure enough, wealth can be found in danger. I wonder if this brother can still enjoy wealth?"

"Of course, because I'm still alive!" Qiyu immediately spoke on the public channel.

"Is the brother upstairs the one who helped Yi Ranpin Alliance?"

"Well, he is seriously injured now, but he probably won't die!" Qiyu replied.

"Wucao, brother, you are so fierce. How can you survive such a collision?"

"It was also a fluke, but I still have to thank the Yiranpin Alliance. They rented me two artifacts, one is the anti-gravity system and the other is the stabilization system. Without these two systems, I would definitely not be able to complete this mission, and I would even Take your own life." Qiyu replied.

"What kind of system is this? It sounds so advanced!"

"Does the Yiranpin Alliance even have this? Why not sell it?"

"Yes, good things like this should be shared!"

"You two lunatics upstairs, have you got something good to bring out? Are you asking others to bring it out?"

"However, I believe that the Yi Ranpin Alliance will definitely sell these high-end equipment in the future."

At this time, Qiyu had already thought about it and replied to Jiebi: "I don't want a large spaceship. I only have two requirements."

"What's the request?" Jie Ji was stunned for a moment, then asked.

"First, I want to join the Yiranpin Alliance, and second, help me heal my injuries." Qiyu replied in a deep voice.

Seeing these two requests, Jie Ji was stunned again. Did he really not expect Qiyu to make these two requests?

"Join the Yiranpin Alliance. I can't reply to you here. Please wait a moment and I'll ask the island owner for instructions." Jiebi replied.

"Yeah!" Qiyu responded.

Jie Bi once again contacted Xiao Yi on the inter-galaxy communicator.

Xiao Yi hasn't gone back to rest yet.

"What's wrong?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

"Back to the island owner, Qiyu doesn't want the reward of a large spaceship, but offers to join our Yi Ranpin Alliance and help him heal his injuries?"

Xiao Yi was also stunned, and then replied with a smile: "No problem, I agree to let him join the alliance. He was injured just to help us. We are responsible for the treatment, as it should be. But now Mimi can't go there, and there is no way." Give him treatment!"

Jie Bi thought for a while and said: "Island owner, let's do this. We want to help him survive with high-grade water and food, and then let him follow the fleet back to the Chaos Galaxy, so that you can let Mimi Go to treatment!"

"Well, okay, just do as you say!" Xiao Yi responded.

After ending the call with Xiao Yi, Jie Bi immediately replied on the island monument: "Welcome to join our Yi Ranpin Alliance!"

Seeing the news, Qiyu said in surprise: "Did the island owner agree?"

"Yes, but your injuries will have to wait. Our alliance's medical machine is in the Chaos Galaxy. Just follow the comet back. When you return, I will naturally treat you!" Jiebi nodded slightly and said.

"Okay!" Qiyu responded.

"During this period, we will provide you with top-quality water and food." Jie Ji continued.

Qiyu widened his eyes and asked, "What did you say? Top-quality water and food?"

"Of course, is there any problem?" Jie Ji asked in confusion.

"With top-quality water and food, there is no need to look at my injuries. I will recover quickly!" Qiyu said speechlessly.

"Then we have to let the medical machine check it." Jie Bi said with a smile.

"Thank you very much, boss, the island owner!" Qiyu responded.

Jie Ji thought for a moment and asked, "Are you still ready to leave Comet?"

"What do you mean?" Qiyu asked doubtfully.

"What I mean is, if you are not ready to leave, then become the comet merchant of our alliance!" Jiebi replied.

Qiyu frowned. To be honest, he didn't want to do this job.

According to what Jie Bi said before, the fleet encountered another comet impact this time, causing a spacecraft to lose contact.

The collision of two comets is terrifying to think about!

Jie Bi seemed to know his doubts, so he said: "What happened this time was indeed very unexpected, but our Yiranpin Alliance will definitely find a way to prevent such accidents."

Qiyu asked in a deep voice: "What if this kind of accident is arranged by the rules of the world!"

Jie Bi was a little surprised. He didn't expect Qiyu to think of this.

No survivor who can enter the second stage is a fool.

However, his worry was not unreasonable. Jie Bi did not continue to persuade, but said: "What you are worried about may happen. I just make a suggestion. If you don't want to, you don't have to join the comet merchant's fleet." !”

After Qiyu thought for a while, he asked: "Am I only able to receive examination and treatment from the medical machine when I go to the Chaos Galaxy?"

"That's the case for now. The treatment machine must stay in the base camp." Jie Ji nodded and said.

"Okay, I'm willing to join the Comet Merchant's fleet!" Qiyu replied decisively.

This confused Jacky, so he just agreed?

However, it was a good thing that he agreed. Jiebi felt that the fleet flying with the comet still needed a survivor to be in charge.

"Okay, just stay docked on the current large spacecraft. Only after you return to the Chaos Galaxy and confirm the microbial differences between our two races can we live together." Jiebi said.

"Okay, I understand." Qiyu responded.

At this time, someone summoned Qiyu in the public channel.

" @Qiyu, brother, has the Yi Ranpin Alliance fulfilled their promise to reward you with a large spaceship?"

"Yes, yes, we want to know too."

Qiyu immediately replied: "Of course I fulfilled my promise, but I didn't want that large spaceship."

"What? Are you stupid! You gave up such a good opportunity to get a large spaceship?"

"What you did gives me reason to suspect that this is still a show put on by the Yi Ranpin Alliance."

"Yeah, there's no reason for you to give up."

"Three people upstairs, don't be so anxious. The reward was mentioned before, a large spaceship or an item of equivalent value. Maybe Qiyu chose a small spaceship. A large spaceship cannot be controlled by one person!"

"That's very possible!"

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