"What is the goal of those bugs? Don't tell me, tell me?"

"If you want to know, go buy the information yourself. Don't keep thinking about whoring for free!"

"That's right, to be honest, this information only costs 25 cornerstones and dark gold, which is already very cheap."

"Yeah, it's really worth it!"

Seeing the discussions among these survivors, those survivors who had not purchased the information could no longer hold back and began to purchase the information one after another.

Zhao Baishui finally sold more than 120,000 pieces of information.

This number is basically consistent with the number of survivors in this galaxy.

Seeing such good sales, Zhao Baishui was in a good mood. He once again reminded on the public channel: "Everyone should pay attention to the power problem of their spacecraft. The electromagnetic railgun is an electric tiger. If the power is insufficient, it is very likely that one shot will drain you." The spaceship’s power is so powerful that it can’t even fire a single cannon.”

Seeing this reminder from Zhao Baishui, the other survivors were stunned for a moment.

"Huh? No, isn't it? Does the electromagnetic rail gun consume so much electricity?"

"Um, Brother Zhu, why didn't you tell me earlier? If you had told me earlier, I wouldn't have bought it. Now my electricity is not enough for daily use."

"Are you sure you won't buy it after knowing this? The electricity will definitely be sufficient in the future, but it is not certain whether Brother Zhu will sell this weapon in the future!"

"That's right, no matter what shortcomings it has, it's better to buy it first!"

"I just tried a shot, and the nearby meteorite was directly broken into pieces. The power is indeed extraordinary. However, my power is only enough to fire one shot, and I have to accumulate it for a long time before I can fire another shot."

"What you said made me think about it, can you do it?"

"I'm a man who does it seven times a night, how could I not do it!"

"Seven bragging rights in one night?"

"This tastes a little too strong."

"I'm talking about serious bragging!"

"Is it serious to brag about your awesomeness? No matter whether you are really awesome or not, in my opinion it is not serious!"

Seeing that the public channel was starting to go awry, Zhao Baishui shook his head helplessly, then got up and walked to the bedroom.

Now he can rest assured. Coming to a galaxy with survivors is much better than wandering in space.

I also met a younger brother from the previous island owner. Although this younger brother was a bit shameless, he was at least an acquaintance.

A night of silence.

The next day, Xiao Yi got up at five o'clock. Instead of going to practice immediately, he contacted Amelia Su first.

"Is there any news about Zhao Baishui and the others in the middle of last night?"

Su Wan replied helplessly: "No!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work. You should go and take a rest first!" Xiao Yi said.


Xiao Yi hung up the phone, thought for a moment, and then started today's practice.

Two hours later, Xiao Yi finished practicing and walked to the restaurant, signing in for today on the way.

"Sign in successfully and receive the reward: Micronuclear Fusion Reactor Template (SSS Level)*1."

Seeing this reward, Xiao Yi was stunned.

I already have a cold nuclear power plant, why did I give myself this reward?

"Micronuclear fusion reactor template (SSS level): It can be used to manufacture micronuclear fusion reactors to output energy safely and stably."

"Is this the miniaturization of a nuclear power plant?" Xiao Yi muttered as he walked into the restaurant.

Today's restaurant is different from before. There were many people eating breakfast at this time before, but today Jiang Yuntian is the only one.

"Where are the others? Haven't they come for breakfast yet?" Xiao Yi asked casually.

"We've all finished eating, let's go to the cockpit!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "Everyone is more worried about Zhao Baishui."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Jiang Yuntian continued to ask: "Island Master, shall we continue moving forward today?"

"Well, keep going. If we stay where we are, we will be overtaken by those first-level civilizations." Xiao Yi replied in a deep voice.

"Okay, I will give the order to continue sailing." Jiang Yuntian responded, and then started operating on his mobile phone.

Xiao Yi also quickly finished his breakfast and rushed to the cockpit.

"Island Master, there is no news from Zhao Baishui yet!" Zhu Wu said worriedly.

"Perhaps no news is the best news." Xiao Yi replied, "I gave them a divination yesterday, the Tianze Lu divination, which turned bad luck into good luck. They should be fine!"

"Divination?" Du Kang was stunned for a moment and said, "Island Master, when did you learn fortune telling?"

Xiao Yi glanced at him and replied: "If you study Tao Zang carefully, you will find that there is a divination method in Tao Zang!"

"Is there still this in Daozang?" Du Kang asked with his eyes widened.

"Go find it yourself! Su Wan has sorted out all the Dao Zang, and I have proofread it here. You can borrow it freely." Xiao Yi replied.

Jiang Yuntian and the others focused on the content of the training at first, and paid no attention to the rest because they had no interest.

Just like Sun Yao and Wei Bo, apart from practicing, they only focused on the alchemy techniques that interested them.

"Yes!" Du Kang responded, and then muttered, "It seems that I have to put all Daozang into my head in the future!"

"Brother Jiang, you still need to pay more attention to the surrounding situation. Release more spy satellites. We can't have any more problems here!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Island Master!" Jiang Yuntian responded, then seemed to suddenly think of something, and then asked, "Island Master, are there any new weapons today?"

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "No."

Jiang Yuntian frowned: "It seems that we haven't obtained new weapons for a long time."

"Not only that, but the island owner's quadruple state seems to have not appeared for a long time?" Du Kang answered.

Xiao Yi was startled for a moment, then nodded and replied: "It seems like it's been a long time. However, this situation is something that can only be met by chance. There is nothing we can do about it."

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, everyone should do whatever they need to do. If there is any news about Zhao Baishui, I will share it with you as soon as possible!" Xiao Yi clapped his hands and said.

"Yes!" Everyone responded in unison, and then dispersed.

At ten o'clock in the morning, Su Wan returned to the cockpit again.

"Why didn't you sleep more?" Xiao Yi frowned and said when he saw Su Wan walking in.

"I'll take a nap at noon!" Su Wan responded with a slight smile.

"Alright!" Xiao Yi responded.

"The mechanical structure intelligent analyzer just now prompted that the template for the satellite-class battleship is ready."

Amelia Su took out a scroll and handed it over.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then he immediately took the scroll handed over by Su Wan in surprise.

It is exactly the same as the template scroll I usually draw. I have to say that this mechanical structure intelligent analyzer is really amazing!

However, Xiao Yi reacted immediately: "You were woken up by this reminder, right?"

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