Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2182 Decompose large spacecraft and create satellite class

"It's not like I was woken up by the beep sound of the analyzer. I didn't sleep well during the day." Su Wan replied with a smile.

"Well, let's go to bed early tonight!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said.


Xiao Yi picked up the template of the satellite-class battleship and walked towards the island monument.

"It has been detected that you have harvested a satellite-class battleship template. Do you want to use it?"

Seeing the island monument prompt, Xiao Yi immediately chose to use it.

Then in the manufacturing interface, Xiao Yi saw the manufacturing options for satellite-class battleships.

"Brother Jiang, you are responsible for manufacturing this satellite-level battleship!" Xiao Yi ordered, and then shared this template with all affiliated island monuments.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded and walked out.

Xiao Yi opened the wormhole, Jiang Yuntian flew in on a spaceship, and then Xiao Yi closed the wormhole again.

Satellite-class battleships are manufactured in independent planetary spaces in order to hide their own strength.

After Jiang Yuntian arrived on the Chaos Star in the independent planet space, he looked at the raw materials needed to build a satellite-level warship on the island monument here, and then rushed to the area where the spacecraft was docked with the super-intelligent decomposer.

Harvest raw materials by dismantling those large, idle spaceships.

It took five large spacecrafts being dismantled in a row to get the raw materials for a satellite-class spacecraft.

Originally, the Yi Ranpin Alliance had approximately 7,000 large spaceships idle.

One thousand ships are planned to be used as entertainment venues, one thousand ships are used for rental, and there are more than five thousand ships left.

Jiang Yuntian thought for a while and decided to break down a thousand ships to create satellite-class battleships.

The speed of the super intelligent decomposer is very fast, and the creation of the island monument is completed in an instant.

Two hundred huge battleships suddenly appeared in the idle spaceship docking area of ​​Chaos Star, which was more than four times the size of the large spaceship.

The guards on the side saw this scene and started talking quietly.

"Why is this spaceship bigger than a large spaceship?"

"This should be the new spaceship template our island owner just got!"

"It feels like it's not a spaceship. It has more weapon slots than a spaceship."

"That's right, looking at so many weapon slots, I feel very safe!"

"But how much raw materials does such a large spaceship require?"

"I just saw a lot of large spaceships turned into raw materials. They must have used that decomposer. The things in the hands of the island owner are really advanced."

"Yes, our alliance has a new high-level battleship, so we will be safer!"

"That's right!"

Those guards were extremely excited. Every time they saw a new high-level equipment appear, they felt that they had reached the peak.

Jiang Yuntian ignored the comments of the guards and said to Wang Yang beside him: "Immediately arrange for ship engineers to study the parameters of these satellite-class warships, and I will also arrange for soldiers to actually drive and become familiar with this kind of warships. We will work together to determine the parameters of this satellite-class battleship as soon as possible and input them into the game warehouse, so that we can conduct training faster!"

"Yes!" Wang Yang responded in a deep voice, then turned around and gave instructions to the engineers behind him.

When the engineers saw such a huge satellite-class battleship, they could no longer contain their excitement. Before Wang Yang could finish his words, they rushed over one after another.

Wang Yang watched helplessly as the group of fanatical engineers gathered around the satellite-class battleship and began to discuss it.

However, the key things have been told, so it's up to them.

Jiang Yuntian led a team to board the satellite-class battleship, and of course there were several other teams to board several other battleships.

"Start, let's try flying first!" Jiang Yuntian ordered in a deep voice.

Because the Munken Planet Fleet also purchased various advanced equipment such as the gravity system and water circulation system of the Yiranpin Alliance.

Therefore, the template analyzed by the mechanical structure intelligent analyzer also contains these systems.

But those large idle spacecrafts basically do not have these high-end equipment, and the decomposed materials naturally do not have the raw materials for such equipment.

Therefore, when Jiang Yuntian was manufacturing, he still needed to add some raw materials.

The production of these two hundred satellite-class warships basically consumed 80% of the raw materials in stock.

Even so, Jiang Yuntian still wants to build these battleships.

Because if nothing unexpected happens, they will encounter the Munken Star Fleet in about two days, and they will also have to guard against other first-level civilizations they may encounter.

As for the Dai Na clan following them, Jiang Yuntian really didn't take it seriously.

Now that the wormhole in the independent planet space is closed to the outside world, Jiang Yuntian cannot go out to report the situation to Xiao Yi, so he can only participate in the work of getting familiar with satellite-class battleships.

After the satellite-class battleship took off, Jiang Yuntian began to inspect the entire internal space of the battleship. The satellite-class battleship was indeed large, but it was not as loose as a satellite-class spacecraft.

Most of the cabin space is used for weapons and equipment, leaving a lot of living space missing.

After the personnel in each position became familiar with the relevant positions, they immediately began to test various parameters.

Just when Jiang Yuntian was testing various parameters of the satellite-level space battleship he had just created, Xiao Yi had already ordered Amelia Su again.

"Use that mechanical structure intelligent analyzer to generate the template for the inter-galactic communicator!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice, "Push the other templates back."

The reason for losing contact with Zhao Baishui this time was because there was no inter-system communicator.

If they had this communicator, even if something unexpected happened, they should be able to send back a few words instead of being silent like now.

"Yes!" Su Wan nodded slightly, and she immediately generated a cross-galaxy communicator template on the mechanical structure intelligent analyzer and set it in the first place.

After setting it up, she glanced at the time displayed on the instrument and said, "Island Master, it takes eight hours to generate the cross-system communicator template!"

Xiao Yi nodded and replied: "Okay, you can hand over this matter to Feng Qingluan!"

Because eight hours later, it was already six or seven o'clock in the evening. By that time, Amelia Su should have rested, after all, she stayed up all night last night.

Amelia Su did not refuse and responded: "Okay!"

Then she handed the analyzer to Feng Qingluan.

Feng Qingluan was very excited after getting the analyzer. This analyzer had always been placed at Su Wan's place and she had never operated it before.

Su Wan looked at the excited Feng Qingluan and introduced with a smile: "This instrument is very smart. You don't need to do anything else. You just need to look at it. After the template is generated, take it out and give it to the island owner in time."

"Okay, I understand!" Feng Qingluan responded.

After arranging all this, Xiao Yi looked at the public channel again. At this time, the survivors were discussing the Zerg problem again.

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