"The Comet Merchant will not encounter any problems if he flies with the Comet, right?"

"It's hard to say. I think it's very possible that the clan leader is thinking about it, because the fleet of the Yiranpin Alliance has no other actions at all here. It just stopped for a while. There must be problems in other aspects!"

"Yes, there are our people on the Dinosaur Planet watching over there. Everything is normal now and there is nothing abnormal, so it shouldn't be over there."

"It seems that there is really a problem with the Comet merchant!"

"But even if there is a problem with Comet Merchant, they seem to have no way to solve Comet Merchant's problem, right?"

"Yeah, something still feels wrong!"

"Whether there is a problem with the Comet Merchant or not, should we prepare for the next ambush now? According to the current speed estimate, in less than two days, the Yiranpin Alliance Fleet will compete with the Munken Planet Fleet Encounter.”

"That's right, we will be the ones to fire the first shot when the time comes, so the team at the front will be in danger!"

"It shouldn't be too dangerous if we attack by surprise, right?"

"Although we are attacking by surprise, the strength of the Yi Ranpin Alliance cannot be underestimated. We have already suffered several losses in his hands, so we must be very cautious!"

"So the vanguard must be determined to die. At the same time, the Munken Star Fleet needs to be in contact. I hope that when we start fighting, they will provide support as soon as possible!"

"Yes! We can't just do it, they are watching from the sidelines!"

After hearing the discussion among the elders, Denasi nodded slightly and said, "Don't worry, I will contact Sun Xun to explain this matter!"

After another discussion among the Dinas clan, Dinas immediately contacted Sun Xun of the Munken Star Fleet.

"When you and the Yiranpin Alliance fleet are about to meet, we will launch a sneak attack as soon as possible, and you must show up in time to support us!"

"Don't worry, since we have united, we will definitely take down the Yiranpin Alliance. As long as you take action, we will follow suit immediately!" Sun Xun said with a smile, "It is difficult to take down him with our fleet alone. , I am still very clear about this!”

Dinas nodded slightly and said in a deep voice: "If you can't come in time to support us, we will directly detonate the nuclear bomb and evacuate this galaxy!"

Sun Xun narrowed his eyes slightly, Dainas was threatening him!

But he still replied on the island monument: "Don't worry, we will definitely keep our promise!"

After the chat ended, Dynasty told Sun Xun's promise again.

The elder of the Dai Na clan suggested: "Clan leader, although the other party has promised us, I still have to guard against him. I suggest that a part of the team be separated and follow the fleet of the Yiranpin Alliance in other directions. If there is danger, It can also help us tie down the enemy."

Dinas nodded slightly and said: "Then make arrangements according to your ideas, and let all these ships carry nuclear bombs!"

"Yes, please don't worry, team leader!"

Just when the Dai Na clan's fleet separated, Xiao Yi received the news.

"Report to the island owner, the fleet of the Dai Na clan is divided into three parts. In addition to the large force following us, it is also divided into two small teams. Each small team has five medium-sized spaceships, distributed about 500 kilometers on both sides. s position!"

Xiao Yi looked at the information sent by the intelligence department and replied: "Okay, I understand. As long as they don't get close, ignore them and let them go!"

"Yes, Island Master!"

At this time, in the Ford Galaxy, Zhao Baishui had sold out all the items he had brought.

After all, there is only one spaceship and it carries relatively few goods.

Although this galaxy is relatively poor and the price he bought is a bit expensive, there are always a few rich people in a galaxy.

After everything was sold out, discussions began again in the public channel of Ford Galaxy.

"Brother Zhu, you are not very qualified as a Comet merchant. Why did you bring such a small amount of goods?"

"Yes, all the goods have been sold out before I even made a move!"

"Brother Pig, is there any next batch? I have relatively few resources, and it will probably take some time to accumulate them before I can buy those high-end items!"

"Yes, I also want to ask Brother Zhu, when will you go back to restock?"

Zhao Baishui saw the news in the public channel and said: "Don't worry, everyone, as long as the trajectory of this comet does not change, I will definitely come back, but the specific time is not guaranteed at the moment. This is the new project we have just opened. When the new business line matures, there should be no shortage of goods, so please be patient and wait!"

"No, Brother Zhu, I'm preparing to do something big just to buy your goods, and you actually said you don't know how long it will take?"

"If you come back every ten days and a half, I may not be able to survive until then."

"Brother upstairs, you are too pessimistic. No matter how bad you are, you can still hold on for a month!"

"It's not that I'm pessimistic, but after reading the Zerg intelligence that Brother Zhu gave us, I know that the rules of the world are becoming more and more difficult to test us, and I don't have the confidence to persist for too long!"

"Yes, after the Zerg occupied the meteorite belt, even my resource collection was affected, and it will be difficult for me to develop in the future!"

"But the intelligence also said that we can gain from killing these bugs. Maybe if we create a good manufacturing plan, we can turn around!"

"You only see the benefits, but not the probabilities. Brother Zhu's information makes it very clear that the probability of producing a manufacturing plan is very, very low!"

"No matter how low the probability is, it will always happen. Are you willing to give it a try? Even if we don't give it a try, do we have any other options now?"

"Hahaha, yes, although the probability is low, it will always happen. Look what I hit, [Kissing Sword Manufacturing Diagram]*1."

Through the prompts on the island tablet, everyone saw the explanation of the kissing sword manufacturing diagram.

[Kiss Sword Manufacturing Diagram]: A biological weapon with very strong penetrating power. It requires [Giant Mosquito Mouthparts]*10.

"Damn it, brother upstairs, what kind of unlucky luck is this, that you can produce the manufacturing plan so quickly?"

"But it's quite troublesome to make. How long does it take to get the mouthparts of ten giant mosquitoes?"

"Yeah, it's hard to kill even one, but it's so difficult to find ten without harming them. The mouthparts of this kind of insect are so difficult!"

"Although it's too difficult, I finally have hope. I won't say any more. I'm going to fight the Zerg. I hope the goddess of luck will favor me!"

At this time, Zhao Baishui did not take the time to watch their discussion, but looked at the light spot representing himself on the island monument map with surprise.

It seems like I have turned around!

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