Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2185: Turn around, wait, the medium-sized battleship has been killed

"Already turned around and went back!"

Zhao Baishui looked at the display on the island tablet map and felt ecstatic in his heart.

According to the trajectory on the island monument map, it can be clearly seen that his spacecraft has drawn an arc and headed back.

Based on the comet's trajectory, they should leave the galaxy in about eight hours.

I just don’t know if I can pass by the Maitou Galaxy on the way back.

Without passing through the Maitou Galaxy, it would be difficult for him to contact the Alliance, and there would be no way to obtain those high-level items.

This is also the reason why Zhao Baishui did not clearly say before that he would definitely bring back the next batch of goods.

Zhao Baishui shook his head helplessly. Now he had no other choice but to wait and see if he could return to the Maitou Galaxy or Chaos Galaxy again.

Fortunately, this time is not very long, only eight hours, he can wait!

At this time, in the Maitou Galaxy, Jiebi is also constantly asking people to try @Dancing Pig on the public channel.

Since the comet hit the previous comet and took away Zhao Baishui's spacecraft, it means that this comet is likely to be orbiting the Maitou galaxy.

In this case, Zhao Baishui will definitely have a chance to fly back.

The only worry now is whether the comet's trajectory will deviate after the impact, causing it to be unable to come back.

As for the survivor Qiyu who chose to join the Yiranpin Alliance, he could only stay in his escape cabin now because he was not sure whether the microorganisms on his body would affect everyone.

Qiyu's escape capsule was docked on the spaceship of the Comet Merchant Fleet. He ate, slept, and watched the chats in the public channel all day long.

"What about the Qiyu brothers who helped Yi Ranpin Alliance yesterday?"

"It seems like I haven't seen him come out to speak for a long time? Has he been dismissed?"

"Didn't you agree to give him a reward? Brother Qiyu, hurry up and send out the reward for everyone to take a look at!"

Qiyu, who was idle and bored, saw everyone's discussion and said directly: "I definitely haven't received the reward yet. The reason is very simple. I haven't checked the microorganisms on my body. I'm not sure whether it will affect everyone. I just We can wait and see, but don’t worry, I will definitely send it out to everyone when I come back next time!”

"Look, I know this is a blank check. The Yiranpin Alliance doesn't want to give you these rewards at all!"

"Really? Why do I feel that you are deliberately discrediting the Yiranpin Alliance? I personally feel that the credibility of the Yiranpin Alliance is still very good!"

"You care about credibility here. You probably don't know how you died. I advise you not to be so naive!"

"Alas, I discovered that some people are enjoying the convenience provided by the Yiranpin Alliance while at the same time smearing the Yiranpin Alliance. This is just picking up the bowl to eat and putting down the bowl to curse. It's really not a thing!"

"I'm just telling the truth. If you don't want to read it, you don't have to read it."

"Is an alliance from other galaxies worthy of your kneeling down like this?"

"Although it is an alliance of other galaxies, it has brought us so many high-end items, why do you still want to discredit him? Or rather, what good will it do you to discredit him?"

"That is, if the Yiranpin Alliance gets angry, then we will no longer be able to buy high-end items in the future. Do you want to drag everyone to be eliminated with you?"

"No matter what you say, the transaction with Yiranpin Alliance during this period is very pleasant!"

"Everyone should collect more resources during this time! There are many high-end items in the Yiranpin Alliance. Have you bought them all?"

Because of the loss of contact with Zhao Baishui, Zhu Wu was not in the mood to practice and stayed in front of the inter-galaxy communicator.

When Du Kang saw this scene, he shook his head helplessly and devoted himself to his work.

He did not take advantage of this time to practice, so even if he won, he would still feel that the victory was in vain, so he simply worked first and waited for news from Zhao Baishui before the game could continue.

Xiao Yi continued to pay attention to the news in the public channel of Island Monument, but these news were all about the Zerg and the first-level civilization fleet.

"My detection satellite found that those first-level civilization fleets seemed to have changed their direction again. Did the big boss start moving again?"

"It's as if you didn't ask the question. Isn't the boss stupid to stay where he is and wait for death?"

"That is, at least five first-level civilization fleets must go together. No matter how strong the boss is, he must temporarily avoid the edge."

"It's over. I was discovered by the first-level civilization fleet. Two medium-sized warships were separated from their fleet and headed towards me!"

"Escape quickly. It's best to escape into the insect net woven by the Zerg. Your spaceship is relatively small and will definitely have an advantage. If they dare to catch up, the Zerg will make them drink a pot!"

"This is a good idea. There are some spaces where small spaceships can enter without causing a reaction from the Zerg, but larger spaceships cannot."

"Thanks for the tip, boss, I'll get in right now!"

This survivor's aircraft is just an escape capsule.

He easily slipped in through the gap in the insect net, and the two medium-sized space battleships that were chasing after him paused for a moment, and then followed him.

But their battleship was too big, and as soon as it got close to the insect net, it caused a counterattack from the insect!

The insect net quickly turned into a line and wrapped around the two medium-sized space battleships at extremely high speed.

Because the distance was relatively close, the two medium-sized space battleships did not react at all and were entangled.

After entangled in the battleship, the insects on the insect net immediately separated, lay on the battleship and began to bite violently!

The survivors hiding deep in the insect net watched in shock as the two warships began to launch random attacks, but these attacks could not hit the insects on them at all.

In less than a minute, a gap was opened in the two battleships, and the insects lying on the battleships began to crawl into the gap crazily.

At this time, the battleships began to rampage, and a fierce battle must have broken out inside.

It lasted about half an hour, and both battleships fell silent.

The survivors on the side looked at the bugs in stunned silence as they crawled out of the battleship one after another, and then formed tentacles again and connected them with each other.

"The boss really didn't lie to us. The target of these bugs is only the island monument, and they are not interested in spaceships and warships at all!" The survivor secretly thought, followed by ecstasy.

Those bugs are not interested in battleships, but as a survivor, he is very interested!

Looking at the two medium-sized space battleships that had been chewed out with several holes, the survivor's eyes became intense.

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