Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2186 Survivors become fishermen and harvest medium-sized warships

The first-level civilized fleet completely underestimated the combat effectiveness of the Zerg and rashly broke into the attack range of the Zerg net, only to be caught off guard by the Zerg.

Not far away, the main ship of the first-level civilization fleet was shocked when he saw the two medium-sized battleships being quickly eliminated by the Zerg.

"Are these bugs so powerful?"

"We have never been close to them before, so this time we were indeed a little reckless!"

"What should we do now? Should we let that survivor go?"

"We have limited time and can't waste time on the road, so I suggest we keep heading towards the goal!"

"What to do with the wreckage of the two medium-sized battleships?"

"No, the wreckage must still be within the attack range of the Zerg. If we rush over to pull the wreckage, we are likely to lose another ship."

"That's right, even if we can pull it back, we still need to spend resources to repair it. We don't have many resources now. If we don't repair it, carrying these two damaged warships will be a burden. We are not far from the goal. There may be a war It’s a very fierce battle, and there must be no hindrance!”

The people on the main ship of that first-level civilization discussed it and decisively abandoned the two warships that were damaged by insects and continued to move forward quickly.

The survivor who had escaped the disaster was ecstatic when he saw the fleet of the first-level civilization leaving!

But he still waited very cautiously for half an hour, and then carefully flew out from the depths of the insect net.

In order not to disturb the tentacles of those insects, the survivor chose to use a space hook from a far distance to hook back the two destroyed battleships.

Catch the outer ship first. Because the two sides were relatively stationary, the survivor easily caught the outer warship.

He slowly dragged the battleship and carefully observed the Zerg's reaction.

As the battleship was being dragged, the tentacles of the nearby Zerg trembled slightly, but did not launch an attack immediately.

Just this shaking scared the survivors so much that they dared not continue to pull.

He waited until those Zerg tentacles were completely quiet before he dared to try pulling again.

Just like this, slowly, he pulled the battleship next to his escape cabin.

Seeing the medium-sized space battleship so close at hand, the survivor could no longer suppress his excitement and shouted on the public channel.

"Hahaha, thank you to the Zerg Network, thank you to the boss, and thank you to all the brothers who just helped me with ideas!"

"What's going on with the brothers upstairs? Why are you suddenly talking about your acceptance speech?"

"Yes, if you tell me any happy news, let's all be happy together!"

"It's because of you all that I just harvested a medium-sized space battleship, and maybe I will harvest a second one!"

"Wucao, what's going on? Brother, tell me quickly!"

The survivor immediately told him that he was being hunted and hid in the insect net, and that the other party who chased him was eliminated by the insect net, and told him everything in detail.

"No! Is this okay?"

"This is a huge profit! Brother, you can't control two space battleships by yourself, how about selling me one?"

"What he said above sounds like he can afford it. You have to know that what he got is a medium-sized space battleship. It is a ship with special functions. It is more expensive than a medium-sized spaceship. Are you sure you can afford it?"

“If you can’t afford it, you can always ask the price!”

The survivor hurriedly said: "Everyone, please stop talking privately about the price. I have no plans to sell it for the time being, and I haven't harvested the second battleship yet. The other one is closer to the insect net, and I still have You have to think about how to get it back.”

"Oh, I'm so envious. Why can't I encounter such a good thing?"

"Even if you meet someone, you may not have the same result. Don't envy others, just develop honestly."

"Since there is a shortcut to success, I must give it a try and see if I can seduce an indigenous force to beat me!"

"Where are the natives? Come and hit me!"

"This sounds so cheap!"

"I feel like we can really make some use of the fact that the Zerg and the natives are not in the same camp."

"Yes, as long as we can get the two of them to fight, we can profit from it."

While the survivors were discussing, the survivor who was being hunted by the first-level civilization began to try to capture the second battleship.

But the second warship was extremely close to the insect net. When he accurately grabbed the warship and started to pull it, the nearby insect tentacles immediately reacted and wrapped around the warship he was pulling again.

Not only that, the insect tentacles actually spread along the traction rope of the space hook to the survivors' escape cabin.

Seeing this scene, the soul of the survivor emerged. He decisively let go of the space hook and fled behind.

"Too bad for my space grappling claw!"

After closing the distance from the insect net, the survivor said with some regret.

But this time he had harvested a medium-sized space battleship, and he was satisfied.

The survivor wore a space suit and followed the docking passage to the medium-sized space battleship.

There were corpses floating everywhere in the battleship, which was enough to illustrate the brutality of the previous battle.

Fortunately, those bugs only attacked the soldiers in the cabin and did not damage other equipment. He only needed to clean up and repair the gaps that had been gnawed by the bugs before the warship could be put into use.

The survivor returned to his escape cabin again, and there were still people following him on the island monument.

"Brother, have you got the second space battleship?"

Basically, this is the problem. Although he has made it clear that he will not sell it, everyone is still curious about his harvest.

Just like many people ask about other people's salary, even though it is not their job no matter how much the salary is, they still like to ask.

Hearing other people's wages can also satisfy your own curiosity and comparison.

"No, that spaceship was too close to the insect. As soon as I caught the spacecraft, the insect crawled over along the traction rope of my space hook, causing me to give up one space hook." The survivor replied road.

"Still not caught? What a pity, that is a medium-sized space battleship!"

"It's good to be able to harvest one! I think he was right to give up. It would be more troublesome if it got caught by bugs."

"Right now, among the survivors who have medium-sized space battleships, it is estimated that only Mr. Yi Ranpin is the only one. The others at most have spaceships!"

At this time, the survivor did not continue chatting with everyone in the public channel, but privately chatted with the marketing department of Yiranpin Alliance.

"Hello, I want to sell you my escape cabin. How much can it cost?"

Feng Menglong saw this private chat message and immediately replied: "Two million and a half million."

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